How about this for POTM?
After 2 hours of digging.....
After 2 hours of digging.....
Originally posted by SilverOne:
that can not be good for the car, or am i wrong?
Originally posted by KulSecHskY:
Yeah, but the extreme cold can't be good for the paint.
Originally posted by KulSecHskY:
the salts on the roads gotta be killer too
Originally posted by Acura NsX Pilot:
looking at the exhaust tips reminds me of three deaths here in the last two days..people that are not used to the deep snow here got into there cars n started them up without realizing they had to clean the snow blocking there tail pipes as well and died from carbon dioxide poisioning.The storm that hitt NyC sunday nite was the fourth largest storm in the history of NyC 19+ inches.
Originally posted by QWKSLVR:
Same thing happened in DC area, 5 deaths from Carbon MONOXIDE poisoning due to snow clogged exhausts.