Easiest way to own a NSX

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Wow! This took forever to read. And I read every post, not to mention all the side links, side threads, linked videos and on and on. It was worth almost every minute! I also enjoyed getting to read the Charlie Wenzel thread, but i haven't finished it yet. That's a loooong one!!!

It cracks me up that a handful of Nick supporters keep claiming you guys were spamming this thread on other forums. I first found it on our Cobra forum, mentioned by one of our own forum members. I'm sure that was the scenario on all the other forums, as well. I seriously doubt anyone from this forum did any spamming.

One of the funniest things I think Nick said was that the bank ran out of hundred dollar bills!!!! Hahahahahahahaha.

Our forum has already been listed. It is a Factory Five Racing Cobra builders & owners forum at www.ffcobra.com . Here's a picture of my car to get this off-topic thread, off-topic again!!! :biggrin:


Here is a photo gallery page from our forum if you want to take a quick look at some others:

By the way, I also contributed a small amount to your forum for the entertainment!
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Have a problem reading on top of your other shortcomings?

You are doing a terrible job of pretending not to be nick. You have more knowledge of the incident than has been posted on this board - and cannot prove where you got the information from.
You are doing a terrible job of pretending not to be nick. You have more knowledge of the incident than has been posted on this board - and cannot prove where you got the information from.

I see a trend here.. all the Nick supporters (Nick-nuts) refuse to answer straight questions as to where they got the extra info from. That is similar behaviour to Nick's refusal to admit wrong-doing in the first place. Maybe they are all politicians or lawyers.... Hi to all you Nicks... LOL :biggrin:
I see a trend here.. all the Nick supporters (Nick-nuts) refuse to answer straight questions as to where they got the extra info from. That is similar behaviour to Nick's refusal to admit wrong-doing in the first place. Maybe they are all politicians or lawyers.... Hi to all you Nicks... LOL :biggrin:

YA RLY. This Das Welpen dude knows so much about the victim that I wonder if he was one of the other men arrested for it.
I am not saying he is not a dirtbag he most definitely is, but no worse than those who shoot their mouths off (most definitely including the LEO who ran his plates and posted his address and credit info), even to the extent of possibly harming a young child, without even knowing all the facts. All for the sake of inflating your limp little errr..... "egos." Thousands of posts on this topic and, someone on here tells ME to get a life???? ROFLMAO!! Go out and stroke your pretty little cars, maybe it will make you feel better.

Blahhh bla blah blah blah.

No LEO ever "ran the plates."

Doing an asset search is easy. There are many on-line services, including Lexis-Nexis that have these searches. This has been discussed and answered.

His address information came from his web site's registration.

Other bits of information about him are readily available online on Beaufort County's website:

Under "Online Services" You can learn about the littering ticket he got back in October 07. That one was ended with a nolle prosequi.

You can also learn that Nick bought his crib from DOLORES P MOORER in April 2006. His refi with Countrywide six months later is there, too. I guess the 10.1% APR (OUCH!!!!) on the original ARM was going to go up. The sweet thing is that Kim went with him to sign the papers. She even witnessed it! Kimberly M. Williford - right there in blank and white.

One thing I'm not sure about is if she is the same Kimberly M. Williford with a $343.72 tax lien for unpaid income taxes in 2000.

Just one other question, Kim. I can call you Kim, right? How's your DUI case going?
So THIS is why I couldn't get on 'Prime for like, a week... sheesh, and I'm 8 to11 hours AHEAD of you all in the States....

Oh well... glad it's died down.
So THIS is why I couldn't get on 'Prime for like, a week... sheesh, and I'm 8 to11 hours AHEAD of you all in the States....

Oh well... glad it's died down.

I know what you mean... I thought the official announcement/ promo video of the new NSX replacement was out... then this happened. Oh well, it was amusing, and another 20,000 views in the last day and a half. Sure has some legs.

Just goes to show you not to piss off a bunch of well-to-do sports car owners with too much money and too much time!!!

Maybe he should have spammed a Kia website!!
More random non-sense before I have to go to work..

  • Porxter, your car is a BEAST! Nicely done.
  • It's strange, but if you say anything other than "Burn him at the stake!" you get accused of being Nick, so I suppose what I'm about to say makes me "Nick"...
  • When one signs up to join this here messageboard, there is a statement that you must agree to which says something about (going from memory here) "NSX Prime will not share your personal information with the public" or something to that effect. I know the admins didn't specifically go in his account and share his personal info, it was the members of the board, but it seems like a fine line since NSX Prime was the "vehicle" that permitted it to happen.
  • On the other hand, to be responsible for everything that is said on a giant message board with hundreds of threads may be too cumbersome to a small team of volunteers.
  • Disclaimer: Not defending Nick. I think he's a weasel.
  • To those that keep saying she was a 15 yr old and he was in his young 20's so it's not that big of deal may be missing the whole boat. Perhaps this girl was date-raped like the blog from that one girl talked about, or perhaps she was given ruffies which is happening more and more every time you turn on the news, why does everyone assume it was consentual and just statutory rape? It could have been old-fashioned rape. Just sayin...
More random non-sense before I have to go to work..

