EB games employee steals my PS3

NsXMas said:
Yea the PS3 is like a new gold rush or something.

It seems like everyone looks at it as an opportunity to make some money.

It sucks to have lost that opportunity, but trust me there are a lot more situations where the anger is really warranted.

Like paying for merchanise you will never receive, from certain vendors who don't care about ripping people off.

And then watching that vendor do it to someone else the very next day, week, month, year! Power in numbers.
Strange how Sony took a lot of heat for calling the PS3 "too cheap" when the $600 price was announced, only to see people camp out for days with the sole intention of getting one that they intend to sell (I guess the eBay average is currently $2500). An article I recently read stated that Sony is losing around $250 per 60GB unit. After hearing all of this, I wouldn't blame Sony for launching the next PlayStation at a heavily marked up price point just to reduce initial demand to match actual supply.

Who am I kidding? Sony must be loving this free publicity!
apapada said:
In principal I can understand why one could be upset about this. But going on a public forum and publicly complain about it just seems like a 3 year old throughing out a tantrum in a supermarket.

I couldn't believe my eyes yesterday when I went to my local electronics store and saw people having camped there for days !!! what a bunch of time wasters (the nicest words I could come up with) !

if your life is so worthless to throw a fit on something so material that you'll be able to buy in a few months without a problem and in a few years for third of its price now, I can only feel sorry for you.

Oh, and for the record I'm not a "hater", just someone who realizes there is more to life than driving NSX on a game console: Like going out in the world and driving it for real...

I'm not much of a gamer at all. I don't think 99% of the guys out there were either. I see it as just a bunch of guys who wanted to score a little bit of extra money. Do the math:

60gb ps3: $600 plus tax
Sell it on ebay for anywhere from $2000-$3000
Thats about a $1400-$2400 profit for 2-3 days of camping.

I don't know about how wealthy some of you guys are here, but in my book thats still alot of money to be made.

So for those of you who say "whats the big deal?, its just a video game." I say "Your absolutely correct, just don't tell the folks buying one from me when my auction ends at $3000"
sgvnsxrated said:
I'm not much of a gamer at all. I don't think 99% of the guys out there were either. I see it as just a bunch of guys who wanted to score a little bit of extra money. Do the math:

60gb ps3: $600 plus tax
Sell it on ebay for anywhere from $2000-$3000
Thats about a $1400-$2400 profit for 2-3 days of camping.

I don't know about how wealthy some of you guys are here, but in my book thats still alot of money to be made.

So for those of you who say "whats the big deal?, its just a video game." I say "Your absolutely correct, just don't tell the folks buying one from me when my auction ends at $3000"

I am a huge gamer, play games every night, but on a PC so I don't have to buy a new console every few years. I learned this way back when the Atari 2600 came out and then a year later was the 5200 and so on.
I bought a top-of-the-line Alienware PC back when the first PS1 came out, I still have the PC and it plays all the games which are and have come out without upgrading anything yet.

As for the 3K profit for 2-3 days I applad you. I would not wait in line if they were giving out new Ferrari's, I CAN NOT stand waiting.
Chill out Guys...... Take a deep breath....here are some "JOKES FOR OLDER FOLKS AND FUTURE OLD FOLKS" for y'all to read.

A distraught senior citizen phoned her doctor's office.

"Is it true," she wanted to know,

"that the medication you prescribed has

To be taken for the rest of my life?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so," the doctor told her.

There was a moment of silence before the senior lady replied,

"I'm wondering, then, just how serious is my condition

Because this prescription is marked 'NO REFILLS'."


An older Jewish gentleman was on the operating table

Awaiting surgery and he insisted that his son,

A renowned surgeon, perform the operation.

As he was about to get the anesthesia

He asked to speak to his son.

"Yes, Dad, what is it?" "Don't be nervous, son;

Do your best and just remember, if it doesn't go well,

If something happens to me .

Your mother is going to come

And live with you and your wife...."


Aging: Eventually you will reach a point when you

Stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.


The older we get, the fewer things seem

Worth waiting in line for


Some people try to turn back their odometers.

Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.

I've traveled a long way and some of the

Roads weren't paved.


When you are dissatisfied and would

Like to go back to youth, think of Algebra.


