Easiest way to own a NSX

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Unbelievable! So this is the reason I haven't been able to login to Prime the past few days. I found out about this thread on Ars Technica of all places! :eek:

Time to restore some sanity to this place so we can get back to business...
i called 1million th view by the middle of this month 3 days ago.

going to reach that faster than expected.:tongue:
I dunno about that part though. I'd be chopping folks' balls off if they were buggin' my kiddo in any situation regardless of whether or not I'm an asshole or dumbass.

Time to kill the thread. Was informative while it lasted. Now it's just getting overboard. Close it, DELETE it. The donkey thing was funny till you're trying to buy more random crap for your car and can't access the board!

If your actions brought hell down on your family

who should you be mad at?

naturally your first reaction will be anger at those who oppose you, but deep down inside you know its your own dam fault for opening up that door for ridicule and harrasment.

Nick can be angry all he wants , but its his own fault hes a dirtbag

Once he grows up and becomes man he may just realize tha his actions will have reprecussions on his family...like it or not.
Two items and I'm done.

It's pretty clear that Nicholas Adam Sitko is completely responsible for his predicament, and it as equally clear that he has no concept of responsibility or what being a man entails.

This thread needs to get the lock.
Second, any and all inline images and files ought to be hosted on your sitkowned server.

It is not ethical to impose bandwidth usage upon other sites.:rolleyes:

Ask permission, copy, and host the inline images and you're golden. :wink:
Buh bye NSXPrime, thank you for the entertainment. :smile:
You can't be serious? He faked his identidy on an anonymous forum? isn't that what we all do? how the hell does he and his family deserve this? he was trying to promote his own gambling site under false pretense, the horror! con man! why don't we just destoy his life? oh yeah you've did that already. enjoy your money nsxprime.com, scumbags.

Nick, you were an obnoxious jerk and you had your ass handed to you. When your concubine and children cry, remember that YOU CAUSED IT.

Now stop stirring the pot before MORE people start dropping dimes on you. Do you WANT to go back to jail? This time, it may be prison. A skinny white boy who looks like you does not need to go to the Big House.

They will make you sit down to pee, and they will mix cherry Kool-Aid with petroleum jelly so you will have "lipstick" to wear.

:wink: :cool:
OMG, please someone save Prime from this thread. I have been trying to log on for 4 days now and this is the first time I was able to get in, this really sucks. I have not read this whole thing but I think this is responsible for prime being down over and over.

LUD, I have been trying to buy/sell and was in the midst of transactions on prime, and canot get in at all! All I get is that cart and donkey it is driving me crazy. I think I am on day 5 now. I have tried maybe 50 times, please make this thread go away! 540,000 views???? This sucks.

Two important points:

1. Lock the thread. Guess what? Everyone is still coming. 1/2 the world is linked to your site. Problem does not go away. This site needs to increase bandwidth.

Years from now- people will still be coming to read this Epic Thread. Be proud about that. Other sites would kill to get this type of traffic. The exposure for your site is priceless- and now you have a chance to introduce others to the NSX. I'm already looking into the vehicle. It's a kick ass ride.

2. Four days and you can't access the site? There have been 2,000+ posts during that time. You have not been trying hard enough. :smile:
Re: Regarding Nick Sitko

People who are harrassing Nicks family must stop.

They are innocent in this. IMO, harrassing his family is worse than what Nick came and did here (misrepresent himself and lie).

Stop harrasing his family now.

Lock this thread. Consider deleting it too.
Laughed my ass off, read 35 pages.... told a few friends... Internet ownage GOLD!

Maybe Lock thread to newbs and allow the real NSX peeps to keep this thread updated on new info?
His girlies myspace certianly has a pic of him & her. I seriously believe that he can not keep playing the wasnt me card can he?

Hmm. She is quite a cutie. At least Nick's tastes have matured. :)

Does anyone else suspect that she might be hovering around the tender age of 15? :tongue:

According to MySpace, she's 26. Minus 7 years... nope, not the 15 year old. And to everyone that's wondering if Kim is real, I'm pretty sure she is. I did see nickandkim or something like that in an e-mail address before Nick changed it. If the real Nick Sitko wasn't NSX_Nick, why would he do that? Yeah, I know that part is ridiculously obvious...

Considering he's "paid his debt to society" that shouldn't worry us as much as the fact that someone working for the justice system is getting married to a person who is actively breaking the law an on ongoing basis.

I am wondering if she was his parole officer too based on that link too... :o

I stopped reading when I realized you are actually still dumb enough to think I am "Nick". I get it now, all you guys are 14. Hf.

Page 29, post 1423 came right before Kim's post and you posted again in post 1424... Funny how you would have noticed so quickly. Normally, I'd reply and not check back for at least a bit longer. Yes, Kim's message looked to take more than a minute to type but there's cut and paste and many households have multiple PCs.

