Early NSX vs. Late NSX


Ok that hurt my feelings so I'm going to have to lay the smack down. Why don't you take your cheap shot at me back and display it on the forum (if you have a pair) just incase you caused me a possible sale. Because I will have you know that I bought the car EXACTLY the way it stands now 3 months ago and I have been fixing it since putting a lot of money and time into it, not neglecting it. You know cheap shots like that tell me a lot about you as a human being and not just a car owner. You obviously have not seen my updated post with recent fixes. So why don't you think before making stupid comments that can hurt my sale. My NSX is worth 27k and don't need a low baller telling me it's not. Are you a low baller NSXSupra? You know that tells me a lot about yourself.

What else do you know about me? Do you know that I make more then you? Do you know that I did my time serving the country? Please tell me what kind of person you are referring to me as!!! Inquiring minds want to know.


Please point out where I said that a supercharged NSX will be slower then a 98 with bolt ons lol. Ok if I did it was an accident. I wanted to say that it's not much slower as someone on here just proved when comparing both cars.
please find where I said this.

As far as wanting proof that an NA2 can have more then 6hp over an NA1 with headers then your dreaming if you think I will waste my time for that.

I don't know if you 2 don't read my posts but as I said before it's not about the peak power it's about the entire torque/power band that is more usable and matched with the 6 speed make it a hard combination to beat. And even at .5 seconds faster int he 1/4 in racing that is considered an eternity that an NA1 won't make up with headers.

I don't know what your arguing abotu anymore the NA2 is a better car nuff said.
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NSSEX91 said:

Please point out where I said that a supercharged NSX will be slower then a 98 with bolt ons lol. Ok if I did it was an accident. I wanted to say that it's not much slower as someone on here just proved when comparing both cars.
please find where I said this.


NSSEX91 said:
I even think that a 98 coupe with few bolt ons will be just as fast as a 91-96 with a supercharger at stock psi.

NSSEX91 said:
As far as wanting proof that an NA2 can have more then 6hp over an NA1 with headers then your dreaming if you think I will waste my time for you.

Please don't waste your time as you won't find it. Just like you won't find anything about a recurring oil pressure guage problem or a notchy reverse gear problem.

A nickel's worth of free advice: I'm not surprised anyone's taking cheapshots at you because you've made several statements in your posts which are assumptive and baseless. That coupled with your newcomer status makes you appear troll-like. It's also obvious the desire to sell your NSX was alone the catalyst for your membership to Prime. You have an abrasive and combative tone and quite frankly I'm not at all surprised by anyone busting your balls.

FWIW, your NSX for sale does not appear to be poorly maintained to me.
NSSEX91 said:
I don't know if you 2 don't read my posts but as I said before it's not about the peak power it's about the entire torque/power band that is more usable and matched with the 6 speed make it a hard combination to beat. And even at .5 seconds faster int he 1/4 in racing that is considered an eternity that an NA1 won't make up with headers.

I don't know what your arguing abotu anymore the NA2 is a better car nuff said.

I'm not a fool. I'm not suggesting the NA1 is stronger or better than an NA2. Of course the NA2 is better. It's always going to have more HP and the 6-speed is a better tranny with better all-around gearing.

I took issue with your direct comparison between a 91 CTSC and a 97-01 NA2 with bolt-ons.

The supporting mods alone for a 91 CTSC (bolt-ons) make it nearly the same a baseline 97-01 C32.

You also made a statement that suggested, by its wording and tone, that 300 RWHP from a NA2 w/ bolt-ons was common. It is not and if Vance had not rescued you you would be hard-pressed to say the least to find any example of that.

If you read my posts carefully you'll see that my statements addressed specific assertions made by you which I felt needed clarification or were erroneous.
NSSEX91 said:
And just because one guy spent 300,000 on his NA1 out of hundreds of thousonds of NSX owners I don't think your really proving a point there buddy so
Hundreds of thousands of NSX owners? Hundreds of thousands?

Exaggerate much?
NSSEX91 said:
Ok that hurt my feelings so I'm going to have to lay the smack down. Why don't you take your cheap shot at me back and display it on the forum .
What cheap shot? what to take it back?

My comment was directly at you, nothing inappropriate. I don't lay smack on others. Feel free to lay whatever smack you like at me. Take your time and lay a good one. Keep it entertaining.:biggrin:

Your comment below is more like a cheap shot.
NSSEX91 said:
It's not that there are so few it's that not a lot of poeple who buy early models can afford to buy all these parts in the first place.

Let me quote myself from the earlier post:
nsxsupra said:
I agree with you that the NA2 is a lot faster than NA1s, however nowhere near what you maded out to be.

If you take better care of your NSX and lose all the uncessary junk that slow you down, I can tell you it will make a big difference and make the gap smaller for you.
I agreed with you to a point and provided the info for the difference, from gearing, power-weight ratio, etc.

