

31 May 2005
Back in June I taped an episode of the TV show ELIMIDATE. It's a dating show where one guy and four girls go out on a date and he eliminates the girls one by one until there is one winner.

The show will air on the WB at 11:30pm this Friday night. Please check your local listings to be sure. This is pacific time.

That's too funny. Two different friends of mine in different cities (DC & San Diego) have done that show. Oddly enough, they both won. This was probably 4 or so years ago.

Anything interesting going to happen on your episode?
How many minutes into the show is the first cat fight? What about the first hot tub scene? How much total liquor was consumed during the taping?

I love that show. The girls are so bitchy towards each other and fighting for the love of a guy they were just set up with 2 minutes before.
Thanks Brian. Congrats on doing your homework. That clip is just a small peice of how entertaining that show is going to be. :wink:

I am not going to give anything about what happens away. You are just going to have to tune in and see for yourself! :tongue:
I've watched it a few times. It is like watching a trainwreck and a cross between the real world and Jerry Springer. :biggrin: One time a local girl that I knew happened to be on the show one of the few times I watched it and made me laugh when she said that her occupation was a swimsuit model when I knew she worked at the mall in a clothing store. :biggrin:
haha perhaps she's a 'swimsuit model' at the Roxy Caberet Shower Show!! LOL!!
After some of the things I heard from a former companion of yours in chat Sunday, it seems that you appearing on this show (or some of the others in the genre, ie 5th Wheel) would fit in perfectly with the type of person you seem to be. I do not mean it as a compliment. :frown:
I just watched the clip too. I have a few questions:
#1: What does it take to be a Pagent winner where you live? I think I could shave my body and take on the girls in that clip! Around this part of the country I do not see those girls taking home any prizes, so Ashley (admittedly the best looking of the bunch, but also obviously catty and snobbish) seem to be the obvious front-runner of this rather sad group.
#2: Did you win? If not, I would slit my wrists, as most times the guys in these things are only looking at the hottest looking girl and could give a rat's ass if you have a personality/can form complete sentences/etc. With that in mind, you should easily be the winner of this "contest", as one of the girls had the body of a 12 year old boy and looked like she was really craving the Marlboro that usually is pursed between her lips, and another was a little too "chunky" for any pagent I have seen (although the guys breast comment might mean it was of importance to him). Hopefully your "runway frown" he mentioned was not a factor in his decision (and based on my experience I doubt it kept you from "winning").
Shumdit said:
I just watched the clip too. I have a few questions:
#1: What does it take to be a Pagent winner where you live? I think I could shave my body and take on the girls in that clip! Around this part of the country I do not see those girls taking home any prizes, so Ashley (admittedly the best looking of the bunch, but also obviously catty and snobbish) seem to be the obvious front-runner of this rather sad group.
#2: Did you win? If not, I would slit my wrists, as most times the guys in these things are only looking at the hottest looking girl and could give a rat's ass if you have a personality/can form complete sentences/etc. With that in mind, you should easily be the winner of this "contest", as one of the girls had the body of a 12 year old boy and looked like she was really craving the Marlboro that usually is pursed between her lips, and another was a little too "chunky" for any pagent I have seen (although the guys breast comment might mean it was of importance to him). Hopefully your "runway frown" he mentioned was not a factor in his decision (and based on my experience I doubt it kept you from "winning").

You forgot the most important winning strategy... giving it up. :biggrin: The best looking often looses to the most slutty. Beer googles do wonders for the other organ. :tongue:
jimmycinla said:
Sorry, but no such thing as "winners" on these shows.

And to appear on these trash shows, one wonders how low these people's self esteems are. I know, I know. You don't need us to get any confidence, blah, blah, blah......
You forgot the most important winning strategy... giving it up. :biggrin: The best looking often looses to the most slutty. Beer googles do wonders for the other organ. :tongue:

Yes, but my understanding is Ashley talks a big game, but does not close the deal. I am not saying this is a good or a bad thing, just what I was told.
Shumdit said:
Yes, but my understanding is Ashley talks a big game, but does not close the deal. I am not saying this is a good or a bad thing, just what I was told.
Oh, I have no knowledge of Ashley or her reputation, I was just speaking in general about the characteristics of the show.

I hope the date went well :biggrin: "One night in ParisModel" :biggrin: :biggrin: J/K
Shumdit said:
I just watched the clip too. I have a few questions:
#1: What does it take to be a Pagent winner where you live? I think I could shave my body and take on the girls in that clip! Around this part of the country I do not see those girls taking home any prizes, so Ashley (admittedly the best looking of the bunch, but also obviously catty and snobbish) seem to be the obvious front-runner of this rather sad group.
#2: Did you win? If not, I would slit my wrists, as most times the guys in these things are only looking at the hottest looking girl and could give a rat's ass if you have a personality/can form complete sentences/etc. With that in mind, you should easily be the winner of this "contest", as one of the girls had the body of a 12 year old boy and looked like she was really craving the Marlboro that usually is pursed between her lips, and another was a little too "chunky" for any pagent I have seen (although the guys breast comment might mean it was of importance to him). Hopefully your "runway frown" he mentioned was not a factor in his decision (and based on my experience I doubt it kept you from "winning").

Yea that one in the red was kinda hard on the eyes. damn. hillary could definetly breast feed us all. :wink:
Everyone has their own taste in looks..but I think Hillary is the BEST looking out of the group. And then I would say Paris and Heather is a tossed up...

So Paris, care to share your experience on camera? Is this show a fake/act?