Responses: :biggrin:

- I wouldn't accuse you of being Nick unles you provided some unpublished details of the case and then being able to provide a source - like "4 other men also went to jail for having sex with this girl"

- NSXPrime is not sharing the details it has on file as being marked private. Therefore, it is not in default of it's obligation.

- Whether or not Nick is a weasel in real life is irrelevant. He's a poor liar online and that makes for some interesting entertainment.

- At least one person here has seen the actual police report of the incident. That person refuses to post the contents out of fear of being sued. That leads me to believe that the story is not as 'innocent' as we originally thought.
We have 2 kids one is 3 and the other is 6 months.

Every time I think I have been able to extricate myself from this thread I get pulled back in. After looking at an earlier post, I am amazed that I started to feel empathy toward "Kim" after she mentioned she has two of Nick's kids and then I read that she got busted a few months ago for DUI, hopefully while someone was watching her newborn.

"Dr." Phil should stop chasing headlines with Britney Spears and try to do something with this pathetic couple.
The real irony in the whole situation, was that he was not a typical spammer per se, afterall.

Allow me to explain..

First though, I should point out that I don't know where this thread was originally posted. Perhaps it was here, or perhaps it started somewhere else and was moved to "off topic".. not sure on that part. (can someone assist?)

I say he's not a typical spammer for two main reasons:

  1. The typical spammer scenario goes something like this: Guy or gal signs up on a crochet lover's website with no interest in crocheting, but pretends to have an interest, but their real aim is to (not so sublimally) point people to their business interest. IE: "That's beautiful, I'm new here and I love to crochet, I make many of those drink coasters but mine are never as nice as yours! By the way, I sell Avon so if anyone needs any, just click on my homepage" And then they are never to be seen or heard from again. Nick, apparently really owns an NSX afterall, when at first he was vehemently accused of being a poser. He lied about paying in cash, and is a sexual offender of some sort, but at least he is vindicated in one small thing, he is an NSX owner.
  2. Also, he joined in early November (the 8th I think) and is nearly a full two months before the "spam thread", after going back and looking at his earliest threads and posts, you can see he was truly interested in NSX's, specifially Turbo kits. Not your typical spammer. http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?p=898087#post898087 He pointed people to his website (not sure if internet gambling is illegal, but you guys are the experts so... anyways, I remember downloading a program and gambling a few months ago on something, seems like it was PokerStars, but I could be mistaken, I remember because I used a paypal type service to buy chips *shrugs*). Yes it was very abrasive and self-serving to say "easiest way is to play online poker and pay cash" and then pretend like he's pointing you to some random site where he played and won and paid cash, that was the true infraction: the deception. If he would have been upfront, it would appear to be no different than the NSX owner who has something about "I would like to handle your real estate needs" in his signature (nothing wrong with that). If Nick would have said "Hey fellas, I own a couple poker/spades sites and would appreciate y'alls business if you get the urge to check them out. I'll also give my fellow NSX owners some free starter chips to start off with, just let me know you're from Prime when you sign up" then I don't think anyone would have a prob, or even have discovered his skeleton in the closet.

Nicks problem (it seems) is not that he is a non-NSX-having spammer and poser, but rather, he is a habitual liar (much worse), who happens to be making payments on an NSX.
Every time I think I have been able to extricate myself from this thread I get pulled back in. After looking at an earlier post, I am amazed that I started to feel empathy toward "Kim" after she mentioned she has two of Nick's kids and then I read that she got busted a few months ago for DUI, hopefully while someone was watching her newborn.

"Dr." Phil should stop chasing headlines with Britney Spears and try to do something with this pathetic couple.

Dang man, you sure know how to dig! Maybe you should be an archaeologist instead! lol

Doubtful the children were with her or else they'd also put in child endangerment or a similar charge in addition to the DUI.
[*]It's strange, but if you say anything other than "Burn him at the stake!" you get accused of being Nick, so I suppose what I'm about to say makes me "Nick"...

This is absolutely untrue.

First, regognize that very few defend him because his actions on this forum are pretty indefensible.

Second, almost all who have "defended" him seem to have either the same tone and pace to their posts and/or seem to have more specific knowledge than they should or assume things are fact that haven't been established.

Many, many have made the statement that perhaps people are being too hard on him but that his actions on this forum and in life in general are atrocious. And since it has been proven that Nick has in fact created aliases to defend himself in the past the precedent has been set.

The posters who have been accused of being Nick use the same language and point of view to argue his side. Occasionally they throw in language consistent with the semi-supporters who aren't Nick like "What he did was awful but...think of the harassment his 5-year old kid is getting!!" Well, no one knows if that is true except Nick, so it's probably Nick. NO impartial third party defender would assume that his 5-year old is getting harassed. It doesn't make sense or feel right.
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