Easiest way to own a NSX

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btw i must contribute to the massive amount of "owned" pictures....




Nick, I dont think youll ever live this down... Look at all the different forums in here...

Singapore, Germany, England, France, USA, Canada, even Iraq for gods sake... You can run but you cant hideee

Hey, just cus we at the the ass-end of the earth doesnt mean you can overlook us :p

Thats Australia by the way. No shrimp jokes.
haha sorry man im sure i missed alot of countries... i should just play it safe and say half of the countries on earth
His girlies myspace certianly has a pic of him & her. I seriously believe that he can not keep playing the wasnt me card can he?
Hey, just cus we at the the ass-end of the earth doesnt mean you can overlook us :p

Thats Australia by the way. No shrimp jokes.

Fair enough, no shrimp jokes.

What about barbie or knife jokes?

That's not a knife... :smile:

Not to go off the track:

It's amazing the whole thing began because one person got caught in a lie. All he had to do was "fess up" and it would have ended.

He dug his grave, and now he is the victim. Sorry, that's not reality- that is pure mental fantasy.

Then, he came to 2+2 web site pretending to be a random user- only to have his IP number flagged with over 1/2 dozen banned accounts (dumb ass). He was always spamming his Spade site. Far as I'm concerned- he got what he deserved.

What he needs to do is to get his life in order & quit being a fuck up.
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I think the issue here is that, if Nick was being honest and upfront in the first place, people wouldn't have started digging for his information. After some damning evidence was digged up, Nick kept on denying and lying, so more detective work was done. All of this could have been avoided if he wasn't a conniving douche! He brought it on himself!

Exactly. The stuff about his conviction was dug up by that poster (Kathy?) on the poker affiliate site back in October, but it didn't become an Internet circus. Why? Because Nick wasn't present in that thread doing stupid things to arouse their suspicions and make them dig up even more information.
Exactly. The stuff about his conviction was dug up by that poster (Kathy?) on the poker affiliate site back in October, but it didn't become an Internet circus. Why? Because Nick wasn't present in that thread doing stupid things to arouse their suspicions and make them dig up even more information.

true, but hey its the internet. There are all sorts of people out there, you give them a reason, they will be all over you, and your boy Nick gave them a reason. Whatever happens to a thread after his first post, you cannot stop. He should have thought about it before he did it.
To the individual claiming to be the wife of Nick with 2 children you have my complete sympathy. You are involved with a liar and a liar does not only lie here, but elsewhere (such as his personal life) as well. May we remind you Nick had a Myspace page. I do not remember him making it clear that he had two children and a girlfriend. In fact, he did not make any mention of you. The reader would conclude he is a single guy and very available. I appreciate you clarifiying the last lie by Nick claiming "it's not me" to also be untrue. As to your filing a lawsuit - PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK.

These posts by Nick and the surrogate posts (Nick has already been shown by other forums) to pose as others is transparent. This goes back to one of my original posts on this thread. Some people believe they are smarter then others, but Nick you are NOT even kinda smart.

This thread is NOT even close to being done because Nick et al who started this issue continues to "TRY" and outsmart those here with the same sham dishonesty that started this. When Nick finally cathes a clue that he is NOT smarter then a fifth grader and less honest then a 1st grader perhaps this issue will behind us, until then, it will keep going.
Wow! It took me forever to read through just the first 12 pages. This is pwnage at the highest level. Truly paramount. I will be talking about this as I grow old with all of my friends on this forum around the campfire for years to come.
greeting from the Lexus Owners Club UK

brilliant thread

had something similar on our US boards where the person claimed he was dead and everyone collected money for his wife.. got on the TV news too!

all you need now is for it to be placed on slashdot what we did.. serious traffic
To the individual claiming to be the wife of Nick with 2 . . . .
I'm going to go way out on a limb here and guess that Kim Williford was enjoying a quiet evening at home (while Nick Sitko was logging into an online auto enthusiast forum using her name), maybe she was reviewing some parole case work before going back into the office on Thursday where she can look up one of her parolees, Nicholas Adam Sitko.

Yes, Nick has proven time and again to be just that incredibly stupid.


all you need now is for it to be placed on slashdot what we did.. serious traffic

That would make baby Jebus weep.

The server is already getting a beating- a Slashdot effect would probably put the Admins on suicide watch.
But it isn't NSX_NICK. After the info was "dug up", he told us it wasn't him. So...no biggie, right? The guy posting here as "NSX_NICK" is still unknown to us...well...until Kim the unwed mother opened her yapper.

Does anyone else suspect that she might be hovering around the tender age of 15? :tongue:
Doing the old late-night read through of the day's events and I particularly enjoyed this line:

This has nothing to do with protecting people anymore. The first few replies where he was busted for being unfaithful were fine. The crime being he pretended not to own the site he was endorsing. yes, BURN HIM, right?