Area under curve is not that much different. Majority of power difference offset by weight difference. The gearing account for most of the difference in acceleration tests. If you don't get it by now, you will never get it. Enough time wasted on this thread.
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This is an interesting post, that should not turn into the 348 V. S NSX thread.
Turns out the original poster is interested in a T top, so this thread helped him out.
He is interested in a later NSX in my mind.

As far as the 3.0 V. S. 3.2 (6) speed cars, a lot has been written,
but there are a few things that should have been pointed out.
Both have pro's and cons. Not "one is better than another".
OBD1 / OBD2, Coupe / T top, elect steering, drive by wire, weight, rigidity etc.

If you read prime long enough, you will see what I am talking about.
Most here have driven both and know the differences.
Both great cars, its just up to the prospective buyer what is important to him/her.
And the Horsepower war posts between a 3.0 / 3.2 is really quite funny if you think about it.
Yes, thanks to this thread, I"m almost positive if I get an NSX it will be a 97 or above Targa top. So are there any particular things to look for when I look at the car? Are there any transmission problems with these cars?

Think about it. People I see with 91's and poeple driving 97+ who paid twice as much 55,000 pluss compared to 25,000 or less any joe can afford. I don't think I'm out of line by assuming that most 91 owners are not as willing to drop 5 to 10 grand on bolt ons as people who paid more then double for a later model. Later model guy's don't seem to complain about power.

I heard your power to weight ratio story and while it makes a difference 100 lb's is negleagable.

I'm done talking with you no more smack down.


The reason why I'm selling the car is because I'm leaving the country to support Army communications in Iraq.

Does that make me a troll?

And I'm asking you again to please forward me where I said that a 98 NSX will be "faster" because the quote says I "think" it will be "just as fast" not "Faster"

"Just as fast" and "Faster" are different so go back and tell me where I said it will be faster as you stated.

And excuuuuse me for talking down to the 91 NSX I didnt know it's owners were so sensitive on the subject. I'm sure there are no problems with those two items but mine are not so good and I thought I read that on prime a long time ago. Kill me.

Breaking news here is your TSB for the oil pressure on it's on YOUR forum. Hm I can't seem to read it without my glasses can someone take a look at this for me? I don't know what this 91 low oil pressure TSB thingy says.


Pretty much just lost all respect for you guy's.
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This has always been my goal. Start with the best platform.

I got the 91 coupe. Light. Rigid.

I'll update the suspension.....
Put the 6 speed in / now the gearing is better.....
Work on the motor a bit....
Put NSX-R brakes on it.....
Put the 2002+ lower rear valence on it....
Still have the flip up lights (my choice, that's what I like)
And I have the best of all worlds. That's what is sooooo damn cool about these cars. Everything is interchangeable. If you like something from another year, just swap it. The important thing is starting with the right car.
NSSEX91 said:
Think about it. People I see with 91's and poeple driving 97+ who paid twice as much 55,000 pluss compared to 25,000 or less any joe can afford. I don't think I'm out of line by assuming that most 91 owners are not as willing to drop 5 to 10 grand on bolt ons as people who paid more then double for a later model.
I think you're wrong about that. First of all, there are way more NA1 NSXs than there will ever be NA2 NSXs. Second, lots of people, especially those interested in performance, prefer the coupe for rigidity and weight difference. Third, even though a '91 can be had for prices in the mid-20's, buying a 15 year old car for that price is not the same level of easy as buying a brand new car for that price.

I don't think anything can be assumed about the budget of the owner solely by the year the NSX was made.
:smile: Yeah, I had to pay cash for mine because nobody will finance a car that old. So I really had to save and save, and liquidate some assets to be able to have this car, and because I paid less for it... I have MORE MONEY to put into bolt ons. If I bought a newer car, that would just be the way it sat for quite a while, but since I bought a '91, I'm already modding things.:smile:

Actually I think your right if someone is performance minded they will start with an early model for the weight and hook it up with the money saved.

For anybody worried about 100lb's they can swap like you said OR simply do some weight reduction. That ugly dirty black engine cover weights like 20 pounds and the battery is like 80 just from the looks of it. An SOS rear hatch window replacement I think will make up that 100lb difference and save you money compared to a swap. I guess it depends how much you can trade your 3 in for a 3.2 and labor.

Oh I have to mention again


I can't get enough
NSSEX91 said:
Breaking news here is your TSB for the oil pressure on it's on YOUR forum. Hm I can't seem to read it without my glasses can someone take a look at this for me? I don't know what this 91 low oil pressure TSB thingy says.


I'm glad you finally backed up something you said with some evidence. Thank you.

NSSEX91 said:
And I'm asking you again to please forward me where I said that a 98 NSX will be "faster" because the quote says I "think" it will be "just as fast" not "Faster"

"Just as fast" and "Faster" are different so go back and tell me where I said it will be faster as you stated.

