Electric Engine Conversion

21 October 2005
I have been searching for a week to see if anyone has every converted an NSX to all electric. i.e. remove the I.C.E. and replace it with a Electric Motor. It seems like the perfect car for it? It is small, light and generally a great looking car. I can't seem to find anybody else crazy enough to be thinking about it. With the new batteries that are coming out from Toshiba it should be possible to get a 200+ mile range. The simplicity of electric cars conversions is amazing.
Not a bad idea but weight would be an issue. Removing the engine and fuel tank would not give you all that much weight reduction to replace with an electric motor and batteries. Also there is also only 400lb of payload capacity so there is not much head room there to exploit either.
I haven't seen an electric conversion but I heard that there is a NSX to F50 conversion somewhere..

Please start a new thread with a link posted to it if you find it please. :biggrin: :tongue:
blknsxnoc said:
I haven't seen an electric conversion but I heard that there is a NSX to F50 conversion somewhere..

Please start a new thread with a link posted to it if you find it please. :biggrin: :tongue:

I can't stop laughing.
Good one.
That would be an really expensive electric car, most people dont buy an NSX to get good gas mileage, they buy and insight or a prius, you might want to start with a civic or crx... :wink:
Home-brew electrics are not hard to do

fiestawing said:
It seems like the perfect car for it? It is small, light and generally a great looking car.
Even putting cost aside, it does not seem like the perfect car to me. The NSX is light, but not that light. Curb weight is over 3000 lbs. and even after you remove engine, engine accessories, engine oil, transmission, transmission fluid, headers, exhaust, cats, intake, fuel tank and fuel, cooling system and coolant, it will barely be under 2000 lbs.

The curb weight of a K1 Attack is approximately that of a Lotus Elise - just under 2000 lbs. with complete drivetrain. And, I do like the hybrid version built by those high school kids. :)

NSX or no NSX - Good luck in whatever path you take.
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I Grok NSX said:
I'd go with a Flux Capacitor first - from what I hear, they are pretty powerful and fairly small.

Don't forget the Mr. Fusion attachment so we can run it off garbage...
If you want a 2 seater Honda Electric car, why not look at a Honda Insight. It would cost you less to buy an Insight then to modify the NSX to an electric car.

The NSX is electrifying, but it is not meant to be an electric car.
To those who wonder if I'm serious the answer is YES. Last week I was having drinks with a friend who had an NSX for many years. He reminded me that this car was light and a fun car to drive. I'm the President of software development company based in Palm Beach Florida and I want to make statement. The Insight is just to unsightly for me. Even when it is in my favorite color, puke green.

If is funny that some have mentioned the Flux capacitor. BMW has a Hybrid in testing that uses two large capacitors that run the length of the car in place of batteries. I doubt they are Flux capacitors. LOL, but who knows.

I’m current watching on eBay and the Auto Trader for a 91 to 94 NSX with a blown engine do this with. I’m hoping to pay between 7 to 12k for it.
I Grok NSX said:
I'd go with a Flux Capacitor first - from what I hear, they are pretty powerful and fairly small.

Any issues with Jigawatts or top end when using the flux capacitor? I have heard some baaaad things can happen. Who makes it anyway, Comptech?
whatisreal7 said:
I've got a fusion reactor engine I can sell you. One big mac and it'll run a thousand years.
Interesting... just wondering how you're going to get a big mac to catalyst or otherwise fuel a fusion reaction? Now if you said "uranium mac" that would be a different story :biggrin:. I think we should just stick to the flux capacitor for now :wink:.
redshift said:
Interesting... just wondering how you're going to get a big mac to catalyst or otherwise fuel a fusion reaction? Now if you said "uranium mac" that would be a different story :biggrin:. I think we should just stick to the flux capacitor for now :wink:.

Yeah, i think the flux acapcitor is feasible, you see them on Ebay so now and then for sale.
Pretty cheap to.
redshift said:
Interesting... just wondering how you're going to get a big mac to catalyst or otherwise fuel a fusion reaction? Now if you said "uranium mac" that would be a different story :biggrin:.

Uh...uranium is generally a fissile material, not a fusible one. Uranium fusion would be a huge net energy loser and the resulting fusion byproduct would spontaneously decompose as most transuranic elements do. Perhaps you meant "deuterium big mac." Insofar as a big mac is composed almost entirely of elements with atomic numbers at or below iron, the nuclei would sustain fusion, albeit at a far lower mass defect than that of hydrogen fusion.
What are you thinking :confused: And besides, I can't imagine an NSX without the V6 engine noise. And what type of engine mods could you do, a SC'd stator/rotor (SC=super-conducting)? :D
liftshard said:
Uh...uranium is generally a fissile material, not a fusible one. Uranium fusion would be a huge net energy loser and the resulting fusion byproduct would spontaneously decompose as most transuranic elements do. Perhaps you meant "deuterium big mac." Insofar as a big mac is composed almost entirely of elements with atomic numbers at or below iron, the nuclei would sustain fusion, albeit at a far lower mass defect than that of hydrogen fusion.
Haha, yeah that's what I meant :biggrin: ... deuterium mac. I'm a Comp Engineer not a chemist :smile:

Any thoughts on the backward time travel the flux capacitor provides??
whatisreal7 said:
I've got a fusion reactor engine I can sell you. One big mac and it'll run a thousand years.

I'm not trying to be an ass......alright I was trying to be an ass.

Speaking of asses...I think he means the methane gas produced by the Big Mac could run it! :biggrin:

...pull my finger and watch my car go faster!!! :tongue: