Easiest way to own a NSX

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Tony Sinclair says
to CF!

And a serious thanks to NSX Prime for the laughs! This is awesome! I thought our guys had owned one or two in their time but his redefined Pwnage
Re: Easiest way to own a NSX NICK


Nick, you shouldn't be punching people in the balls.

Strange blog......


Wow, that is DEFINITELY strange and from earlier this year too!

You know what though? I think Nick, got punched in the balls..... Accused of date rape? Hmmmmm

Here it is...... odd:

Emotional Effects of the Day of Silence
Today Graeme told me that Bijan (who I have begun to call "the fag") punched a guy in the balls, for no other reason than duct-taping his own mouth. Now, the guy happened to be Nick Sitko, a greasy, shadowy figure who no one appreciates getting close to, but that is beside the point. I seriously, seriously hope Bijan was in some other way agitated and did not punch him because of the tape. I never want to see Bijan again, and I saw him four times this day. If they had not been at a distance, I would not have treated him kindly. How can a person who at first seemed so good be hiding so many dirty qualities behind the wall of shining black hair? I thought he cared, but he was just needy. He has morals, yet is not a strong person and so he cannot hold to them. He treats his friends like shit and keeps a hate-list of enemies who he wants to hurt. He lies for entertainment. His life-- it is going into the fucking ground, and he aspires to be an astrologist.

Bijan accused Nick Sitko of date rape and told it to me for entertainment, to be funny. I believed his straight face. Today he punched the guy in the balls for advocating tolerance. What the fuck? Bijan acts so gay that boys hit on him in the locker room, but he's really just a homophobe. I'm so glad Bijan told me he never wants to talk to me again.

Andrew Walker asked about the tape in 5th period, and I explained simply that it was for tolerance but specifically for tolerance of gay people. Somewhere in that explanation I said "we." It didn't strike me until after I had sat down at my desk that I had included myself when I said "gay people." Oh joy, another ingroup, another time to apply what I've learned in school. But how can I be in this group if I don't think penises are "evil" like Kelyn (sp?) and Zingii? They're weird, sure, but not "evil." Either I am the epidome of confused or the epidome of bi. Or I'm really a closet lesbian and one day Nick will push me over the edge. Whatever. I'm not getting answers and I don't really want to care.

Some black freshman said to me today, "Hey! Girl with the tape on her mouth! Can I have 75c?"
I paused and noticed with amusement he had his arm around another guys shoulder and vice versa (no doubt just to get the money). Graeme said I was being too nice when I gave it to the kid.

Lizzie wore make-up today. She reminded me of Esmeralda, and now I want to read the book. Anything to remain in AP heaven (denial). Paul has started calling me a succubus again and Abhinay is going to Spring State. This... is going to be fun.

Latin was a bust today, so I ninja'd a literature book and read Poe's house of usher. I feel like I'm getting a sinus infection. Again. Today I fell asleep in school for the first time in my life. It was in Jansen's class, poor man. Still, the robitussin kept my mind from expanding like a star. The problem with light is that it is additive, and assumes other light-- other problems-- as it expands. The problem with classes is that they actually teach things to you. For example, psychology teaches that happiness and sadness and other emotions are controlled solely by one's outlook. If one views learning negatively, then one will be unhappy about learning. But it's not like anyone wants to change something so concrete as their current disposition.

Burdyshaw made me inexorably happy today. I also learned a new word: educe.

Fun Fact: groupthink= unrealistic thought processes and decision making that occur withing groups when the desire for group harmony ovverides a realistic appraisal of alternatives. I.e., psycholocical tendencies of self-justification, conformity, and group polarization foster the development of the "team spirit" mentality that is groupthink.

Group polarization- enhancement of a group's prevailing tendencies through dicussion, which often has the effect of accentuating the group's differences from other groups.

I am not going to fail my test tomorrow! Not that it really matters.
I am surprised this thread still exists...

...Sure this is great entertainment but it is also eating up bandwith and has become completely redundant...

If you knew anything about page-views and internet advertising, you'd understand exactly why this is still up. I't gotta be at least a week from being closed as I'm betting more will come of this.

The mods may delete a post here and there that cross the line, but all is well so far.
i got home from work 2 hours ago and have been playing catch up ever since this is just amazing how much this has grown. happy new years eve

now let the ownage re-commence:biggrin:
Found this thread on www.mazda3forums.com, and passed it along to www.mnmazda.com. I have to congratulate you guys on a job well done! I don't think I've ever seen anyone so completely and thoroughly destroyed.

Also, a buddy just turned me on to this thread, which seems horribly ironic, and almost too coincidental! Any chance that the legendary Nick is one and the same as "NSX" who got royally pwned in that thread???
wow madness.

I say it hits 1million views by the 3rd of January! :biggrin:

this idiot sure did the nsx community a favor. :tongue:

happy new years everyone!
ha ha, great thread. I wanted to add one more forum that's talking about this douche.

It's not really related, just an Outdoor Recreation forum, but some members there pointed out this thread.


Anyways, I first saw this when there were 10 pages, now it's doubled. Hilarious!

PS.... LOVE the chops from his sexual offender photo
btw i got a sick web server and 200gb a month in web transfers.

wiling to donate bandwidth
Heres a funny quote from the first page about not hitting 15's. Too bad he didn't take his own advice.

Originally Posted by NSX_NICK
What? No, its a online pokerroom that has blackjack tables, its where I won alot of cash, its how I paid for my car in full. Don't play with scared money though...the key there is to grind it out, the dealer busts alot...so don't hit those 15s.
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