Do you belong to a gym?

How do you stay fit?

  • I belong to a local gym

    Votes: 50 71.4%
  • I have home equipment

    Votes: 13 18.6%
  • Im a cheapskate, i run and and use stuff like the local HS or park

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • I use the Hershel Walker workout, pushups and situps

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • I don't care how i look and feel, i have an nsx!!!!

    Votes: 10 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Of course, most of the people I've heard of who bought memberships, ended up not going after a few weeks. Willpower is important no matter where you decide to exercise. Personally, I like bicycles. And martial arts.


Agreed....your propensity to succeed has more to do with your work ethic/will power than it does the locale of your activities. :wink:
I believe your best gains are achieved at a gym where you can be amongst people striving for the same goal. I think the interactive environment helps push you farther than if you simply work out by yourself at home. Just being around others makes me train more intensely.
Being that I had a tragic hangnail incident and my back was somehow broken in like seven places, I feel it is imperative I go to stay in good health! Most amputees I see have BAD atrophy on the side they lost on, and a LOT are over weight.... :(

This is me in Feb 2007 about 9 months post oops... not quite my fattest, but close!


This is me now, well, a few weeks ago... I use a special arm to work out. I'm about 192lbs in the pic and 10% bodyfat or so, currently max bench is about 310 or so... If I can do it, ANYONE can!!


I look like your top photo!! All i want to do is tone and loss this beer gut! Did you change your eating habits? what was your workout routine? Good Job.
Here is my suggestion.

Join the gym and hire a personal trainer for 12 sessions or so. Here is why. Most people join the gym and don't go because they have no obligation to go. If you have the trainer, it is an appointment - just like any other business appointment and you will keep it. Once you get a schedule, it will be much easier to go and get into a rhythm. The trainer will also help you with your diet and show you the correct way to do the exercises. I see SOOOOOO many people doing things wrong every day!

My wife recently started working with a trainer and the results have been excellent.

Personal trainer sessions are $50 bucks a pop!
20 bucks to join, 37 a month for 2 years.

About $900 for a 2 year contract.

I work offshore on a drilling rig, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off(possibly an extra week a week or so). On these drilling rigs they have roguhly the same equipment Golds does.

So im pondering

1. change eating habits and use public facililties including walking and some home equipment(like the perfect push-up)?

2. Join a gym that i can use about 12 months of the 24 month contract?

I'm really hearing that diet is a key factor. i go through wild cherry pepsi like a case a week!!!

some very good and inspiring comments in this thread.

Any yoga or pilates experts?
Diet is 80% of the battle and a consistent regimen is a must. What ever you do, start today and don't quit! This is the best advice I can put out there... :cool:
close to home...

I work offshore on a drilling rig, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off(possibly an extra week a week or so)...
In your particular situation, perhaps you should check into your own residential development's community/recreational center or perhaps a nearby one in a surrounding development (though, you'll need an addie' w/ within that development when you register to have access... a friend/etc' residing there obviously comes in handy).

Costs are minimal (the H.O.A. fees covers maint', you basically just get an I.D. made & pay a few bucks-per-month on a pay-as-you-go basis), equipment is new/relatively-new, and there is the obvious convenience of location.

I know in the sub-developments around my area (ie. Avery Ranch, Cat Hollow, Brushy Creek, etc'), each one of them has their own facilities ranging from outdoor/indoor tracks & pools, saunas/spas, gymnasiums w/ courts for basketball & tennis, dance & aerobic studios, scheduled fitness/training classes (including spinning, pilates, yoga, kick-boxing, etc'), and of-course a training-area w/ free-weights, Smith machines, and cardio-equipment.

Well, I eat kinda healthy, but still occassionally splurge. I do NOT follow any fad diets, and I don't drink soda and generally try to avoid high fructose corn syrup,


See, your body more or less has mechanisms that tell it when to take up sugar and store fat, and will kind of 'turn off' when not need (GLUT transporters). HIGH FRUCT. CS essentially bypasses them all and gets used no matter what. DON'T EAT IT!!

As for workouts.... Gym 3xweek for a little over an hour

RUNNING (outside, period. Treadmills are 'worthless')

NOW! For those who can't run.... Let me show you my secret. 1st, I did almost 12 years in the Army and I SUCKED! at running. I mean, after 1/2 a mile I had to stop. I fell out of just about every run ever, and BARELY passed the run on the PT test. I just could never run. I tried SO HARD and couldn't 'get it.'