Are you for real? Understand this: a 98 bolted-on like Voltron will not be faster, just as fast, or even slightly slower than a 1991 CTSC NSX. It will be WAY slower. Comparing Vance's NSX to any 98 is apples and oranges. If you think you can buy a 98 and come anywhere near 300 RWHP with bolt-ons (which does not include cams or top-end work) you are in fantasy land.

And another thing--I don't really care why you're selling your car. It appears that your desire to sell it was the only reason you joined this forum. And it shows by your attitude, poorly thought-out, unsubstantiated posts and your poor grammar.:rolleyes:
NSSEX91 said:
Think about it. People I see with 91's and poeple driving 97+ who paid twice as much 55,000 pluss compared to 25,000 or less any joe can afford. I don't think I'm out of line by assuming that most 91 owners are not as willing to drop 5 to 10 grand on bolt ons as people who paid more then double for a later model.
$25k is on the low side. Many paid anywhere from $30k~$38k for a mint condition well kept ones. Depending on the buyer, it might also make more financial sense, buying with cash vs financing.
I think the bottom line is we all selected the NSX we have for an almost infinite variety of reasons. For my own part, price was a big part of the equation. Not because that's all I could afford, but instead because I'm an analytical kind of guy who sets a dollar amount I'm willing to spend for something and then I go get the best I can for that amount.

I wanted a daily driver that I could put 15,000 miles a year on without slaying its value in the first year. That meant it would be stupid for me to buy a low-miles garage queen NA1 and equally as stupid to buy a still-depreciating NA2. Since I prefer the targa roof, the sweet spot was a medium miles not-quite-perfect '95 for me. I got lucky and found my car quickly and we're in the market for another one now for my wife with similar attributes (and not finding it so quickly).

Lots of other guys on Prime do want that low-miles garage queen and are willing to pay for it. In fact, it seems there are way more people like that than guys looking for daily drivers like me. When my wife and I find her NSX we will have spent as much as an '04 would have cost, but that isn't what I wanted. For me, a guy who will never track his car, the extra money for an NA2 is cash down the drain - at least until they stop depreciating like the NA1s have.



Whats wrong with coming to a forum to sell an NSX to someone in need? Thanks for another cheap shot.
I'm thinking of buying a members car on here. But it has over 100K miles for a 97. Is that crazy? I'm concerned about trying to sell it later with 150K plus miles on it.

If you are planning on selling it already, do not do the lambo doors even if you can put the original hinge back on. I have a 97 targa, and the alignment of the door/window/targa top do not leave much room for the window to clear the targa top when the windows are up. Any misalignment will create wind noise or leaks. That how well the NSX is designed, and built. By the comments from this thread, you may have few interested buyers when it is time to sell your car. In general, a stock cars will hold its value better. You normally don't get the value out of mods whe you sell the car. In the end, it is your car, and you can do whatever you want.
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Just let him do what he wants to do to the car. Lambo doors and boby kit. If he wants to do that let him. I think it would look cool. I am so tied of people saying that a NSX is going to be distroyed whit mods like this. Mods like that make the car look when done right.
Don't ruin a perfectly fine nsx with lambo doors.
nsxsupra, thanks for the real world comparison on your na1 vs a 03 na2. i always thought that the na1 could make up grounds of having taller gears by needing to shift less.

i chose the na1 because its only 3010, and i've already done the basic weight reduction ( my car weights 2913 lbs now ), it also has a stiffer chassis and i don't have a need for targa tops.

like what nssex91 said, no matter how much power you add, your still chasing that 20 hp difference, well no matter how much stuff you take out off the na2 your still chasing that 100+ lbs difference. there are many structural parts that you cannot remove.

also 100 +lbs in a torquelss nsx is a damn lot. you can feel the difference. also i just bought a na1 and i'm already at stage 2 in the modding phase, and i just bought the car a month ago and it was bone stock.
So here is the thought....just becasue a car is from Japan does not mean it is OK to Rice it out. That refers to all the little BS stuff kids do to their little civics (big stupid obnoxious fart can exhaust, huge space shuttle wings, etc) and the likes. The NSX is a factory supercar and does not need some Lambo door or a body kit. The beauty of the car is that it was designed beautifully from the factory.

Now, should you find one that is salvaged, wrecked, etc., and want to play with that car, go ahead. It has already suffered and is not pristine.
Apologies to Vampnsx, but putting Lambo doors on the NSX is just a disaster. It will generate a WOW with the high school kids and the custom car stereo crowd but a frown from peple who appreciate true exotics.

They're called Lambo doors because they came from Lamborghini. They're not called Acura doors. It's a gimmick when added on a car, just like big ass wings that are not designed in an air tunnel.