Easiest way to own a NSX

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Coming back and registering under new names did absolutely nothing to help your cause. threatening lawsuits is a waste of time. Contact your attorney, and explain how you got suitcases full of money running illegal gambling sites while probably still under probation.

Nick has explained that since poker has an element of skill, it is exempt from the UIGEA. I did a search, and found some scholarly writings supporting this conclusion. However, scholarly writings are little more than speculation.

Until the courts make a ruling on this aspect, it will remain speculation.

I'm sure that the gambling sites assured Nick (and other suckers) that the element of skill exempted poker. I'm sure they provided documents and quotes from lawyers supporting this position.

As for his conviction concerning the girl he nailed, his defense here has essentially been, "she may have been 15, but she looked older and she even had a fake ID."

His "defense" for any gambling charges will boil down to "it may have been illegal, but it looked legal and they even had lame documents." This defense will work just as well as the first.

Nick, you need to knock it off before someone drops a dime on your stupid ass and finds an investigator or a prosecutor looking to make a name for himself.

There are miles of Carolina Blacksnake hungry for your butt, and they will not hesitate to crawl up it . . . six inches at a time.
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Nick, this thread was actually starting to die. Coming back and registering under new names did absolutely nothing to help your cause. threatening lawsuits is a waste of time. Contact your attorney, and explain how you got suitcases full of money running illegal gambling sites while probably still under probation. Oh, and by the way, does the IRS know about these suitcases of money? Good Attorney will start preparing a defense for parole violation, and potential IRS implications. Bad attorney will start running a tab up just to milk what little money you may or may not have. So far your jailhouse and internet lawyering hasn't done you well. My advice is to quietly walk away and hope like hell this dies down and doesn't further add to your legal complications. It's more then likely too late for that.

On his site, he has the NSX pictured as a car good Christians should avoid.

He's a spammer trying to trade on Sitko's notoreity. A typical bottom feeder.

Definitely ban that pastor guy. Here's what he has to say about the NSX (and as you see, he is using this thread to generate publicity for himself)

This Honda NSX is an ethnic car come 2nd childhood car, it’s a copy supercar without the performance, but I suppose it was good in its time 1992. The people who own these cars live in distant memories and still consider the car to be superior to others on the road, even though a decent hot hatch will now beat it around the track. The most disturbing news is the recent exposure of a pedophile who owns one of these cars !! Do you think we should class this as a pedo’s car ? after all it could attract the children the same as puppies or sweeties ? I will let you decide !

So as you can see the choice of car is severely limited if you want to be respected in your community and want to portray a godly image.

Discuss the ideal Christian car or any cars you think should be in the above categories.
I have nothing to say, but as a long time member I just want to leave my fingerprints on this thread
In any case the people here have effectively made life miserable for this guy for upcoming years. you've posted several of his pictures, full name, address, wiki entries, felony records that will live on in google for the next decades. you've made his whole life public knowledge to hundreds of thousand peoples across the world, even people who live near him have driven passed his house. you've ruined his name for life for cheap jokes and ASSUMPTIONS. for all we know he's committed suicide.

No, because then he wouldn't have been able to type this little sob story and hit the [Submit Reply] button.

Hi Nick.
Break out your tissues, this thread has officially turned into the Dr. Phill Show.

oh and if you are interested we have an excellent report on the cars a good Christian should be driving. How to avoid sodomite and chav vehicles like vauxhalls etc.
Please tell me that's bad humor. If you think the type of car you drive has any bearing on the type of Christian you are, you just flunked Christianity-101.

A Catholic
Hello all,

black86cutty here from Oldspower.com. This has been the biggest showing of Ownage I have ever seen in my life. Way to shut the liar down!!!

Here at Oldspower, some of us have been watching, and it has been quite a show!

With that said, go on with the direction-less rants :biggrin:
AHAHAHA....I just submitted the following to The Urban Dictionary:

A level of online ownage that is so epic that it can destroy the life of the owned party, generate hundereds of thousands of hits, hundreds of new forum members, dozens of new "OWNED" pictures. But a subsequent requirement is that the owned party be so stupid that they continue to dig a deeper hole for themselves even after suggestion to just shut up, admit failure, and take it like a man.

This term comes from a now Internet legendary thread on an Acura NSX enthusiast site, NSXPrime.com, where a member named "NSX_NICK" began promoting an illegal online gambling site on the Acura NSX forum http://nsxprime.com, veteran members questioned his motives.

NSX_Nick, later revealed to be convicted pedophile Nick Sitko, touted online gambling as the way he earned enough money to pay for his $63,000 Acura NSX. Sitko's first, edited post reads:

Easiest way to own one is to go to a casino and win big and pay for it with cash like me, no car payment is the way to go...

Forum members immediately suspected the member was spamming the board. One member, nsx1, went to the trouble of looking up the whois (public registration information for internet domain names) for his online gambling site. There, he found Sitko's full name, address, and phone number and posted the information for all members to see.

Rather than keep silent as other members continually suggested, Sitko began to make threatening remarks toward the board. As a result, members dug a little further and found that Sitko was convicted in 2003 on child molestation charges and is currently a registered sex offender.

Members then found detailed photos of his vehicle, along with his license plate number. With the license plate number they discovered that the vehicle did, in fact, have a lien holder – the vehicle was not paid for with cash.

It was at about this point when the popularity of this story began to skyrocket. People from all over the world began to check in as thread views surpassed the 250,000 mark. Sitko even joked that Jay Leno requested his interview.

At this point most people would withdraw from the topic at hand, beaten but with some dignity left – not Nick Sitko. He began a half-hearted attempt to cover up his personal information. He deleted all photographs of his vehicle and of himself from his online poker site – there was a public directory with approximately 75-100 images. Then he withdraw comments from NSX Prime and replaced them with smiley faces. It was too late, though. The images were already archived and presented online and his comments were saved by members quoting the original statements.

A new member registered as Kevin1965. His first contribution being in the engine maintenance category. He then waited a full nineteen hours before posting in Sitko's defence. There he posed as a lawyer, citing defamation law and requested that Sitko contact a lawyer.

Kevin1965 appeared to be organized, intelligent and people began to take him seriously. They questioned his motives, though, and began to investigate him. With a single google search they found that every intelligent post Kevin1965 made was in fact, copy and pasted from a legal website. Kevin1965 was completely discredited in a matter of minutes.

At this juncture, a worker at Bluffton Autobody identified Sitko as the owner of that particular NSX and claimed that Sitko did state he owned an online poker business. As well, photos from Sitko's myspace account matched the pictures from his sexual predator registration.

Thus the term, "Sitkowned"

(backstory provided by Tyler Norwood of theperfectshine.blogspt.c om)
"You just got sitkowned"

"That is some massive "sitkownage"
My name is kim williford and i am not only the fiancee of the "Nick Sitko" you are using for your entertainment. I am also the mother of two of his young children.


Dude, relax. He's a guest here [the pastor] and so are you.

(and I happen to agree very much with his statement, which has nothing to do with religion. just morality. this guy may very well have to go to jail for another 9.5 years...)

You are right, I am a guest and it is not my intent to step on anyone’s toes. I think he is just another spammer.
I do feel, however, morality has nothing to do with religion. Why use a screen name that includes any religious reference? Who is the pastor to say what type of car people should drive based on their life style?

Please tell me that's bad humor. If you think the type of car you drive has any bearing on the type of Christian you are, you just flunked Christianity-101.
A Catholic

I agree, but instead of what "type of Christian you are" why should it matter what type of person you are? Your car should have nothing to do with race, creed, religion, skin color or sexual preference
I agree, but instead of what "type of Christian you are" why should it matter what type of person you are? Your car should have nothing to do with race, creed, religion, skin color or sexual preference

Because in the context of the Pastor's quote, he equates specific cars with "good Christianity".

...here is us...do stop in and check out our cars good Christians should drive...
Because in the context of the Pastor's quote, he equates specific cars with "good Christianity".


My statement was meant in general. Your preference in life should have no bearing on what car you drive. So for him to say "good Christians" drive (insert cat here) and "bad Christians" drive (insert car here), that shit if for the birds. It is not right to judge a person by what type of car/truck they drive.

Refresh my memory...

What kind of car did Jesus drive?


LOL, Well I guarantee it was not a Pinto.

Being as though he was un educated, and from the middle east....
a taxi cab!

That is the greatest post in this entire thread
AHAHAHA....I just submitted the following to The Urban Dictionary:

A level of online ownage that is so epic that it can destroy the life of the owned party

I did that a few days ago. Hopefully if they get enough queries for the term, it'll stick.

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