Then last September I found what's called the "C25K" program on . I followed it to the letter, never skipped ahead, never missed a workout. I ran at a slower pace than the army used, and magically i learned to run!! Seriously, here I am less than five months later and Sunday I ran 10.1 MILES nonstop (9:25 pace) b/c of this program!! Little genies couldn't give you better results!! Today I ran 4 miles at an 8:42 pace, something I NEVER did in the Army, EVER! EVVVVERRRRR!!!!!

Also I bought a Garmin Forerunner 405 GPS watch with heart rate monitor. This thing is worth it's weight in gold if you truly want to lose weight. It allowed me to slow my pace to workable a Heart Rate and build my cardio. Seriously the weight FELL off at that point. Keeping my HR below 165 (aerobic threshold) was like magic. Now I feel like I can't eat enough to KEEP weight ON!!

Seriously, C25K and a GPS watch and in 6 months you will swear that they work magic somehow.... Gym time helps, too!
Personal trainer sessions are $50 bucks a pop!

They are, and good ones are worth it. Most people think they can just walk into the gym and get in shape. Maybe you can, maybe you can't, but you will be in a much better position for success if you learn how to do it properly first.

Plus, most guys driving NSX's have a couple bucks to spend on a personal trainer.

Well, I eat kinda healthy, but still occassionally splurge. I do NOT follow any fad diets, and I don't drink soda and generally try to avoid high fructose corn syrup,


See, your body more or less has mechanisms that tell it when to take up sugar and store fat, and will kind of 'turn off' when not need (GLUT transporters). HIGH FRUCT. CS essentially bypasses them all and gets used no matter what. DON'T EAT IT!!

As for workouts.... Gym 3xweek for a little over an hour

RUNNING (outside, period. Treadmills are 'worthless')

NOW! For those who can't run.... Let me show you my secret. 1st, I did almost 12 years in the Army and I SUCKED! at running. I mean, after 1/2 a mile I had to stop. I fell out of just about every run ever, and BARELY passed the run on the PT test. I just could never run. I tried SO HARD and couldn't 'get it.'

Then last September I found what's called the "C25K" program on . I followed it to the letter, never skipped ahead, never missed a workout. I ran at a slower pace than the army used, and magically i learned to run!! Seriously, here I am less than five months later and Sunday I ran 10.1 MILES nonstop (9:25 pace) b/c of this program!! Little genies couldn't give you better results!! Today I ran 4 miles at an 8:42 pace, something I NEVER did in the Army, EVER! EVVVVERRRRR!!!!!

Also I bought a Garmin Forerunner 405 GPS watch with heart rate monitor. This thing is worth it's weight in gold if you truly want to lose weight. It allowed me to slow my pace to workable a Heart Rate and build my cardio. Seriously the weight FELL off at that point. Keeping my HR below 165 (aerobic threshold) was like magic. Now I feel like I can't eat enough to KEEP weight ON!!

Seriously, C25K and a GPS watch and in 6 months you will swear that they work magic somehow.... Gym time helps, too!

NO SODA!!!! Damn what am i gonna eat with popcorn!!!!!! Im checkin out the GPS and the cool running site now. Good to see you didn't have any magical tricks or hard non-realistic methods. However i am gonna continue to use this 7 days pass to golds, then i'll make my mind up. I do like the classes the offer, I don't really use the equipment much, i do like the sauna!
They are, and good ones are worth it. Most people think they can just walk into the gym and get in shape. Maybe you can, maybe you can't, but you will be in a much better position for success if you learn how to do it properly first.

Plus, most guys driving NSX's have a couple bucks to spend on a personal trainer.

My extra bucks are gonna go towards FI!!!! Tired of sitting on the sidelines!!!!

Well, I eat kinda healthy, but still occassionally splurge. I do NOT follow any fad diets, and I don't drink soda and generally try to avoid high fructose corn syrup,


See, your body more or less has mechanisms that tell it when to take up sugar and store fat, and will kind of 'turn off' when not need (GLUT transporters). HIGH FRUCT. CS essentially bypasses them all and gets used no matter what. DON'T EAT IT!!

As for workouts.... Gym 3xweek for a little over an hour

RUNNING (outside, period. Treadmills are 'worthless')

NOW! For those who can't run.... Let me show you my secret. 1st, I did almost 12 years in the Army and I SUCKED! at running. I mean, after 1/2 a mile I had to stop. I fell out of just about every run ever, and BARELY passed the run on the PT test. I just could never run. I tried SO HARD and couldn't 'get it.'

Then last September I found what's called the "C25K" program on . I followed it to the letter, never skipped ahead, never missed a workout. I ran at a slower pace than the army used, and magically i learned to run!! Seriously, here I am less than five months later and Sunday I ran 10.1 MILES nonstop (9:25 pace) b/c of this program!! Little genies couldn't give you better results!! Today I ran 4 miles at an 8:42 pace, something I NEVER did in the Army, EVER! EVVVVERRRRR!!!!!

Also I bought a Garmin Forerunner 405 GPS watch with heart rate monitor. This thing is worth it's weight in gold if you truly want to lose weight. It allowed me to slow my pace to workable a Heart Rate and build my cardio. Seriously the weight FELL off at that point. Keeping my HR below 165 (aerobic threshold) was like magic. Now I feel like I can't eat enough to KEEP weight ON!!

Seriously, C25K and a GPS watch and in 6 months you will swear that they work magic somehow.... Gym time helps, too!

Is this the program

Well, I eat kinda healthy, but still occassionally splurge. I do NOT follow any fad diets, and I don't drink soda and generally try to avoid high fructose corn syrup,


See, your body more or less has mechanisms that tell it when to take up sugar and store fat, and will kind of 'turn off' when not need (GLUT transporters). HIGH FRUCT. CS essentially bypasses them all and gets used no matter what. DON'T EAT IT!!

As for workouts.... Gym 3xweek for a little over an hour

RUNNING (outside, period. Treadmills are 'worthless')

NOW! For those who can't run.... Let me show you my secret. 1st, I did almost 12 years in the Army and I SUCKED! at running. I mean, after 1/2 a mile I had to stop. I fell out of just about every run ever, and BARELY passed the run on the PT test. I just could never run. I tried SO HARD and couldn't 'get it.'

Then last September I found what's called the "C25K" program on . I followed it to the letter, never skipped ahead, never missed a workout. I ran at a slower pace than the army used, and magically i learned to run!! Seriously, here I am less than five months later and Sunday I ran 10.1 MILES nonstop (9:25 pace) b/c of this program!! Little genies couldn't give you better results!! Today I ran 4 miles at an 8:42 pace, something I NEVER did in the Army, EVER! EVVVVERRRRR!!!!!

Also I bought a Garmin Forerunner 405 GPS watch with heart rate monitor. This thing is worth it's weight in gold if you truly want to lose weight. It allowed me to slow my pace to workable a Heart Rate and build my cardio. Seriously the weight FELL off at that point. Keeping my HR below 165 (aerobic threshold) was like magic. Now I feel like I can't eat enough to KEEP weight ON!!

Seriously, C25K and a GPS watch and in 6 months you will swear that they work magic somehow.... Gym time helps, too!

People don't know how hard this as they put HFCS in everything! Even stuff like ketchup and bread , soda. If you start reading labels it's a good habit that never gets tiresome.

Any of you guys try jumping rope? I do 300 jumps before my work out to warm up and 100 jumps in between supersets to keep my heart rate up.
Don't poopoo on us home gym types:wink: Have a couple of kids and your gym days are numbered.Having your equipment a short walk away is pricless.Besides how many of you going to the gym guys have bagged it because of the weather or not enough time ect.Half the battle of working out is self motivation. Some People who are at least a little narcasistic, have vanity as a stimulation to pump by seeing results.Those who have no interest in thier appearence are much tougher to train.
It's not complicated, but that doesn't make it easy. Take in less calories than you burn, get a minimum .75g of protein per 1 lbs of body weight, and eat as little fat as possible in the process. When you go to the gym push it harder than you did last time, regardless of what you do. Diet=failure, it's a lifestyle or nothing. Unless you are young 5 times a week minimum of cardio/weight lifting combo. Drink a quart of water per 33 lbs of body weight. Everything else is bull $hit.
I have been a member of 24 Hour since it was Family Fitness. I like them because they have several locations in just about every large city throughout the Western U.S. My goal is to exercise every other day. I do a 10 minute warmup on the elliptical trainer and then train with freeweights. After my workout I do lots of situps on the body ball. Total workout is an hour and a half. I workout at 4:30 am and then work a 12 hour shift.

