Easiest way to own a NSX

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Lost a night of sleep but so worth it! Anyway, it's 5:14am and I get this...

Simply amazing... For the site to be this overloaded at this time of day. I blame you guys on the other side of the planet. :)

Yes blame the aussies :p lol

I was cracking up at that overload page. I feel for you guys.
I'd suggest we hook up Nick with the Oompa Loompa whore just for kicks, but she's over 18. :wink:

lmao, that rocks.......

need to invovle the laptop guy from ebay scam ownage. Add the hotti boyz in & we might just have the best ownage EVER
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/UPAAjXJ39kg&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/UPAAjXJ39kg&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
Nsx Prime Is Full Of Low Lifes

This thread is sick!!!

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

I even had one of you spam up my forums, please stop this immediately.!
Re: Nsx Prime Is Full Of Low Lifes

I even had one of you spam up my forums, please stop this immediately.!

Good morning emiliee,

If one of our members spammed your forum, kindly post a link so that we may know what you are referring to. As you can see, we do not tolerate one of our own spamming this forum and would appreciate your link to see the infraction.

Thank you.
Hi again, have been following this now legendary thread for a few days now,
& have been so entertained.:biggrin: :biggrin:

Sent my donation, as we all should, as a thanks to the guys at Nsxprime.:cool:
Heard about this place from one of my good friends in the UK. Something similiar happened to him and a girl screwed him over she looked like she was 21+ but was only 14.

But I really think you guys need to stop editing that guys posts, its too obvious its not him replying to the threads.

nick is watching this thread without any worries. he runs a legitimite business. if he got audited he has nothing to hide. he's as honest as they come.

oh silly me, I forgot this is a different nick.
I think having a bumper sticker that says, "My other car is a 911 Turbo" would be better! :tongue:
Hi all,
Home for the holidays, I sent it to all my squaddies "in country" in the 2nd RTR (British forces),but coming from the Halifax,Nova Scotia "Locals" forum http://media.locals.ca/localsconf/viewforum.php?f=4


But I really think you guys need to stop editing that guys posts, its too obvious its not him replying to the threads.


I'm not sure what you are referring to. Other than the moderator no one except Nick Sitko has the ability to alter or edit any posts made by NSX_NICK. Those posts are just as Nick Sitko left them and, as it's been established, most assuredly was him.

Perhaps you are giving Nick Sitko too much credit assuming no one could be so stupid as to continue to subject oneself to such humiliation but I implore you to reconsider that position.
Just had to get a post on this legendary thread! :D I read the whole thing, fair play to you guys who sussed him out!

Found the thread from a link on www.106rallye.co.uk :)

Thought I'd get something to contribute to the thread, so I've just editted the pic from the error message ;) :D Thanks for the lolz!

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