Drive on June 25th

I'm picking up my 'X right now so, unless I oversleep, I will see you all tomorrow
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I'm picking up my 'X r right now so, unless I oversleep, I will see you all tomorrow

Do you want a wake up call?:biggrin:

Make sure to give your car a check up, tires, oil, brakes, ect.

If you have a club radio bring it.

If you are a maybe please let us know if you are going or not, see 1st post.

See everyone in the morning at 9:00:smile:
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Les, What time do you think you will be getting to the restaurant for lunch. I might be able to meet you there. Can someone call me when you are about 45 minutes away?


Les, What time do you think you will be getting to the restaurant for lunch. I might be able to meet you there. Can someone call me when you are about 45 minutes away?



12 to 12:30. Someone will call you.

I might stop by say hi at the in and out tomorrow morning since I work nearby auto center drive :)

That would be great:smile:
my front tires are unsafe for this drive, still waiting since last week for new ones. I'll have to catch you guys next time :frown:
Thanks LMR for setting up a great drive! A very heartfelt thanks to everyone that went and made my first NSX meet/drive one I'll never forget. Had a blast and I will be posting pictures ASAP
Want to thank everyone for coming out for the drive. It was a good time as always. Here are some pics. Should have some video later.









Good drive, guys! Thanks, Les!

Sorry I had to drop out early. My car was idling low and stalled a few times; so I thought it best not to take it up the second leg. Think it just needed an ECU reset.
Good seeing everyone and meeting some new people.

Thanks to Anthony with the GT3 for coming out as well. Very nice car indeed, I just woke up from passing out earlier when I got back. The drive was very good for the most part.

Grame and Albert- Hope your cars are ok.

Thanks to LES and all who volunteered to do the event also.
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Wanna thank Les for again organizing another successful and fun-filled drive/lunch. Great to meet the first-timers and hope it won't be the last. Glad to see Eddie back in the picture and Graeme. Albert, glad to know you came home in one piece--I know it'll be back better and stronger! Graeme, hope it's a small fix. Ken, thanks for taking pictures and video even though you couldn't roll with us. Nice to see the GT3--beautiful! Also, nice to have Mario meet us--what's a meet without Mario? : )
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Thanks Les for putting together another great event! It was great to see everyone. Sure was a surprise to see Eddie show up :eek:

Thanks Ken for taking the video! Hope Graeme and Alberts cars are easy fixes..

Can't wait for the next event Les! :rolleyes:
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Grame and Albert- Hope your cars are ok.

Graeme, hope it's a small fix.

Hope Graeme and Alberts cars are easy fixes..

Thanks for the concern, guys. I reset the ECU when I got home, and it seems to be idling better. Should be fixed. :)

Glad Graeme and Albert got home okay.

Thanks, Les. Luckily I was so close to home. Next thing we need to do is move Cars & Coffee up this way and I'll be a happy man. :D