Drug seizure cars auction nsx related

92 nsx sold for 48k , corrected

i dunno about the 03 yellow one
I heard Ravi's car originally sold for $100k but now sold for $48k this time... but it was damaged and needed $5k in bodywork. Bigass wing produced so much downforce it tore the the trunk lid and it had other random damage. It must have seen warp speed to produce that much downforce or someone tried to stand on it. That was an expensive paint job... Some dude who was ballin out of control bought several of the cars including the nsx and the 355 and paid cash within the hour.

Here is the buyer Adel and his biz:


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That's not a good video to show "Why not to do crime." :eek:

I bet they get off with less than 8 years and if they are 1/2 smart they will move to a country where they have already stashed large amounts of unreported cash. :rolleyes:

I'm not suggesting just stating the obvious.
Auction was today! Both NSXs sold.

Where did you find results? I'd be interested in the sale prices for some of these.

I saw that yesterday morning and was tempted to go to the auction but ultimately I didn't go. I was afraid I'd find something I really liked (like the mustard-color 1970 Mach 1) and I'd end up getting in trouble somehow by buying it.
I guess crime does pay. I always wondered why drug dealers don't get to a certain amount of cash and get out?
I guess crime does pay. I always wondered why drug dealers don't get to a certain amount of cash and get out?

Greed. Plain and simple. If you are making millions in tax free cash, and you are of the mindset to accept the risk of being a drug dealer, you lack the common sense to just 'stop' when you get a ton of cash built up. There is always something bigger to buy, and if you have $20 million, then $21 million must be better, right?
South Florida is well known for those pill mills for oxycodone and other prescription pain killers. All cash business 200-300 patients a day. $100-$200 per visit per patient. Most of these clinics are owned by businessmen who hire a doctor to use his/her DEA number to prescribe prescriptions for painkillers. Doctor gets paid $250-$300k per year. But since the crackdown in south florida, there has been a rise in patients seeking physicians in central florida to fill their painkiller fix.
drug addiction is a strong selling point:frown: street value 20-30$ pill ...the drug companies are not libel.....every day emergency rooms are full of bogus patients acting sick and complaining of the worst belly pain on earth...all to recieve thier fix of pain killers......they know the drill......quick exam a ct scan and relief.....
Hey for pharma it's still good business, no? If you are the maker of OxyContin, you are still selling your pill.... The "legality" issue has shifted away from the product, the drug, to the "method" with which it is sold.

I am not trying to make a point, just an observation. It's a pretty good gig for the pharma company no matter what happens.

With crack, the legal issue resides with the product.
With oxy, the legal issue resides with the method of sale.

Many legal and illegal drugs are both addictive pain killers.
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over past 2 years the rise for pain killers abuse/sale has increased 4 fold
The new "overdose" is not from illegal drugs but from prescription narcotics/controls.
i dont get it, they pay more for prescription meds (oxycodone) to get equivalent high if not to a lesser degree compared to illicit drugs (ex heroine)
There are crackdowns all over the US.
What many of these doctors who prescribe dont take into consideration is that every prescription filled whether it be cash or insurance is registered at end of every month to DEA which eventually leads to investigations and crackdowns.
Is there any incentive for a drug company from a financial standpoint to create non addictive or lesser addictive pain killers? I am not talking about a "moral" standpoint but from a financial one.

Is there an incentive for them to limit what doctors prescribe? Their business is selling drugs... It is not to help a patient, right? That's the job of the doctor. Like any othe business they have lots of sales people, they give perks, they advertise on TV, and limiting prescriptions is not in their best interest. When I look at the whole thing something doesn't seem right.

All these DEA agents and sting operations cost money. Tax money. Seems like the taxpayer pays, while the pharmaceutical company rakes in the cash, whether their stuff flies off the shelf legaly or illegally. The taxpayer is left holding the bag.
well again Dave it comes down to human frailty.....most anything on earth that can remotely hurt a person does because humans just can't use items for thier sole intended purpose.You could substitute guns in place of narcotics.Same principals apply.As to pain killers being non addictive,,we have those,but the ones that bind to our natural opioid recepters in our brains also provide a deeper level of relaxation that drug seekers need.You can destroy or directly block the nerves responsible for pain which is useful in cancer patients, so to be honest of course the drug companies are making more pills than those who truely need them can use......but again it is human kind that is addicted...and there are plenty of criminal doctors ready to feed that habit,going directly against thier own mission statement /oath.If you look at many of the pill mill docs though they are often foreign trained,have questionable credentials ect.Some never made it through residencies,so are not really trained to do anything other that basic history/ physicals...perfect for the pill clinic.:rolleyes:
Why are people addicted to pain killers? What does oxycontin do to their bodies that make them feel good? I can understand if people are addicted to alcohol, smoking or hookers but pain killers? Educate me....
I have been a nurse for over 15 years an have seen first hand how the industry works, personally I am greateful for pharmaceuticals because they help a lot of people but most Dr. freely Rx these as that is what they have been trained to do and the responsibility is left on each individuals hands weather to use this medication that will provide relief of a headache while making them pee blood out of their a$$, I have worked with people that need to treat pain and the answer is narcotics which are addictive and after prolonged use eventually fry the kidneys, liver and might cause one to pee out of their a$$; after years of seeing this I studied holistic's and discovered natural alternatives (trust me you can not find replacements for every pharmaceutical through holistic's but in my opinion if one is available it would be the superior choice) being one of them Cannabis, after being raised under "drugs are bad"(anything not sold legally) it was tough to get rid of the stigma at first but after reserch and discovering the reason behind the stigma (money) it was sad to think that this effective pain Tx is federally illegal mainly due to the money making threat.
Ask me how I know.:wink: