Drive on 4-15 (Here we go again)

That was a perfect spring day for the drive! Great drive and great turn-out. Thank you Les, once again, for your work organizing this. Thank you, JC, for the printouts of the route and for (I think) taking care of the restaurant reservation. Thank you group leaders. Great fun.
Great run all! Thank you for planning this one. Great to meet some new folks - didn't get an opportunity to meet everyone at the 15 meeting point, but am sure will meet and get to know everyone in due time. Great time. Awesome to see all the NSX So Cal pride.
JC and Les, Thank you both for your hard work and planning, Scott and I had a great time. Always nice to see lots of familiar faces and met quite a few new members. I appreciate your efforts, Gil
I had WAY too much fun today. Thank you to Les (the Godfather), JC (even though he couldn't make the drive), Patty (outstanding brownies) and everyone that made the drive! It was a blast and as always great to hang out with a bunch of crazy Primers.

Now to sift through my GoPro footage and see if there's anything worth posting...:cool:
Thanks again to Les and JC for organizing the run. Good route and weather today. Hope everyone had a great time and got back home safely. It's always nice to see everyone and we had a great turnout today too! Until next time!
First off I want to thank JC for all his help with this drive, it was too bad he was not able to come along.:frown: Also want to thank everyone for coming out on beautiful day for a great drive, hope you all had as much fun as I did. It would have been a perfect drive had the person who was leading the drive stayed on the route he planned.:redface: I think the people of that town were not too upset to see all NSX's come through, make a U turn and go back out the way we came without too much disruption.

Next drive coming soon so keep an eye out here.:smile:
Glad everyone had a good time. It was my pleasure to assist the Godfather with this drive and future ones. How can you say no to the Godfather?

Glad the restaurant reservations worked out. Hope everyone had a marvelous day and drive. Hope the directions were spot on and it was just a Naviguesser error!

I'll be up and running later this week so bank on the Godfather and myself coming up with another amazing ride soon.

Now post some pics or this drive didn't happen!
Yes, other than that up and down woop that im sure most bottomed out on, this was one of the best runs ever. Patty, your brownies are that good. And john, how long was your go pro rolling, or les for that matter, i have to know har far back you were les on that "spirited" pull on the way home lol
Hey, I was wondering if any one else had to dodge that big white dog. It was a nice looking dog and I hoped it didn't get hit or cause an accident.
I wanted to thank everyone for allowing me to join the drive and hopfuly I will be in the area long enough to do another one before my car gose home to MN.

This drive was incredible--perfect in every way. Shout outs to Les and JC for organizing the drive. Thank you, Patty for your wonderful brownies! And nice meeting familiar and new faces from SoCal and San Diego!
Here are a few photos...


^On Ortega Highway.


^Red&black: Austin, In Lake Elsinore.







Thanks all for the kind words and more importantly the pictures. You have no idea how hard it was to turn the car left out of the parkinig lot as you were all heading east on Ortega Highway. I look forward to participating a little more on our next run.