Good morning Kim (for the purposes of this post, I will suspend my well-earned skepticism for a moment),

In light of Nick's multi-forum history of "aliases", it would be fair to presume that you are one of three "people": Nick, a close friend of Kim, or actually Kim herself. I include a friend since I can imagine that one of Kim's friends would feel a need to protect Kim and her children from the public worldwide flaying of Nick over his deceits. And that is the gravamen of the worlwide "ownage" of Nick - - - "deceits".

I'm quite sure this is not Nick. And I believe it is the real Kim since someone did find her as well. And plus, didn't her message seem FAR, FAR more educated than Nick's? I wonder what she's doing with such a loser...

lol @ nick trying to pour water on the fire when it's actualy gasoline


Refresh my memory...

What kind of car did Jesus drive?


PastorJoshua... (pg 31-32) Careful what you post or you might just get Sitkowned yourself.

You can't be serious? He faked his identidy on an anonymous forum? isn't that what we all do? how the hell does he and his family deserve this? he was trying to promote his own gambling site under false pretense, the horror! con man! why don't we just destoy his life? oh yeah you've did that already. enjoy your money nsxprime.com, scumbags.

Yeah, and he faked it again. Using the name BradMajors. Only one person holds that much hostility to NSXPrime... Plus, I already noticed you and Kim posted at the around the same time. Even for you to know she'd posted right away was shocking. I'm betting there are at least 10 new posts since I've read my last one...
Has it been verified that people are harassing Nick's family? We only heard that from "questionable-at-best" sources.

And has it been verified that his parole officer is also his gf/fiancee? I only heard that from "questionable-at-best" (likely nick) users as well.

Yes, perhaps the thread should be locked, or at least people shouldn't post in just to say "i'm from $x forums, you got owned lol". I do feel that there's more to the story though...
This thread is now history.

Closing it won't do shit.

NSXPrime,well done!

Sure it will, once the show is over and there are no more new posts, people will stop pounding on the website all day and all night looking to read the latest updates. Granted this thread will generate traffic for years to come, but not near the scale that's happening now. This guy's been owned enough and I think the majority of the members here would like use of the forum again. I'm glad for Lud that this thread has perhaps generated more donations in a week than he's received in the last 5 years, but let the credits roll already.
here is one more forum to add to the list.


and i agree too, time to lock this one down. if this guy does have a family and they are getting harassed, then this needs to be locked and deleted now.

i dunno about deleted but maybe locked i think the admins wanna give him a chance to fess up/ see where this goes lol
another concern the admins might have is if they close this thread nick/nick supports might just open another one
Re: Regarding Nick Sitko

Let me identify myself. My name is Michael Storac. I am the webmaster and one of the managing directors of SO Clear Media Productions, Inc., a non-profit organization located in Clackamas, Oregon. It is a site that advocates the rationalization of laws with regard to registered sex offenders. While many people would call such an organization such as ourselves as a "sex offenders' rights" organization, in reality we call to task many of unintended consequences of such laws. The example that has perpetuated itself through this forum is EXACTLY the unintended consequences that have resulted in 4 people being terrorized-not an exaggeration-in their home and neighborhood due to the zeal of several people. Let that sink in for a few moments.

Of course, I'm talking about Nick Sitko.

First, let me address his actions. They were WRONG. Period. He should have been banned immediately. In fact, if he had done the same in any of my 63 forums that I host (unrelated to SO CLEAR), he not only would have been banned, his ISP would have been notified. But that is my policy, and written in no uncertain terms in my TOS agreement.

But I'm not excusing his behavior, nor the lack of the administrators for not banning him because of said behavior. In fact, I agree to a certain amount of "forum justice" myself, including identification of his name and even of his criminal past.

Nick did make several mistakes in trying to "justify" his actions. I don't without a doubt suspect that escalation in part because he was trying to make light of his exposure. But this is where the actions and statements of some of the forum members began to diverge from the righteous, to the abusive, to the criminal. Yes, criminal.

Once Nick was outed, that should have been it. Frankly, the board should have instantly nipped the thread in the bud and permanently banned Sitko, according to TOS of your site. But they didn't.

What happened, is an escalation of exposing Sitko's past. Someone posted information from the South Carolina Megan's Law website, either here in this thread or in other similar threads, which can be prosecuted as a misdemeanor, according to the South Carolina website. Others took to creating Wikipedia pages. Still others created a fake BBC documentary. There was bragging...BRAGGING!...that over 60 other threads were celebrating the "outing" of a sex offender because he broke forum rules.

And as such is to happen, there were real world consequences.

You see, Nick Sitko has a family. He has a fiancee and two children. And the harassment was limited NOT JUST to Nick Sitko, but to the rest of his family as well. Including a 6 month baby.

I talked to his fiancee. Indeed, her name is Kim Williford. You, along with billions of other people around the world, know her address. She is fighting mad, as she should be. But it is not her I speak of now...it is her older child.