I agree with doc, its tough to stay motivated. Its much easier with a coworker or buddy. I used to bet my buddy $10 that he wouldn't show up for a workout berfore I did. It motivated me because I didn't want hear him brag about taking my money.

Now that I am a contractor its more difficult because I change jobs frequently and don't have a partner. Cold weather is also a deterrent when you are in a nice warm bed and its time to go to the gym. I agree that half of the battle is what you put into your body, not exercise alone. My main detriment is that I have a sweet tooth and love dessert!
Some great advice going on here..

I look at my gym membership as an "investment" into myself, so the costs of staying healthy do not bother me. If anything, my investment is an absolute crucial necessity to ensure i can bring home income for my family.. I don't want to be one of those dads or husbands that get injured or suffer from some sort of cardiac attack because they were overweight/unhealthy.

So instead of thinking my $35 a month to LA FITNESS is too much, I look at it as my health insurance (i dont' have health insurance at the moment). I MUST be healthy & strong.. I can't let my family down..

But as for me, I work out 3 days a week x 2 hrs each session. I try to avoid junk food, but that doesn't always happen.. If I can eat a Whopper, I'd pick a Jr. Whopper and get water.. If i usually eat 3 soft tacos at Taco Bell, i'd pick up 1 soft taco and a nacho.. I picked up some tips from "EAT THIS and NOT THAT" (book).
Working out hardcore is a drug, I look forward to my next workout and I add weight to everyworkout I do until I fail then I work on that and add more. :)

The $35 for LA Fitness is just the start, add in some shakes, vits, no-xplode maybe a little fish oils then your looking at 2-300$ more a month :) at least for me. Here is what I take just for info

IsoPure 0 carb Shakes - Multi and flex
San's 3x fish fats
BSN's NoXplode - pre workout drink, this is by far the best thing I have added and I have tried about 9 different ones so far.
I work out in my basement;
Punching bag, weight lift set, misc martial art supplies,
Surround sound, Rocky soundtrack. I am good to go!
Working out and getting results involve a number of things, but the one thing you most have is commitment and consistency, next is the food you eat. When you are training what you eat is just as important as the workout you do, if you don't eat the right food you'll never get results and thats why alot of people stop working out because they don't see results.

You can get gym results at home if you know how to workout correctly (or get trainer to come to your home), but if you join a gym and you don't have a workout buddy(one who knows how to workout) get a trainer. Trainer will get you started the right way and push you to your limit and beyond.

I know this because I'm a Trainer.
Working out and getting results involve a number of things, but the one thing you most have is commitment and consistency, next is the food you eat. When you are training what you eat is just as important as the workout you do, if you don't eat the right food you'll never get results and thats why alot of people stop working out because they don't see results.

You can get gym results at home if you know how to workout correctly (or get trainer to come to your home), but if you join a gym and you don't have a workout buddy(one who knows how to workout) get a trainer. Trainer will get you started the right way and push you to your limit and beyond.

I know this because I'm a Trainer.

99% of the trainers I see suck or have bad form and pass that on to the people they train. I have yet to see a trainer do a squat correctly and most of the time they just have people do dumb stuff like run up the steps or jumping jacks, why pay $100 a hour to be told to run around?

watch this video and know more then 99% of trainers on how to squat.
99% of the trainers I see suck or have bad form and pass that on to the people they train. I have yet to see a trainer do a squat correctly and most of the time they just have people do dumb stuff like run up the steps or jumping jacks, why pay $100 a hour to be told to run around?

watch this video and know more then 99% of trainers on how to squat.

How long have you been working out again?
How long have you been working out again?

14 Months so far, but I spend about 15-20 hours a week in the gym at least it's about all I do. If you think I am talking out my ass I did have 5 different trainers at LA Fitness and they all showed me exercises incorrectly, at the time I did not know but then I found these guys several people here have world records in the past and can move over 1000 pounds on some lifts.

Quick fact, with only working out for 14 months I can deadlift 425, squat 315, and bench 265 so I must be doing something right.

I am not trying to bash trainers but it's just a fact, once you get past the "new gym" part you see all the trainers run the same things on a 20 year old man or a 60 year old woman and it's from some bullshit they ripped out of men's health.
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In the last month I've started working out everyday. Just doing more cardio and aerobic stuff to get myself into better shape. Once I'm comfortable with that I'll start lifting. At first I told myself it's all about how I look when I work out,...but I'm starting to realize how good I feel after a workout.

Now it's the feeling of being active and working out that gives me the most satisfaction.