You know you are getting old when everything

Either dries up or leaks.


I don't know how I got over the hill

Without getting to the top.


Old age is when former classmates are so gray

And wrinkled and bald, they don't recognize you.


If you don't learn to laugh at trouble,

You won't have anything to laugh at when you are old.


First you forget names, then you forget faces.

Then you forget to pull up your zipper.

It's worse when you forget to pull it down.


Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground

With sticks, it was called witchcraft..

Today, it's called golf
There was a report out that said old age is caused by Saliva. Apparently if you swallow small amounts over long periods of time it will cause you to die. :biggrin:
steveny said:
I am a huge gamer, play games every night, but on a PC so I don't have to buy a new console every few years.

That's funny, but I've gone exactly the opposite route. I stopped playing on a PC because it makes little sense to upgrade to a new PC every two or three years...which is what seems to be required to play the latest PC games. Heck, many graphics cards cost as much as a console.

The problem I've long had with PC games is that PC game developers rarely try to optimize their games for PCs held by the mass market...so you need to have a pimped out gaming PC if you wish to play the latest games at decent frame rates (and even then good luck).

The last PC game I played through is Half-Life 2...and, though I specifically bought a graphics card to do so, it wasn't enough to let me play at anything higher than 640x480. I'm still very happy with my current PC and could hold out another two years before upgrading again, but I can't really play any of the cool PC games that have come out since HL2...including the HL2 episodes.
That sucks and it wasn't right. You were rightfully entitled to it if you were next in line. Whether it is a game console or tickets to a concert. The employee stole it from you.
Why are we crying over a game???? Our troops are getting shot up overseas, the middle class is getting squeezed, health care is as poor as it can be, crime in urban areas, immigration policy, and a bunch of other "important" real life problems and we have this "end of the world" problem.

Danny :mad: :rolleyes:
dyee said:
Why are we crying over a game???? Our troops are getting shot up overseas, the middle class is getting squeezed, health care is as poor as it can be, crime in urban areas, immigration policy, and a bunch of other "important" real life problems and we have this "end of the world" problem.

Danny :mad: :rolleyes:

Yeah well, that card can be played on any issue... and it doesn't take a lot of strength to play it. It would be just as easy to criticize all of us for buying a NSX when we could have used the money to pay for someone's health insurance.... we're so selfish and need to open our eyes to the problems of the world:wink:

Regardless of the circumstances, being let down is dissappointing... and this guy has every right to feel slighted. I haven't played a video game since the late-80's, but I still can understand why the situation would irk him. Besides, nobody including the OP was claiming the world was coming to an end. Unfortunately, the existence of world problems will never immunize individual lives from ups and downs... to think someone doesn't deserve to 'cry' about this situation is to be on a very tall soap box.

Anyway doesn't matter what's individual interests are, venting frustration here.. don't see any problem- its in the off-topics
Hope you'll get another PS3 soon and do tell us whats your take on the console.
I can understand someone being upset with not getting his PS3 because someone "stole" his rightfully preordered console. I can understand the excitement over getting the latest and greatest gadget, especially given all of the hype and anticipation (the PS3 is actually the first PlayStation branded console that I did not take home on launch day...but I have one ordered that is guaranteed to arrive before Christmas). I can understand why people would want to camp in line and make something extra from the effort.

I cannot understand why someone who criticize anyone for any of the above. I cannot understand why Prime, a forum that used to enjoy a level of great civility and open-mindness, has deteriorated into some pretty harsh words and attitudes towards others. I cannot understand why anyone would steal or resort to violence over something that is essentially a toy, but this has happened time and time again around Christmas (is this the definition of holiday spirit?). I cannot understand why people would be willing to pay the price of a decent PC for a video game console that, while currently hard to get, will be constantly resupplied on a weekly basis through Christmas and post-Christmas will likely be very easy to attain by simply walking into (or clicking on a link at) any store that sells consumer electronics...
dyee said:
Why are we crying over a game???? Our troops are getting shot up overseas, the middle class is getting squeezed, health care is as poor as it can be, crime in urban areas, immigration policy, and a bunch of other "important" real life problems and we have this "end of the world" problem.

Danny :mad: :rolleyes:

I know huh? And here you are, cruising around in your nsx with gobs of money in mods. Shouldn't you be donating that money to help fix our sorry world instead of being greedy and putting it into something as meaningless as a car? Sheesh....
steveny said:
As for the 3K profit for 2-3 days I applad you. I would not wait in line if they were giving out new Ferrari's, I CAN NOT stand waiting.

I would. I'd bring my pink bunny slippers and my pup tent for a free REAL ferrari :biggrin:
akira3d said:
That's funny, but I've gone exactly the opposite route. I stopped playing on a PC because it makes little sense to upgrade to a new PC every two or three years...which is what seems to be required to play the latest PC games. Heck, many graphics cards cost as much as a console.

The problem I've long had with PC games is that PC game developers rarely try to optimize their games for PCs held by the mass market...so you need to have a pimped out gaming PC if you wish to play the latest games at decent frame rates (and even then good luck).

The last PC game I played through is Half-Life 2...and, though I specifically bought a graphics card to do so, it wasn't enough to let me play at anything higher than 640x480. I'm still very happy with my current PC and could hold out another two years before upgrading again, but I can't really play any of the cool PC games that have come out since HL2...including the HL2 episodes.

OK ok I give, I bought an Xbox360 today. I am going to hook it up to the big screen on Tuesday. I will let you know what I think. I bought: Fear, COD2, gears of war and hitman. Now I just need to find a group of guys who have LAN parties.
If anyone actually gets their hands on a PS3 lemme know how nice it is.

I owe my sister $500 bucks and I think im gonna repay her in PS3 dollars :D
rickysals said:
If anyone actually gets their hands on a PS3 lemme know how nice it is.

I owe my sister $500 bucks and I think im gonna repay her in PS3 dollars :D

I know where I can get one for 1600 bucks. Anyone interested??? I do a lot of joking around on here but I am being serious if anyone wants this I can get it and ship it to them.
Interesting post.
Yes the world is unfair, But does that mean we have to take it?? Yes life sometimes sucks, BUT is that the message you want to tell your kids, family? Imagine if it was your child waiting for a PS3 for xmas and got screwed. "TOO bad kid, life sucks and is unfair." I think not!! You would demand JUSTICE! I hope that kind of attitude doesnt rub off on your kids or relatives.

Heiya was wronged by EB!! Its time we stopped blaming the victim and punish the bad behavior that weve become accustomed to. Its time to tell people about the wrong EB did and punish them, so when YOUR kids or relatives go to buy a game, wont be treated like Heiya.
Sorry about what happened, that does suck.....hope you will be able to get another one. Good luck.
steveny said:
OK ok I give, I bought an Xbox360 today. I am going to hook it up to the big screen on Tuesday. I will let you know what I think. I bought: Fear, COD2, gears of war and hitman. Now I just need to find a group of guys who have LAN parties.

That didn't take me too long to remember why I hate consoles. I CAN NOT USE THIS FRIGGEN CONTROLLER. console controllers are worthless, I spend 3/4 of the time looking at the controller or looking at the ground in the game. Keyboard and mouse. If I can't get a keyboard and mouse to work with this 360 it is going back to the store tomorrow. Anyone know if it is possible to use a keyboard and mouse with the 360?
I know huh? And here you are, cruising around in your nsx with gobs of money in mods. Shouldn't you be donating that money to help fix our sorry world instead of being greedy and putting it into something as meaningless as a car? Sheesh...

You know nothing about what I do outside of the car so you really shouldn't be popping off. I even find a few bucks to contribute to Prime to help with costs. You??? Ignorance truly amazes me.

:cool: :rolleyes:
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Wow, you're a prime champion. You just fed 10 Orphan children. Yeah.

Just as you know nothing as what anyone else here does outside the car, you should be watching you mouth as well. The pot calling the kettle black. "Ignorance doesn't amaze me, as it was much expected". Good evening Kiddo.
Learn to use spell check....... old man. Besides, my original comments were directed at priorities. If his child were in an organ donor program and got passed over like he just described..... I'm on his side 100%...... We are talking about the life and death of his child. On a waiting list for a PS3????? You do the math, since you're a satellite programmer. I'm sure you don't need high powered differential equation techniques or celestial mechanics to answer that question. You defend his position, you're entitled to that. My priorities would be placed elsewhere.
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