You see, we've got it all wrong. Good 'ol Nick **cough** Brad Majors (my gay porn name in the late 70's, BTW) was just pretending. Ah! Tee hee! He was just playing a game like GI Joe and Cowboys & Indians! And he wasn't spamming, lying and being deceptive promoting an illegal site. No no, he was being unfaithful. And we have been way too hard on him.

You see Nick old chap, you can't even be honest with yourself about why this is happening and why I continue to see a donkey when I try to post in a thread about NA1 vs NA2 0-60 times, or try to look at the hottest girls I have ever seen...*tear*. :frown:

The immature, euphemisitic language you use to describe your mistakes and mitigate your responsibility tells us that you are the type of person who always looks outward for the source of all his troubles in life--when he looks at all. How's that been working out for ya, champ? Perhaps you might want to try the opposite approach. You never know, it might just work--it certainly hasn't been tried yet.

Let me explain something to you. And to your g/f, who obviously shares the same attitude of looking outwards for the solution/problem. (BTW, my wife and/or mother would have slapped me upside the head, asked me what I'd done to cause this and told me not to be so stupid and this might not be happening, but that's just me): you have had the ability to end this thread since post 3. You might not believe me, and I know, that's a hard concept to grasp, but it's ostensibly true. You have to understand this, and I really hope you do, because then this thread will possibly serve as the wake up call you needed in life and it's all worth it.

No one likes a douchebag and the nature of the internet is such that it has no mercy. But it has forgiveness. And it has reason and morals as a whole. And a very short memory. It's people, that's all it is. But they are anonymous and they don't pull punches. Some are unreasonable, but most simply want justice. Don't give them a reason to punish you any more, Nick. The punishment may be harsh but when you want to play with the big boys and spread your gambling site spam vomit and deceive us, you get big-boy consequences. That's life--no matter where you go.

People have no mercy when you try to take money out of their pockets or profit from a private site like Prime and then pretend to be a big man and throw it back at them. Look within yourself and you can figure out how to end this. It might not seem it, but it's not too late to come clean and end this nonsense. Come on man--if you really do have children, do it for them. Remember--life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it. Come on He-Man. You have the power.

So, Nick Sitko/NSX_NICK/Kevin 1965/Brad Majors/KIM_NSX, I hope you do the right thing, and when I wake up tomorrow and log on to tell someone all about this "snap-ring issue" they keep hearing about, I don't see a MFing donkey.
This has been great entertainment to start off the new year with.

The reason the thread has got as large as it has is that Nick has clearly and emphatically been found out, but rather than hold his hands up and apologise (which would have nipped things in the bud) he chose to continue to weave an elaborate (but still flawed) web of lies.

He and his (up to 8 maybe) aliases continue to "poke the bear" which is why this thread is now a global phenomenom. People don't like it when they see someone continue to blatently lie even when they've been caught doing so; so this mob rule mentality is in direct response to the terrible way he has handled things.

One question I have, is it a conflict of interest if Kim Williford of the North Carolina Adult Probation & Parole Office (as exposed earlier) is the partner of someone previously convicted of a sexual crime? Just a question..
One question I have, is it a conflict of interest if Kim Williford of the North Carolina Adult Probation & Parole Office (as exposed earlier) is the partner of someone previously convicted of a sexual crime? Just a question..

Considering he's "paid his debt to society" that shouldn't worry us as much as the fact that someone working for the justice system is getting married to a person who is actively breaking the law an on ongoing basis.
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This has been great entertainment to start off the new year with.

The reason the thread has got as large as it has is that Nick has clearly and emphatically been found out, but rather than hold his hands up and apologise (which would have nipped things in the bud) he chose to continue to weave an elaborate (but still flawed) web of lies.

I doubt that. I've seen confessions early on in other epic threads, but nothing changes, the bloodbath always continues. This won't end until it's locked, like all epics before this one.
Not to mention she says the girl looked older than she was and it was her step father that pressed the charges yet Nick was apparently still in counseling when she met him.. counseling for what? He clearly has a problem.

Anyway great thread! :biggrin:
Not to mention she says the girl looked older than she was and it was her step father that pressed the charges yet Nick was apparently still in counseling when she met him.. counseling for what? He clearly has a problem.

Anyway great thread! :biggrin:

Per the order posted, it was most likely the court ordered counseling.
This has been great entertainment to start off the new year with.

The reason the thread has got as large as it has is that Nick has clearly and emphatically been found out, but rather than hold his hands up and apologise (which would have nipped things in the bud) he chose to continue to weave an elaborate (but still flawed) web of lies.

He and his (up to 8 maybe) aliases continue to "poke the bear" which is why this thread is now a global phenomenom. People don't like it when they see someone continue to blatently lie even when they've been caught doing so; so this mob rule mentality is in direct response to the terrible way he has handled things.

One question I have, is it a conflict of interest if Kim Williford of the North Carolina Adult Probation & Parole Office (as exposed earlier) is the partner of someone previously convicted of a sexual crime? Just a question..

Wouldn't dropping a name such as "Kim Wilford" constitute identity theft if the person in question did not make the post?
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