Don't hit ever hit a woman. Especially when a Former UFC fighter is nearby.

OK. I watched the video. What happened?:confused:

Man that was like watching a Big Foot sighting.

This is what the police are supposed to be for. Not a good idea to take it upon yourself to enforce justice- no matter how justified you are, or how good a fighter you are- it doesn't even matter if you have a 17 professional fight win streak

Ditto. Unless the girl was his super close friend/family member he should have just let the law do it's work. These roid-rage fighters need to keep the fighting in the ring and only for money.
Man... I've met Roger. He is a pretty calm guy normally. He lost to my friend Kenny Florian but Kenny always spoke highly of Roger. This could have ended really bad for Roger. I don't condone this at all... but some part of me is really happy to see that punk get his lights punched in by a pro fighter. My mind and mouth say "this is all wrong" but some part of me inside is giggling.
Bet ya the chick that got cold-cocked in the head (aka Snookie II) probably got up and was kneeling over the football player that was knocked out on the ground coddling him. Just the way those damn bitches are.... go figure. :cool:
This is bad for Roger. He chases the guy down. The guy is then left on the ground and bleeding. Roger is a known fighter. Bobino's lawyer will have a field day. He punches a woman and will probably collect a paycheck for it. :rolleyes: Roger will probably lose his UFC contract for standing up for the woman. This is how things work.
This is bad for Roger. He chases the guy down. The guy is then left on the ground and bleeding. Roger is a known fighter. Bobino's lawyer will have a field day. He punches a woman and will probably collect a paycheck for it. :rolleyes: Roger will probably lose his UFC contract for standing up for the woman. This is how things work.

And both of them will probably get laid more than you and me combined. :eek:
Good job, Hitting a woman is one of the most coward things to do, good job Roger showing that guy what it feels like to be spanked by a bigger (not in size) man!


he didn't throw the first punch, so, I hope he is fine :) my best wishes!
This is bad for Roger. He chases the guy down. The guy is then left on the ground and bleeding. Roger is a known fighter. Bobino's lawyer will have a field day. He punches a woman and will probably collect a paycheck for it. :rolleyes: Roger will probably lose his UFC contract for standing up for the woman. This is how things work.

I highly doubt he'll lose his UFC contract for this. I can already see Dana making a spin on this...."No we're not going to fire him, he was in an unfortunate situation, in which he witnessed a female being sucker punched by a man"

....if standing up for someone who couldn't protect themselves is wrong, well, i'm glad Roger was in the wrong.

For those who said leave it to the police...HA
I highly doubt he'll lose his UFC contract for this. I can already see Dana making a spin on this...."No we're not going to fire him, he was in an unfortunate situation, in which he witnessed a female being sucker punched by a man"

....if standing up for someone who couldn't protect themselves is wrong, well, i'm glad Roger was in the wrong.

For those who said leave it to the police...HA

+1 His fighting days are fine...after he pays what ever fine he gets from the authorities. They didn't do anything to Rampage when he went nuts. And that was total nuts, random as in, I'm going to drive my truck (that has my face painted on the side so people know its me :biggrin:) down the street and hit things, maybe people.

I think this was justified because the clown who hit the woman deserved it IMO.
Man... I've met Roger. He is a pretty calm guy normally. He lost to my friend Kenny Florian but Kenny always spoke highly of Roger. This could have ended really bad for Roger. I don't condone this at all... but some part of me is really happy to see that punk get his lights punched in by a pro fighter. My mind and mouth say "this is all wrong" but some part of me inside is giggling.

I think you summed up my feelings perfectly here.

Good job, Hitting a woman is one of the most coward things to do, good job Roger showing that guy what it feels like to be spanked by a bigger (not in size) man!

he didn't throw the first punch, so, I hope he is fine :) my best wishes!

Huge 2nd^.

I wouldn't mind seeing what happens (if any legal repercussions are taken).
He left UFC some time ago, he fights for "Bellator" now

Yep, and it was reported today that he'll be fighting their Lightweight Champion, Eddie Alvarez, in a non-title bout on October 21st. Probably a smart move by Bellator to build upon this notoriety, not to mention this is the fight they wanted to put together when signing Roger.
He is lucky that he did not get hurt by trying to be a hero. I have seen fools like him get shot when they try being the hero.

Would you just stand there and do nothing if a guy punched a woman so hard she was knocked unconsious?