Election Day!

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29 August 2011
While the presidential race will be covered and analyzed to death tonight, I still thought it might be fun to have an election night thread. What would be great is to hear about some of your local races/initiatives and how they turn out, and more importantly, what they mean!

Up here in Washington state we have gay marriage rights and marijuana legalization up for a vote, along with an extremely close Governors race. I'll chime back in when we get some results in.
NSX & politics ? :smile:

Hopefully just information...not (combative) opinions.

Example: The marijuana bill here in Washington isn’t a medical marijuana bill, it would actually legalize the sale and possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use. They would tax the sale from licensed distributors and enforce driving infractions in a similar manner to DUI laws. Opinion polls showed it is likely to be approved.

Anybody else have interesting items on their local ballots?
Hopefully just information...not (combative) opinions.

Example: The marijuana bill here in Washington isn’t a medical marijuana bill, it would actually legalize the sale and possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use. They would tax the sale from licensed distributors and enforce driving infractions in a similar manner to DUI laws. Opinion polls showed it is likely to be approved.

Anybody else have interesting items on their local ballots?

I find this interesting. I'm curious to see how its handled with people tranporting it across state lines, or those living on the state line coming into the state where its legal to smoke and then going back home afterwards.

Overall though, I think its really wise to regulate it and TAX it. That's a lot of potential revenue on the table for something that has a much less impact than alcohol does.
I find this interesting. I'm curious to see how its handled with people tranporting it across state lines, or those living on the state line coming into the state where its legal to smoke and then going back home afterwards.

Overall though, I think its really wise to regulate it and TAX it. That's a lot of potential revenue on the table for something that has a much less impact than alcohol does.

It would be handled the same way it is now. Im surprised it hasn't been legalized already. As for the election, Im looking forward to all the BS to be over with.
Our local news is reporting that our Marijuana legalization referendum has passed handily. WA state is now the first state to have fully legal marijuana, now lets see how the Fed reacts.

Our gay marriage referendum is leading (to approve gay marriage) by a slim margin. It would make Washington the first state to approve gay marriage rights by popular vote.
Our local news is reporting that our Marijuana legalization referendum has passed handily. WA state is now the first state to have fully legal marijuana, now lets see how the Fed reacts.

I am sure they will tax the hell out of it, but I am sure the marijuana law will go better than most think. Alcohol is a drug, it's just legal, but a breathalyzer can detect if you drank. How would they test you for marijuana, as it stays in tour system for weeks? I am interested to see how this works out.
I am sure they will tax the hell out of it, but I am sure the marijuana law will go better than most think. Alcohol is a drug, it's just legal, but a breathalyzer can detect if you drank. How would they test you for marijuana, as it stays in tour system for weeks? I am interested to see how this works out.

Blood test for metabolites if you are arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence. That was the big issue that was bothering pro-marijuana people in our state about this law. If you smoked three days ago but get pulled over and tested because the officer suspects you are under the influence, you can get a DUI.
Blood test for metabolites if you are arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence. That was the big issue that was bothering pro-marijuana people in our state about this law. If you smoked three days ago but get pulled over and tested because the officer suspects you are under the influence, you can get a DUI.

Ahhh okay. With all new drug laws there will be snags along the way even as to what the age limit would be. I think once one state figures it out to a T, others might file suit. Regardless Obama is in office again and has no one to blame the last 4 years on other than himself.
Ahhh okay. With all new drug laws there will be snags along the way even as to what the age limit would be. I think once one state figures it out to a T, others might file suit. Regardless Obama is in office again and has no one to blame the last 4 years on other than himself.

Our state has the 21 year old limit in place. I haven’t looked at the other states with marijuana on the ballot as to what age they had in place. I wouldn’t be surprised to see 18 as the cut off.
MN is voting to require photo ID at the polls and also whether or not to amend the constitution to limit the definition of marriage to 1 man and 1 woman.

I find it alarming that some states DON'T require an ID to vote. That just an opportunity for lots of voter fraud. SMH.

I am sure they will tax the hell out of it, but I am sure the marijuana law will go better than most think. Alcohol is a drug, it's just legal, but a breathalyzer can detect if you drank. How would they test you for marijuana, as it stays in tour system for weeks? I am interested to see how this works out.

Easy, field sobriety tests.

The US has officially come to an end. Buckle up folks, its going to be a bumpy ride.

Quit overreacting. I voted for someone other than the two main candidates. It's not the end of the world.

Now tomorrow, back to business as usual.
I find it alarming that some states DON'T require an ID to vote. That just an opportunity for lots of voter fraud. SMH

Pennsylvania stated that voters will be asked to show I.D., however it is not required. Like you said an open door for fraud some states just don't prompt you for it. I voted for Gary Johnson as I disagree with the two mains.
this country is gonna go "up in smoke":wink:...our local Pa elections had nothing special...just the same ol egomaniacal rich enough to not have to work a real job politicians.......begging for love.....The Dems had a very strong get the vote strategy.They targeted the most important electoral college heavy states.If you look at the US map in red/blue you would think Romney had won.....but far from it.
I see this as cut and dry. Regulate it and tax it. Think about the money spent fighting it. Medical use. It grows 3x faster then corn and produces more sugar content, this may make ethanol more sustainable. You can make clothing and paper (For the save the rainforest fokes). This will be Americas #1 cash crop in a few years. Other states will follow when they see the revenue savings and benefits of the legalization of marijuana. It is far less destructive then any other drug on the market. Its non addictive. No adverse side effects. Cures glaucoma. Has never been proven to ever cause any cancers and if used with a vaporizer releases next to no carcinogens if any. (THC is carried off the bud by water vapor naturally present in the plant)

Just like big oil put a squash on hydrogen. Big paper put the squash on hemp.

There are already process put in place to tell if someone is under the influence. It should be no different as drinking and driving. But I will say this i would much rather have someone stoned out of there goard driving at me then someone that is under the influence of alcohol. Thats for sure. Its also imposable to die from to much marijuana. Not the case for prescription drugs over the counter medication or alcohol. As a correction officer it would make my life that much easer if it was legal. Stoned people dont rob banks don't start fights, don't rob or kill people for their next fix. They sit on their couch eat munches and watch reruns of the office. Im mean seriously why the hell is it not legal everywhere. Hell it's the only reason people have ever heard of Amsterdam. Think of the tourism and the business that surround and rely on it for survival. Hell Top Olympians, presidents, Drs, lawyers, cops are users and it dose not effect there every day life unless they get caught and charged. Time to wake up. Your kids are using lets be real. I would like to see a poll answered honestly without naming names or putting people out there on blast who has or hasn't tried it at one point in their life. I bet a lot will be surprised.
It can be psychologicly addicting....what is the difference between a driver drunk and a driver stoned?
There's a reason for the electoral college, it represents more accurately the votes of people bc it accounts for population density. All that other map shows is the majority of America is rural or suburban areas. I'm sure you know, and you're just pointing out its interesting to see how it's misleading.
Pennsylvania stated that voters will be asked to show I.D., however it is not required. Like you said an open door for fraud some states just don't prompt you for it. I voted for Gary Johnson as I disagree with the two mains.

I voted for Gary Johnson too.
of course ,the color just shows real estate.......Republicans will need a young charismatic person going forward...I hope Washington can get some cooperation and bypartisan bills passed in the next 4 years.
you're just pointing out its interesting to see how it's misleading.
Actually - no.
I think it is interesting because it shows how math shapes the elections.

For those who don't know, this election boiled down to a few targeted areas and those targeted areas only. It is an interesting topic and if you want to learn a little more about it Google "Nate Silver" as a nice starting point. You can also look closely at the map I linked and consider what issues would be important to people in those targeted counties. Then re-watch the presidential debates and connect the dots.

I also think that understanding this concept also helps to shed light on voter apathy which is an interesting conversation to have. I believe that both sides of the political spectrum can benefit from discussions on the democratic process.
It can be psychologicly addicting....what is the difference between a driver drunk and a driver stoned?

Most people can focus, you don't loose you motor skills / equilibrium, like alcohol. I know kids that play COD all the time lifted and you don't see it effect their reaction time. You would never know. Some play better believe it or not are more focused and cautious. You can function stoned unlike alcohol. Anything can be psychologically addicting. Haven't you watched my strange addiction if you have an addictive personality you will have some sort of draw toward a vice. Hell if you're a coffee drinker and don't get you're morning cup you get a headache. Right. That's a physical addiction. Will you kill for it... maah not likely:biggrin: Heavy users may notice a restless nights sleep for one night after quitting. A lot of users will quit for a month or two because its effects decrease because you build a tolerance to the active ingredient.

On another note its sad that a few cites in the US can decide an election. Winning an election is all about appeasing those specific targeted regions. Dose your vote matter? Living in NY and being a republican, I feel no my vote will never matter under our current system and its sad. I feel the president should have to answer to all the people not just the ones that have the most voting power. Another 4 years of nothing is what I see ahead. What has changed? All of a sudden we are all going to work together. I don't see that happening republicans are going to tie obamas hands until the next election. All the Dems need to do is put more people on the voting pay roll to win.
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