Driving NSX To Work... Should I?

10 April 2006
Has anyone had an issue where driving the NSX to their job has caused issues with the higher ups? For whatever politcal reasons I am worried that driving this car to work is going to have its ill effects. I have wanted a NSX for so many years and now that I have one I am worried I won't get to drive it to work.

Has anyone had an issue where you drove your NSX and your boss/manager asked/told you to never drive it there again?

Is there any good way to even deal with a situation like that?
congrat with your new purchase. regarding with your issue, i don't know what is the nature of your work but one thing I know for sure, you need the car to get to work unless your workplace can provide you the transportation :-).
I drive my NSX to work sometime on a nice day where everybody come out during break for my NSX show. I work for an IT Consulting company and my co-workers think I'm crazy, including the boss.......:biggrin: Actually they love my NSX and people seem to respect me more....:cool: You should drive your NSX to anywhere you feel like it and be cool with the haters..:cool:
Drive it. They can't tell you not to drive it again. If they do ask them on what grounds, I'd like to hear that excuse.

I drive mine to work 2 or 3 days a week.
I drive it to work, when I have one day trips (I'll be home that night) and the weather is nice. Usually park it in short term parking way over in the corner next to co-workers 911 and M3 where all of us paranoid people park.

Even when they were telling us we needed 20% paycuts didn't think twice about it.... I make more money from my side job than flying at my "full time" job.
eventhorizon said:
Has anyone had an issue where driving the NSX to their job has caused issues with the higher ups? For whatever politcal reasons I am worried that driving this car to work is going to have its ill effects. I have wanted a NSX for so many years and now that I have one I am worried I won't get to drive it to work.

Has anyone had an issue where you drove your NSX and your boss/manager asked/told you to never drive it there again?

Is there any good way to even deal with a situation like that?
Tell them it's just a 14 years old Honda.:biggrin:

lol, why do you even care? I used to drive my NSX to my old job and loving it. USPS. I'm my own boss now, and I love to drive the car to my work even more.
I worried about the exact same thing.
But you know what. F'em. I'm one of the hardest working people there. I come in early, I leave late, etc. I know what my market value is, and they're not paying me more then that.

So yeah, I drive my NSX every day. Every partner there knows whos it is..

I had one or two people say I make too much. I just smile and say 'yep'..
eventhorizon said:
Has anyone had an issue where driving the NSX to their job has caused issues with the higher ups? For whatever politcal reasons I am worried that driving this car to work is going to have its ill effects. I have wanted a NSX for so many years and now that I have one I am worried I won't get to drive it to work.

Has anyone had an issue where you drove your NSX and your boss/manager asked/told you to never drive it there again?

Is there any good way to even deal with a situation like that?
I've never heard of anyone being asked not to drive it to work. Except those who work for a non-Honda automaker.

That being said, if your boss/manager is the type of person who is likely to be jealous of a subordinate who appears to be "doing better" than he/she is, and be negatively predisposed towards you as a result, you might want to drive a different car to work. Or to find a new employer.
My boss asks me to drive it to work. It drums up some much business and floor traffic when I park in front. We specialize in Sport Compact cars and its great for business.
Mine caused a stir at my prior employer. I felt sick to my stomach driving it the first few times. Lots of whispering about this and that. I was never told not to drive it, but there was some animosity. New place of employment and the guys could not care less what I drive. They all drive generic appliances and we park in a MASSIVE parking garage, so if I didn't tell him I had it, no one would ever know it was mine. Like Jond says, do what you want. You figured out how to get the car, now drive it and enjoy it.
When I used to drive it to work patients would see it in the parking lot and say " I see what I'm paying for out there" Now that I don't drive it much anymore they ask where it is and never question that the Lexus I now drive is 3x it's price. :rolleyes:
where do you work? if you work at a "non-profit" place then maybe..... but i'm sure there are some Z's and vette's in the parking lot somehwere..... drive it.... i let everybody and their mother drive my car, just cause i wanna share the experience.... people don't talk smack, they just ask me why i didn't drive the nsx when i take the civic :tongue:
eventhorizon said:
Has anyone had an issue where driving the NSX to their job has caused issues with the higher ups? For whatever politcal reasons I am worried that driving this car to work is going to have its ill effects. I have wanted a NSX for so many years and now that I have one I am worried I won't get to drive it to work.

Has anyone had an issue where you drove your NSX and your boss/manager asked/told you to never drive it there again?

Is there any good way to even deal with a situation like that?
I've never told my direct superior to stop flying his airplane into work. :biggrin:
Interesting issue and actuals works in reverse to my old job. i worked with a lot of hourly folks who would have balked at the car and said I was making too much money. My current job has people looking at my Jeep Wrangler and think I'm an oddball for not having a nice car(love my Jeep by the way). I am actually looking forward to having an NSX to kind of shove it in their Beemer loving faces :smile:
There is nothing wrong with success. I do not see an NSX as a display of excessive wealth. I drive mine to work every day and the majority of folks are hourly workers. Most people think it’s cool. Yes my peers think I am nuts, but that is because they are putting 2-4 kids through college. I ask them how much money they would have if their significant other worked and they had no kids. They all go Ohhhhh!!!!!! I felt concerned the first day, but I have gotten over it and it is no big deal. In fact if I don't drive it to work people ask where is it......my 2.5 cents, not redeemable for cash......Steve
eventhorizon said:
Has anyone had an issue where driving the NSX to their job has caused issues with the higher ups? For whatever politcal reasons I am worried that driving this car to work is going to have its ill effects. I have wanted a NSX for so many years and now that I have one I am worried I won't get to drive it to work.

