I've search through the threads, but not seeing this exact scenario...
After 20 minutes of driving the engine temperature guage tops out at hot and the air blows warm in the cab. Two minutes later the engine temp guage drops to 50% and the air blows cool. This repeated about 8 times until I got it home and back in the garage. The change in temperature is immediate, not smooth. The feel and sound of the engine does not change when the temp guage changes.
My best guess is the thermostat opening and shutting abruptly and not smoothly as designed... though that could be way off. Could be a busted sensor?
Please help!
After 20 minutes of driving the engine temperature guage tops out at hot and the air blows warm in the cab. Two minutes later the engine temp guage drops to 50% and the air blows cool. This repeated about 8 times until I got it home and back in the garage. The change in temperature is immediate, not smooth. The feel and sound of the engine does not change when the temp guage changes.
My best guess is the thermostat opening and shutting abruptly and not smoothly as designed... though that could be way off. Could be a busted sensor?
Please help!