Down Under Trackday NSX

Very cool how you moved the wing back. I find the GTC300 heavy though... and a lot of it is in the base you removed. Good stuff as usual man.
Ours is the GT500 wing.... and it's not the lightest wing but not the heaviest either given it's size and the need for strength......... as you say the wing stays are really heavy for what they are...... We made ours significantly bigger and yet were lighter.

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Well I have no idea how he did it, but Zac managed to find time over the last few days to get the new side skirts made and cooked .. !! And he's trimmed them ready to go.

They're currently 2 pieces so I've got to try and mount them tomorrow onto the car and then we can glue the two parts together..... then once together we'll put a small carbon joiner behind to give them some strength in case they move, but they're not under any real load so should be all good.

Best of all the pair of skirts and outers are only 1.7KG so well under the expected weight......... and a whopping 10KG saved over the other ones !

Now I know that the others we had were full of filler and more fibreglass than you could shake a stick at so the savings wouldn't be that big over off the shelf parts, but it's all relative to the last time we ran the car so it's 10KG off the car since last time just on side skirts so that's all we care about ! Less to accelerate up and less to slow down.......... all good !

Will try to get them fitted over the next couple of days and take some more pics.....
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New side skirts all finished and new bumper all fitted and ready to go to the track on Sunday........... what a nightmare week trying to get time to sort all of the little bits and pieces on the car, but got it done........... car is looking better and better with all carbon bodywork, just front guards and bonnet to go and then we'll tidy things up and get it painted again.

Will get some in car and out of car video over the weekend and post a couple of videos here too all things going well !!! Weather has the potential to turn crap so fingers crossed !
best of luck getting it sorted esp aero balance...that rear wing looks aggressive.
Yeah it does "look" aggressive, but the reality is that it's the angle the photo's are taken from.......... it doesn't look that aggressive in real life............

To be honest at this point it's not really fast enough to start to worry so much about the aero, but soon we'll have twin blowers on there and it'll move a fair bit faster and then we'll start to see changes I'm sure !! We've got a few little canards to add to the front to help there also, but we haven't focussed on that stuff till we've finished the rest of the bodywork and then got some more grunt in it :)
well when I put my hand flat out the window and angle it down at 100mph there is a pretty strong push down....just sayin big wings can exert strong effects at mundane speeds.
Unfortunately we had issues with both camera's today....... one was a technical issue (in car camera didn't trigger automatically) and the other camera I asked someone record some video from outside and they clearly were a numpty as they recorded in portrait mode !! But luckily I found this clip that the guys who ran the trackday made from a few weeks back when we were at the track............. gives you the idea.

I promise I'll get it sorted and get some in car footage sorted and some better outside video too !! Hopefully going back in 3 weeks.
No offense intended, but this has "next level" Rocket Bunny potential from a cleaner aspect.I would love to see you push the limits.
Thanks for the nice comments........ regarding making and selling some parts.......... it's unlikely, but never say never right.........

They're not cheap to produce as they're time intensive and they're made to fit with the other parts around them such as our rear bumper and the side skirts so fitment onto an OEM setup would be hard for us to reproduce to a quality that we'd be happy with to charge someone for...........

It all goes together well on our car, but it's a different level when you talk about producing them for sale to the public.
I was fortunate enough to hitch a ride on Friday in this beast for a few laps at our annual Honda track day and all I can say is damn. I have seen this car progress from shipped in from Japan to being stripped down in a shed to getting it put together and then stripped down again and it never fails to impress me the attention to detail is awesome.
The grip in the corners is immense it goes through corners flat out and then grips some more and corners faster, for a reasonably stock drive train it is fast and so well balanced makes for an awesome ride. After the ride all I could think about is I need grip like that in the corners, cant wait for my Nitto's to arrive now.
Great thread... would you have any close up shots of how the wing mounts travel through or beside the trunk lid on the way to the frame? I'm looking to do something similar, yet keep the functionality of the trunk.. which, as you can imagine is going to be tough. It would mean likely havign to move the wing further back and a little higher to allow the trunk to open.
Long time between updates but there has been progress !!

Our car originally started life as an auto rather than a manual. We knew we were going to replace everything auto and the base cars were quite a bit cheaper so it was a good deal.

However one thing that you get in the auto cars that you don't in the early manual cars is electric power steering...... that in itself isn't an issue, but once we removed all of the OEM ECU's and the like we had to disable the electric power steering but the effort needed was only the same as a manual rack so we just disabled it and things have been great. However a couple of weeks ago I managed to pick up a manual rack as a spare to keep on the shelf in case we needed it, but then I realised that there was actually 15KG difference in weight between the EPS and manual racks so we decided to switch them over now and put the EPS rack on the shelf instead.

Another good bit of news and also a bit unexpected was that I stumbled across an auction for some turbo's exactly like we had planned to use at a ridiculous price so couldn't let them go to someone else even though financially and time wise I'd rather not have purchased them now, but you can't turn down such a good deal.

So now we're going to have to get the new engine sorted before we can use the turbo's but at least we've got em.....
OK so today I managed to get around to something I've been wanting to get to for ages, but other things took priority ........... the side impact beams in the doors is quite heavy and since our cage pushes into the door anyhow so the side impact beams are really surplus to requirements since we have a cage.

A reasonable weight saving........... The reason I'd held off doing it was because I thought I was going to have to unpick the front skin of the door to get them out as they're put in from the outside before the skin is put on. It's bloody tight in there, but I was able to unbolt it and then get a cutting wheel into the inside of the door and cut the bar into bits so I could get it out without taking the outer skin off, so it was a lot less work !!!

In addition to that, the door skins that we made initially were nearly as heavy at 5.8KG !!! Now they're heavy as with all the other stuff, we made it to shape, not to perfect now we can remake those and I'm sure they'll be less than 1KG for the pair, but for now we'll run without them........ they're no needed, just make it look tidy......... so that's close to 12KG saving............ add that to the 15KG saved on the steering rack and we're looking close to 30KG saved that's definitely going to make a difference !
Just thought I would share a video that Jessy Penelon from Autoworks Magazine in France was visiting and took some video with our recent visit to the track and did a great job editing it together considering the it was all just footage that he took throughout the day randomly.......

Some quick snaps he took in the workshop















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"atmosphere" created in the clip is tops ... as you say: superb A/V editting , and ya gotta love the strong but clean engine note.
So what colour will you paint it in the end Fraser? (note correct spelling of "colour" :smile: )
fantastic build, have fun at the track!
Thanks DocJohn.......... :D

The car is getting quicker and quicker and we've already managed to get down to a very reasonable laptime at our local track...... I have friends with WRX's and EVO's that are going slower than us and we've only got close to half the power so we've got to be happy with that. Once we get the weight down further and then add more power it'll be scary !