Dream Sports

23 July 2003
Seattle, WA.
Hi, just wonder what's the difference between the Dream Sports CF NSXR wings and the Dali Racing Mock up wing.

From some of pic, it seems like that the Dream Sports are more straight and angled, while the Dali Racing one, which looks more like the real R wing, more smooth...

please, if anyone had picture to compare, it will be great.
Cool, I'm thinking to buy yours off actually.

but I have to get my wheels first... when I drive my nsx, I never want to stop and let people see my ugly wheels... :(

anyway, your car got fixed yet??
F no

F__k shop

piss me off

god knows when the F am i gonna get my F car back.. and not to mention god knows how muc$ it will cost me.. might have to sell my NSX just to pay for the repair.,.

sorrie, jsut need to vent~~

yeah just stop by anytime

I have a DreamzSport wing, but, boy, the Dali "R" replica one does look dang sweet!!!! More money, though. Comes down to your own personal taste.

(Lack of a 3rd brake light is pretty important to me, though.)
