Driving NSX To Work... Should I?

Wow, I can't belive I am reading this. Really. 90% of the people in my office are scared to be themselves....and guess what, 90% of them make less than I do year in, year out. A manager knows when you are being real etc...regardless of your car, watch, or whatever. Playing these stupid corporate games is what causes them to exist in the first place. Don't play their games, and drive your car.

Maybe it's just different where I work, but I doubt it. It's really about who you are, and what you are comfortable with as a person. If you can have something nice without seeming like an arrogant ass, you should have no problems. Especially if someone else at your company owns a Bently and drives it to work.

Having a nice car should not make your work place 'worse'. And if it does, that means it was bad to begin with, and you should be looking for a work place that has a great work environment. Your car should have no impact other than a few raised eyebrows, then everyone gets back to work.
I drove her to work and was accused of doing something on the side:eek: , later in the week my boss asked me if i could take a drug test sample:eek: , NO LIE!
johnny010 said:
Wow, I can't belive I am reading this. Really. 90% of the people in my office are scared to be themselves....and guess what, 90% of them make less than I do year in, year out. A manager knows when you are being real etc...regardless of your car, watch, or whatever. Playing these stupid corporate games is what causes them to exist in the first place. Don't play their games, and drive your car.

Maybe it's just different where I work, but I doubt it. It's really about who you are, and what you are comfortable with as a person. If you can have something nice without seeming like an arrogant ass, you should have no problems. Especially if someone else at your company owns a Bently and drives it to work.

Having a nice car should not make your work place 'worse'. And if it does, that means it was bad to begin with, and you should be looking for a work place that has a great work environment. Your car should have no impact other than a few raised eyebrows, then everyone gets back to work.

^^^^ EXACTLY !!!!
Well said Johnny.

If you're good at what you do, demand your raise.
Stop worrying about what people think about your car and make them worry about how you'll be their boss someday.

When it comes down to it....you make the choice and you know the envirnoment with which you work with. I understand where you are coming from with this internal fight and it is good that you are thinking it out. On last Sunday a neighbor said to me at church what kind of car is I saw you driving in the neighborhood ? That you have 4 kids. I said it is an investment:smile :) and the kids love it. It gives us more one on one time because there are only two seats. Then I said, your new Blazer costs 10K more than my NSX and he was like really!!
I am in sales for a wireless telecomm company and I told my boss and my VP that I was getting one back in January and THEY were excited for me. A couple of them and a many of my customers were like I always wanted one of those but did not have a balls to buy one. Those comments made me want one more. And my bosses knew that I would work harder to be able to purchase it. Last year I made 18% more and that paid for the NSX. My wife takes the NSX out on girls night out and they love it. Hot women in a hot car and then when she comes home it is on!
Just try and live your life the way like to. But, if you feel uneasy to drive and show the car off at work don't drive it there. I never felt that way because it is my money and it is my life and I choose what I do with both.
Question: if you drove a beatup 77' civic to work would your boss or fellow employee's say you need a raise or what are you doing with your money you are making here.....I do not think so.
I can't believe the pompous attitude among some members here. Get over yourselves. It's an NSX, not an Enzo. Seriously, drive the damn car and be happy you even own one. Nobody needs to walk around with an explanation of who they are. To all of you too shallow to be yourselves I pity you.
I'm hopefully to be getting an NSX within the next few weeks. And I can for damn sure tell you I'm going to drive it. I'm 21 years old, but work harder than most. And I know that! To have to tip toe around something like a car is crazy. I understand that life is too short, and I'm going to enjoy it as much as possible! That's why I'm going to buy the NSX. Hearing all the members of this board talk about how happy they are. And how just walking out to a garage to see their car parked, and instantly have a grin across their face. Or to turn the key and hear that enjoy roar, and to get that feeling of being a kid again. That's what it's all about. Enjoying the time you've been given. So if a boss or a few co-workers can start looking at you differently b/c of the car you drive, just goes to show that maybe they haven't found that certain thing that brings pure joy to their lives yet. DRIVE IT...or sell it to me!!! :smile:
I work in investment banking and the reality of the situation is that once every three months, people get together to discuss what my bonus for that quarter should be. Considering that bonuses are about 80% of my take home, and considering that these people discussing what I deserve make 8 figures and park beside me in their 5 year old, very regular cars, you can bet I thought about this too!

In the end, I got teased for awhile because of my car, but it didnt last. Now they just want to hear about track days and general NSX mayhem. ;)

One of the reasons I chose the NSX was that showing up in an Fcar would definately have been 10x worse. Id have to leave a prancing horse at home if I ever get one; its just too much. You can always call your NSX an Acura and people will not question it too much.

Food for thought. If you're just thinking about ridicule, who cares, that will pass. But if you think it could affect your pay, then maybe you should keep it at home if you can.
One of my friends is a trust fund baby, but a very down to earth guy despite the fancy car he owns. He works at a mediocre job just to make good use of use time. Needless to say, he probably is more well off than the founder of the company that he works for. He still drives his nice car(s) to work, he just parks really far and out of sight. Never tries to draw attention to himself.
johnny010 said:
Maybe it's just different where I work, but I doubt it.
It is just different where you work from many other places.

There are some work places where people won't care and you can drive whatever you want. There are other work places where people will take offense, will infer an attitude, will be jealous, will judge you, etc. Work places are about human beings, and attitudes. Corporate culture varies from one company to another. It's up to anyone to decide how to present himself at his place of employment. That includes what we drive, what we wear, etc. Some places, that will make no difference, and your treatment depends solely on who you are and the work you do. Other places have high levels of "corporate politics" where who likes you can play a big influence on your career. Only you can assess your workplace and the people you work with, whether or not driving your NSX to work will make a difference in their attitudes towards you, how that difference may be reflected in your job and day-to-day life, and whether you want to drive your NSX to work after taking all of this into account. You cannot by any means assume that everyone else's workplace is the same as yours in this regard, which is what you are doing.

Nihilation said:
I can't believe the pompous attitude among some members here. Get over yourselves. It's an NSX, not an Enzo. Seriously, drive the damn car and be happy you even own one. Nobody needs to walk around with an explanation of who they are. To all of you too shallow to be yourselves I pity you.
Wow! This is the most pompous, arrogant post I've read in this entire discussion. It shows gross insensitivity to the realities of life in a workplace setting. Sure, you can drive what you want to drive, pretty much anywhere, but to be absolutely blind to the fact that, at many places of employment, you may experience negative consequences to how you present yourself (your car is part of your image) is shockingly naive.
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I already get plenty of "attention" from my VR-4 and sportbike duo. I wonder what they'll think when I roll up in an NSX a few months from now. :) I won't care whether its good or bad.
Nihilation said:
I can't believe the pompous attitude among some members here. Get over yourselves. It's an NSX, not an Enzo. Seriously, drive the damn car and be happy you even own one. Nobody needs to walk around with an explanation of who they are. To all of you too shallow to be yourselves I pity you.
Hey man, a lot of these guys are just being realistic about their situations. You shouldn't come down on people so hard; you don't really know anything about their individual situations. I'm an engineer and I work with other geeky engineers, so they love my car - I wear flip-flops and t-shirts to work. My wife works downtown in a sky scraper with other business managers (many of them very pompous). In her working environment, perception of wealth means a lot between the higher-ups. If you like it or not, this world is based on human interaction and the business game is just that... a game. If you play your cards wrong, you might end up on the losing end.

needspeed said:
Yes my peers think I am nuts, but that is because they are putting 2-4 kids through college. I ask them how much money they would have if their significant other worked and they had no kids. They all go Ohhhhh!!!!!!
That sounds a lot like me. I just turned 27 and I get so many people that just don't understand how I can have a nice home in an exclusive neighborhood with nice cars... blah blah blah. What they don't "see" is that I don't have any kids (yet) and my wife and I both have higher degrees with successful careers - plus we have been playing with money (read: investing) since college. When I explain my situation to them they realize that I'm not just some jerk with a lot of debt... I'm just a jerk. :biggrin:
nsxtasy said:
Wow! This is the most pompous post I've read in this entire discussion. It shows gross insensitivity to the realities of life in a workplace setting. Sure, you can drive what you want to drive, pretty much anywhere, but to be absolutely blind to the fact that, at many places of employment, you may experience negative consequences to how you present yourself (your car is part of your image) is shockingly naive.