Nursing a 6 month old baby is hard enough, but trying to explain to a toddler why a bunch of people are driving by the house, yelling bad things, is a terrible burden to deal with. Having to deal with a father who is suddenly scared and sullen. Having to deal with the phone ringing with people hanging up all the time. Have any of YOU ever dealt with this type of terror? Have you?

"But he's a sex offender...he DESERVES every bit of agony, of terror that he has given his victim!"

Really. Tell that to his toddler, happy as a lark around Christmas, who is suddenly afraid and anxious, cries at all hours, and is scared. Not just scared...scared out of his WITS.

Would ANY of you want that for any of YOUR children?

Would any of you want that for ANY child, no matter who they belong to?

Big men. Drive expensive cars and are responsible for the terror of a five year old child. Hmmph.

Frankly, I don't know what Nick and Kim have in mind from a legal standpoint. They have the IMMEDIATE concern of dealing with their children, and in fact their immediate circumstances from an employment standpoint.

I will be very clear: What Nick did when this thread started was inexcusable. But NOT criminal. I want to emphasize that point.

The escalation has resulted in many crimes being committed, however. Yes, crimes. I have had a bit of experience in law myself, and several people have opined that just because they pulled the public court record from the court, not from the registry, they are well within their rights to post it on a forum. However, they fail to realize that it was the REGISTRY that triggered the action to obtain the records, and the MANNER in which the court record were disseminated was the result of an illegal posting of the registry information in the first place. Tread lightly with that argument; it's been successfully prosecuted in similar circumstances.

As I said before the sheer volume and intensity of interest has predictably triggered the harassment of Nick and Kim. The fact that people here are celebrating the fact that someone's been outed, that it has made this forum the most popular car forum in history, is frankly beyond the pale in my book. Yes, deal harshly with someone who spams you. But don't use the excuse that "Nick kept showing up and lying, again and again, so we are justified in doing what we did." Fine.

I will state this: Nick will never show his face around this forum again. I have talked to his fiancee about the inadvisability of using forum signatures for affiliate marketing; I'm sure their lawyer will advise him more succinctly. The fact that he did what he did is, again, inexcusable, but not criminally illegal. The threats his family have received IS criminally illegal. And the threats would not have occurred without the escalation that was, in fact, encouraged.

But keep in mind, the real victim of Nick's stupidity, and many members depravity: his child. For God's sake, let's cut the cord NOW, and go back to talking about cars. Leave his family alone by stopping the perpetuation of this terroristic nonsense.

I do not plan on replying within this thread, as I believe in more transparent communication. I can be reached at [email protected], and the organization is on the web at http://www.soclear.org. NOTE: This is not a promotion, but an identification of who I am, including our business address and phone number, for the purpose of transparency. I will respond to any reasonable email, no matter your position on sex offender issues and Internet law.

I absolutely agree that anyone who took this beyond merely posting public information, anyone who made threats, and anyone who drove to Nick's house is in the wrong, and possibly criminally liable. However, let's not minimize what Nick has done. He's a serial spammer. Yes, he was caught on only this name on this forum, but he was caught on several other forums as well. On the forum for which I'm a moderator, twoplustwo.com, he has spammed under more than a dozen names. Every time we banned him he came back under a new name and spammed some more.

And lets also not minimize what he was spamming for, an illegal online gambling operation. And lets not also forget the method of his spam, by trying to trick the gullible into believing that they could "gamble" on his website to win a fancy car. While charges will likely never be brought against him for this, I am quite confident he has more than a little criminal liability under the wire act, more than a little criminal liability for fraud, probably has more than a little liability for mail fraud, which is to say nothing of the dozens of state laws that he is in violation of in every state that he has advertised his unlicensed, unregulated gambling operation on. I just wanted to make sure that doesn't get lost in all this.

Part of this reaction is also the fact that spammers/scammers like him so often get away with it, and this one was just caught red-handed. Its probably gone far enough at this point, but its good that its gone as far as it has, because perhaps this will stand out as a warning to future scammers, spammers, and con men as to what can happen when they ply their trade.
Sure it will, once the show is over and there are no more new posts, people will stop pounding on the website all day and all night looking to read the latest updates. Granted this thread will generate traffic for years to come, but not near the scale that's happening now. This guy's been owned enough and I think the majority of the members here would like use of the forum again. I'm glad for Lud that this thread has perhaps generated more donations in a week than he's received in the last 5 years, but let the credits roll already.

You might want to get ready for 20 new threads a day popping up asking how this thread played out when they close it.

Aren't you using the forum now?

Maybe Lud needs a bigger server?

Maybe my 10 bucks can help him buy it?

Maybe your,never mind
Hey saying high from newcelica.org (7th gen celica owners) read it all tonight, im on break and was bored.

I honestly don't think it has to stop. I find it hard to believe that that was really kim, that they are engaged, or that they are being harassed any more than a normal sex offender is.
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