EB games employee steals my PS3

4 April 2005
Southern California
This all happened at the La Habra, CA store (562) 691-6550
So I went to camp out for the PS3 preorder and was 4th in line. Was told that there would be 8 60Gigs so no worry's right? Wrong, the store only got 4 and my place was stolen by a EB games employee. There’s no way anyone besides the three could have ordered ahead of me. They brought five of us to order at a time.
I get a call on the 15th saying that EB games where getting less than expected and I would not get one, so I immediately go to the store to see what’s up. I talk to the assistant manager (John Vay) and he says there getting 4 60gigs I say great I was 4th and he reexamine the list and says wait where only getting 3 PS3’s. It all didn’t sound right so I call the cooperate office and they tell me it’s highly unlikely that the store is getting only 3 and I should talk to the manager. I go in Friday morning and talk with the manager (Daniel Millhouse) and say's I’m not 4th on the list. I told him there’s no possible way anyone was ahead of me except for those 3. I told him to call the other preoders and he can confirm that I was in fact was 4th on the list. He told me if I was unhappy I could get a refund and take my business elsewhere. He also said I was not grantee'd a PS3 at launch and I shouldn’t have sold mine on EBay. WTF I never said or had any intensions of putting it up on eBay. So I call the district manager (Daniel Lopez) and he says he sorry but there’s no way to prove that an employee could have bought a system ahead of us. I told him to call the other preorders ahead of me to verify that in fact I was the 4th and he refused. Complete bullshit and to top it off, the original employee worked that morning taking preorder's (Steve Matthew) was there the entire time pacing back and forth. I call corporate again and they tell me there’s nothing they can do but file a report. How could EB games treat there customers like this???? I camp out and paid the 646.49 up front on preorder and they screw me up the ass.

Cliffnotes: I preorder a PS3, employee’s steal my spot in line, and manager tells me to screw off. District manager tells me there’s no way to prove it, when he can call other customers to ask what place they where in line to prove I’m not lying.:mad: :mad: :mad:
Complain (in writing) to corporate above the disctrict manager. At least get the ...hole in some trouble for his efforts.:mad:
Sucks to be you, but c'mon, man -- get a life. It's just a game machine. In three months the stores will be lousy with them.
flaminio said:
Sucks to be you, but c'mon, man -- get a life. It's just a game machine. In three months the stores will be lousy with them.

Yea, I don't get it either.

jimmycinla said:
Yea, I don't get it either.


Especially when the news reported yesterday that the initial release still has bugs. Something about being unable to play certain legacy games...

I understand you are pissed. Best solution is to cool out, and go about making a formal complaint as directly, and officially as possible. Compile "evidence" things like copies of your reciept, and testimonials from your fellow pre-orders, write out a time line of this event and send it as many times as required to get some action.

I would buy your PS3 elsewhere on principle if it bothers you this much.

Holy crap.....:confused: :confused: What kind of cheese do you want with your w(h)ine???? It's only a freakin' game console which will have no adverse effect on your life by not getting it today. I would expect this behavior from a 13 year old, not an adult.
This is why I hate posting things on prime because of all the haters. The principal is still the same applied to any other situation. Say SOS came out with a $1000 Supercharger setup but only had 4 for the first 3 or 4 months and you were 4th in line and then this happened. The fact is this guy wants this system and rightfully placed a preorder only to get screwed over. People on this website need to grow up and listen to the old adage that everyones mommy told them, "IF YOU DONT HAVE SOMETHING NICE TO SAY, DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL."
If we was planning to resell - he just lost alot of money.

Otherwise, just file your report, don't shop there anymore, and buy one soon when the supplies are up. I doubt they are going to fly off the shelves for months like they have in the past because it's $500 and $600 MSRP, not $300.

You'll get one, and screw EBGames.
TrickNSX said:
This is why I hate posting things on prime because of all the haters... People on this website need to grow up and listen to the old adage that everyones mommy told them, "IF YOU DONT HAVE SOMETHING NICE TO SAY, DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL."

Here's another fact that your mommy probably forgot to tell you. "Life isn't fair, get over it!"
Yes, that statement is true, and I bet he will fully get over this. However, he doesnt need someone to come on here and act like a jerk towards him in order for him to realize that. Maybe next time you could put your words into a more constructive criticism and maybe you wont come off the way you did. And when your done reading this statement use your motto, and "get over this thread and move on."
flaminio said:
Sucks to be you, but c'mon, man -- get a life. It's just a game machine. In three months the stores will be lousy with them.

I am not a gamer but its the principal, ignore that its a gaming console and something you ordered and wanted. What if it were rims, like say Volks that take 6 months+ to get and an employee at the store wanted a set and rather than wait took yours, which you know were rightfully yours and then told you you would have to wait another 3-6 months to see your rims, that you already paid for. I'd be pissed too, write a letter to corporate and the BBB
TrickNSX said:
... And when your done reading this statement use your motto, and "get over this thread and move on."

You are 100% correct. There's nothing more to see here, please move along. :wink:
It sucks to get your hopes up and then be let down. On top of that, you were screwed by someone in the store and it was clearly against company policy... I think you have a valid right to be pissed.
I'd be pissed too. Who cares if it's a PS3 or anything, It was a complete waste of your time and on top of that you pre-paid.

Man, NSXprime has a bounch of haters! What, someone who has a NSX shouldnt be playing video games?
So I dis' on a post and I'm branded a hater. Well, get over it, d00ds. Life isn't all milk and honey. If you want someone just to bend over and listen to the whining, go to a shrink or a phone sex line. When you post on an online discussion board, you gotta expect a variety of responses. You won't like them all, I can assure you. But isn't it better to live in reality with all its hues than in a rose colored world?

Anyways, I'll post what I want where I want until Lud tells me to STFU and GTFO.
In principal I can understand why one could be upset about this. But going on a public forum and publicly complain about it just seems like a 3 year old throughing out a tantrum in a supermarket.

I couldn't believe my eyes yesterday when I went to my local electronics store and saw people having camped there for days !!! what a bunch of time wasters (the nicest words I could come up with) !

if your life is so worthless to throw a fit on something so material that you'll be able to buy in a few months without a problem and in a few years for third of its price now, I can only feel sorry for you.

Oh, and for the record I'm not a "hater", just someone who realizes there is more to life than driving NSX on a game console: Like going out in the world and driving it for real...
Also, FWIW, I got nothing against game consoles. I've been videogaming since before many of you were born. There's no skool like the old skool:


And get off of my lawn, ya punks!
On the bright side chances are the new PS3 may still have some bugs and glitches. Wait a few months. Us here in asia also waiting for next year and I may wait for another three months just to see if there is any problem with the first version of the PS3 and also the price may come down a little. Those who have please let us know how the new Gran Turismo plays.
damn dude. thats horible...

well if you want you can buy one off me. im selling 6 of em. they will go on ebay in a week or so:biggrin:
TrickNSX said:
This is why I hate posting things on prime because of all the haters. The principal is still the same applied to any other situation. Say SOS came out with a $1000 Supercharger setup but only had 4 for the first 3 or 4 months and you were 4th in line and then this happened. The fact is this guy wants this system and rightfully placed a preorder only to get screwed over. People on this website need to grow up and listen to the old adage that everyones mommy told them, "IF YOU DONT HAVE SOMETHING NICE TO SAY, DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL."

Don't come to a car Forum looking for sympathy for video games.
I'd have to guess there are a billion video game forums where this thread would be 4 pages long by now.

Screwed like this on a SuperCharger?
Post it here, you will be sure to get tons on sympathy on Prime.

flaminio said:
So I dis' on a post and I'm branded a hater. Well, get over it, d00ds. Life isn't all milk and honey. If you want someone just to bend over and listen to the whining, go to a shrink or a phone sex line. When you post on an online discussion board, you gotta expect a variety of responses. You won't like them all, I can assure you. But isn't it better to live in reality with all its hues than in a rose colored world?

Anyways, I'll post what I want where I want until Lud tells me to STFU and GTFO.

Dayum! This is the most shocking and abrasive post since...every other post by Hugh.
Yea the PS3 is like a new gold rush or something.

It seems like everyone looks at it as an opportunity to make some money.

It sucks to have lost that opportunity, but trust me there are a lot more situations where the anger is really warranted.

Like paying for merchanise you will never receive, from certain vendors who don't care about ripping people off.