So you fit the desciption I gave? As for being close minded, I may wear glasses at times, but Ray Charles I am not. Let's see how users of other forums see the attitude in this thread. I'll bet than many people will say just as my boss did:

ME (11:38:32 AM): http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?p=621659 what do you think about members by reading the thread... what kind of people do you think they are...
BOSS (11:38:48 AM): checking
BOSS (11:38:59 AM): LOL
BOSS (11:39:11 AM): thats a joke lol
BOSS (11:39:23 AM): from the thread starter i see a kid, age 17 maybe
BOSS (11:39:30 AM): who has aspirations of moving up in the world
BOSS (11:39:37 AM): and thinks WAY too much of his nsx
BOSS (11:40:02 AM): and has no sense of the real world and business
BOSS (11:40:05 AM): reading on....
BOSS (11:41:20 AM): LOL
BOSS (11:41:26 AM): they think they are driving lambos or something
ME (11:41:33 AM): exactly!@!!
BOSS (11:41:35 AM): wtf
BOSS (11:41:36 AM): lol
BOSS (11:41:42 AM): im glad you arent like that =)

This thread is definitely worth referencing...

My point being- it's a car. If your "higher ups" have half a brain they'll know to do a little research about it before making rediculous assumptions.
This thread is a joke, you don't drive FXX's !

It makes me proud that our employees can enjoy affording nice things. You work hard and YOU choose what to spend your money on. What you buy for yourself is small reward for hard work if you ask me, the real reward is doing a good job and giving work 100%. A car is just a car, I drive a nicer car than my boss the CEO, and so does the member here who happens to work for me, infact, up until last year the CEO drove a FORD FIESTA and was perfectly content. However he owns multiple properties and flies around the world, personal preference if you ask me. Your car is like any other on the road, a method of expression and transportation. It doesn't make you elite, well, at least until you roll up into your McDonalds jobs in a Ferrari. Then you ARE elite, but you have MAJOR issues with organizing priorities in life that will set you up for the future.


If that means you are content with ramen noodles every night and happy driving your NSX into your apt. complex then fine. Thats a choice for YOU to make.

Follow that rule and the future will hold nothing but smooth sailing....

If your workplace has issues with what you drive, then I say its time to start looking elsewhere, I could care less if a guy rolls up in here in a ferrari to clean bathrooms, as long as a quality job is done.
Nihilation said:
My point being- it's a car. If your "higher ups" have half a brain they'll know to do a little research about it before making rediculous assumptions.
LOL, you and your boss may just be a tinny bit sheltered... no offense. I don't think I ever had a boss that didn't jump to "rediculous assumptions" or had more than half a brain. Reality is a funny thing. :wink:

BTW, did you detect the sarcasm? I have been lucky to work for great people, but that doesn't mean that the thread poster is in the same boat as me.

If you think that the professional world is full of professionals, then you are extremely naive.

Pyrite said:
...you don't drive FXX's !
We all know that.

Pyrite said:
We all know that.

It's my personal opinion that the NSX is simply an affordable exotic. It does not make me feel like a billionaire when I drive it. However, I have encountered a lot of people that are shocked when they see me in it. I saw a Murci at a recent car show and I thought, "wow, cool." But I didn't jump out of my ass like another spectator taking pictures from every angle and groping (almost literally) the owner about what he does for a living. Obviously, perception counts for something and not everybody shares your same opinions.
redshift said:
I don't think I ever had a boss that didn't jump to "rediculous assumptions" or had more than half a brain.

How unfortunate. :wink:

redshift said:
It's my personal opinion that the NSX is simply an affordable exotic. It does not make me feel like a billionaire when I drive it. However, I have encountered a lot of people that are shocked when they see me in it. I saw a Murci at a recent car show and I thought, "wow, cool." But I didn't jump out of my ass like another spectator taking pictures from every angle and groping (almost literally) the owner about what he does for a living. Obviously, perception counts for something and not everybody shares your same opinions.

I couldn't agree more.
Pyrite said:
This thread is a joke, you don't drive FXX's !

It makes me proud that our employees can enjoy affording nice things. You work hard and YOU choose what to spend your money on. What you buy for yourself is small reward for hard work if you ask me, the real reward is doing a good job and giving work 100%. A car is just a car, I drive a nicer car than my boss the CEO, and so does the member here who happens to work for me, infact, up until last year the CEO drove a FORD FIESTA and was perfectly content. However he owns multiple properties and flies around the world, personal preference if you ask me. Your car is like any other on the road, a method of expression and transportation. It doesn't make you elite, well, at least until you roll up into your McDonalds jobs in a Ferrari. Then you ARE elite, but you have MAJOR issues with organizing priorities in life that will set you up for the future.