Has anyone had an issue where you drove your NSX and your boss/manager asked/told you to never drive it there again?

Is there any good way to even deal with a situation like that?

You are asking a real general question, because we have no idea what you do and who you work with, what your work situation is like... but let me tell you... it can definitely cause problems and I think you should think long and hard first.

It has caused problems for me in the past. But my situation is different in that I am the boss. Although it may not seem like a big deal right away, you never know when someone might be somewhat resentful. It happens.

Again I am not sure what you do, but I would think your situation is easier than mine because the higher ups should know what you make, and if they do then who cares how you spend your money.

You can always mention the car is a 1992... or make a joke that "you are in debt up to your eyeballs" for it. Something like that.

But I suspect that if you are hesitant, its for a reason. A gut feeling is usually right in most cases. Think of the worst scenario and its consequences, weigh it out, and see if its worth it for you. I know you are getting some advice to ignore them here and do what you want, but if you have a bad feeling, I would say just take the accord.
I had the same feeling. I would drive it to work and park under the parking garage, away from everyone. I never wanted my boss to know how I live my lifestyle. One day, he saw me driving out of the parking garage. He asked me about the car, and he started spreading to the VP. Later on, I bumped into the VP and he asked me if I like the car, etc. He was cool. I know it's no big deal, but it just do cross my mind if he's thinking "I think i'm paying you too much so i'm going to cut down his raise, etc" hehehe.

Now, it's not about who knows...but rather if you're car is safe outside in the parking lot. You'll be thinking "gosh...i hope no one parks their car next to mine and give me a door ding or gosh...I hope no one steals it", etc.
If they saying anything, they are probably jealous they have to drive their mini vans to work. If they continue to be a pain, tell them that you want a raise...you would like to buy a few mods! :wink:
It's a real issue for many people. There are pluses and minuses to being known as "the guy who drives that fancy sports car". Some people may be jealous.

Also, I know of one dentist who never drove his NSX to work because he was worried that his patients might think they're paying too much for his services if he could afford such a car.

You ought to think through how it will "play" at your job before driving it there. Once you decide to do so, you won't be able to undo any negative reactions or attitudes.
You guys make good points each way. I do have a nagging feeling about it that it could go sour. I am the lead developer for our IT department in a company of only 40 or so employees at this location. The owners drive Tahoe's, M3's and a Bently so the NSX wouldn't be the most expensive car in the parking lot by far, however probably one of the better performing ones :smile:

Image seems to be very important at this place, and I am worried that when I'm up for my raise in June that I would get less of one, or at all since I can obvisouly afford what I want already....
Yeah my boss, and her boss both raised their eyes when they saw my car. Someone else from a different office made a comment that we must get paid better in my office etc........probably just better money management.

In any case, I see what you are saying. The business rule of 'Don't wear a Rolex when your boss wears a Timex.' Personally, I say screw that. Do what you will, and if they don't like it, go work somewhere else. I have worked hard for my success and money. If they ax my raise because of it, I'll leave.

Like another poster, I seem to have gotten more respect.
nsxtasy said:
Once you decide to do so, you won't be able to undo any negative reactions or attitudes.

Well said. This is my point exactly and why I am telling you to think long and hard. If you have a nagging feeling, I would trust it. Those nagging feelings are always there for a reason.

You are torn because you want to obviously drive the fun car, and make it a more joyful ride to work. But there is something there that makes you uneasy and why you have posted here. I am going against the grain here giving you this advice but I have been in this situation many times and what I say comes from experience. Its good to dance to your own tune and not be a slave to others' opinions, but the work environment is not that place if you want to get ahead. That's just how it is, because in business, image is very important.

You have another choice. This is not your only car. In the work environment its best to keep things low key, do your work, and not let anyone else be in your business as much as possible. This is some general advice but it applies well here.

The only exception is if you are trying to pickup a hottie at the company. But you said "IT" and "development" so I think its a safe bet to say this is not the case. :biggrin:
I work for an Armoured Car service, so you can imagine the jokes that flew around when I showed up in the the NSX at 22 years old. I just tell everyone I pay out my ass for it, and that I might as well be stupid with my money when I'm young.
TURBO2GO said:
Well said. This is my point exactly and why I am telling you to think long and hard. If you have a nagging feeling, I would trust it. Those nagging feelings are always there for a reason.

You are torn because you want to obviously drive the fun car, and make it a more joyful ride to work. But there is something there that makes you uneasy and why you have posted here. I am going against the grain here giving you this advice but I have been in this situation many times and what I say comes from experience. Its good to dance to your own tune and not be a slave to others' opinions, but the work environment is not that place if you want to get ahead. That's just how it is, because in business, image is very important.

You have another choice. This is not your only car. In the work environment its best to keep things low key, do your work, and not let anyone else be in your business as much as possible. This is some general advice but it applies well here.
^ I agree with this.

To the OP: It sounds like you have a similar work environment to mine. I have not, and will not drive it to work for this exact reason. While not at all tied to job performance, if you think it might make your work enviorment worse then don't do it. It is sad that corporate life is like this, but you can either play the game or let it play you. IMO, if you think this is going to send even mixed signals - don't do it. (And as an aside, if this pisses you off as much as it does me then start planning an exit strategy).
I dont own one this month, but next month when i do, i wont be able to drive it into my day job at a private country club. I'm thinking it might create a bit of resentment with the members and cause my tips to go down the shitter. I find its much better if they are convinced i'm a starving college student, which to be honest, i am. I just have a nice car.