I just watched the clip too. I have a few questions:
#1: What does it take to be a Pagent winner where you live? I think I could shave my body and take on the girls in that clip! Around this part of the country I do not see those girls taking home any prizes, so Ashley (admittedly the best looking of the bunch, but also obviously catty and snobbish) seem to be the obvious front-runner of this rather sad group.
#2: Did you win? If not, I would slit my wrists, as most times the guys in these things are only looking at the hottest looking girl and could give a rat's ass if you have a personality/can form complete sentences/etc. With that in mind, you should easily be the winner of this "contest", as one of the girls had the body of a 12 year old boy and looked like she was really craving the Marlboro that usually is pursed between her lips, and another was a little too "chunky" for any pagent I have seen (although the guys breast comment might mean it was of importance to him). Hopefully your "runway frown" he mentioned was not a factor in his decision (and based on my experience I doubt it kept you from "winning").