If that means you are content with ramen noodles every night and happy driving your NSX into your apt. complex then fine. Thats a choice for YOU to make.

Follow that rule and the future will hold nothing but smooth sailing....

If your workplace has issues with what you drive, then I say its time to start looking elsewhere, I could care less if a guy rolls up in here in a ferrari to clean bathrooms, as long as a quality job is done.

1st post on NSX Prime and you post this? :confused:
Its not a matter of how much the car costs, it is a matter of PERCEPTION. If you have an open and fun work enviornment, a cool boss or otherwise don't have to manage perceptions then congrats! Not all of us do. In a LOT of places there are judgements and politics, and managing your image is NECCESSARY and PRUDENT. I personally find it distasteful, but I find the alternative more so.

If you are a high-up exec at Chevy, are you driving your GT40 to work? Working as an envirornmental lobby and driving an H1? A conservative baptist minister and driving a red 911 turbo? A 5 star hotel manager in flip-flops? A tv sex symbol driving a sky blue 82 chevette? What if your financial advisor regularly showed up in old clothes and a rust/purple 86 pontiac sunfire?

Even if the above don't bother you, the reality is that some people really are that shallow. That includes bosses and CEOs. The bottom line is that people work in vastly different enviornments. Even if the reality is that the NSX is reliable, inexpensive, fun and reasonably practical car - it may not give off that image to the people at work. Is the 80year old CEO, who is looking for a responsible hardworking young man to run a given part of his business going to look at a cherry red NSX in the parking lot and think 'that guy is a go getter' or is he going to think 'that is a car of irresponsibility and passion, and this is position of prudence and hard work." ?

Some people have to manage the image they give off at work. I completely understand that, and applaud the original poster for managing his career appropriately. An intelligent and successful person who deals with others has to know not only how think independantly of others, but also how to manage other people's perceptions of you.

Nihilation, if you've never been in a petty work enviornment them more power to you. I hope you never have to. However, if you ever find yourself in one you can either play the game or get burned.
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Nihilation said:
Irrelevant.:rolleyes: :tongue:

Not to me. There has been a lot of negative attitude towards NSX Prime members as of late, with new Prime members just registering for the purpose of bashing existing Prime member's opinions and NSX purchase. These threads have been deleted by the moderator already and for good reason.

Some people just want to carry themselves a certain way, and not be viewed as a show-off. Some people don't want other people to know what they drive or if their family has money. What is wrong with that?

If he feels that driving his NSX to his workplace would change certain people's view about him, he has every right to make a choice to not drive it.

Not thinking about how people would react is simply telling me that you don't give a damn how people feel. I run a finance organization, and the one thing I learn is that it is important how people perceive you. I'm the boss and my employees drive better cars than I do, which is great. I can't help but think I had a lot to do with that. They respect me and think I'm a down to earth guy, and they work hard for me. Do I care what they drive? Nope, but there people out there that do care. If this is his 1st job out of college and he drives an NSX, people might get the wrong idea. I mean, we all know that NSXs can be bought used at an affordable price, but still, how many people outside of NSX Prime really know this?

It is always better to be more humble. That is my opinion.
MJK- You brought up a few more than valid points which I didn't even think of. Personally I laughed at the irony of an environmental lobbyist in a Hummer.

You're right, I don't work in a petty environment and hope I never do. I don't think I could put up with the people around me with their closed boxes. Anyway, I can see this thread getting too political for me so I'm done here. I hope everyone enjoys their cars to the fullest.
Nihilation said:
Let's see how users of other forums see the attitude in this thread. I'll bet than many people will say just as my boss did:

May I ask what you do?
redshift said:
I don't think I ever had a boss that didn't jump to "rediculous assumptions" or had more than half a brain.
Nihilation said:
How unfortunate. :wink:
I was being sarcastic. Hence the comment, "...did you detect the sarcasm?" right below it. :wink: :biggrin:

Nihilation said:
Anyway, I can see this thread getting too political for me so I'm done here. I hope everyone enjoys their cars to the fullest.
I agree, let's all get back to lovin'!

TURBO2GO said:
May I ask what you do?
ah oh... you just opened a can of worms! :biggrin: