Election Day!

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indeed thats the best way to look at the proccess ..in reverse...you can then apreciate the science of a presidential election.The dems at thier convention talked about specific topics on social issues esp important to woman..the republicans mostly talked in general terms about rewarding success and small government.......Is it a coincidence that the auto bailout helped the local economy of Ohio.......did anyone stop to think how that Obama borrowed our tax dolars to avoid proper bankruptcy precedings for the auto industry to insure his reelection in certain key states........oops I'm starting to sound like Vance....:tongue:
This election won't effect a lot of us on prime. Most of us work hard have jobs or own businesses. They could of elected Castro and it still wouldn't make a difference to me. Our kids will be fine because they will be under our umbrella. Those who will be effected are those that don't have much, they don't have the same opportunities as we had. It's going to be a lot tougher for people to start off. I am certain the rich will be richer and the poor will continue to get poorer.
I am certain the rich will be richer and the poor will continue to get poorer.

And yet that trend started when Regan was elected, so what's your point.

The President is the President not a dictator. Last time I checked Congress passed laws and the debt has risen under every Republican President esp Regan and GW Bush. One had a democratic Congress the other a republican one. Made no difference.

We are on continuing resolutions from the old 2008-2009 Bush budget (1.3 trillion deficit handed to Obama in Jan 09) . That right Bush's budget --- why because wars, homeland security, Part D, bailout, etc plus a down economy costs money.

Regardless of who the President is those costs DON'T Change unless you want to severely cut defense or Medicare/Medicaid and NOBODY wants to that (really).

So the right has a problem with their taxes going to poor (and undesirables) and the left with their taxes going to kill people. No one is truly fiscally conservative and only pretend to be with the other party is in control.
I'm just tired of the goverment supporting low life's on the backs of hard working Americans. If the rich get richer threw hard work and perseverance they should.
On the canabis topic....it will be an interresting experiment to see how a things go and how people will handle a new found legal recreational drug.
I'm just tired of the goverment supporting low life's on the backs of hard working Americans. If the rich get richer threw hard work and perseverance they should.

What about the low life Corporation's and Contractors-- that live at the government trough. I have personally seen that. Look there will always fraud, waste and abuse. I certainly don't advocate cutting the DoD budget to zero because of bad actors yet those on the right seem to want to cut off all aid to those is need because of the few bad actors among them.

Those government "handouts" help many in need and for the most part is temporary (meaning most people get on it and then come off of it) just like most of the money to DoD is used appropriately.

If we can spend more than the next 15 countries combined (or close to it) on defense --- then WE ARE NOT BROKE ---- and we can help people. Once I see that defense spending number come down and supported by the right, I will not believe they truly want to get deficits under control.
On the cannabis topic....it will be an interesting experiment to see how a things go and how people will handle a new found legal recreational drug.

The problem with this is just because a state passed this law, does not mean your employer will not fire your ass if they test and catch you.
This election won't AFFECT a lot of us on prime. Most of us work hard have jobs or own businesses. They could of elected Castro and it still wouldn't make a difference to me. Our kids will be fine because they will be under our umbrella. Those who will be AFFECTED are those that don't have much, they don't have the same opportunities as we had. It's going to be a lot tougher for people to start off. I am certain the rich will be richer and the poor will continue to get poorer.

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