Dippy had a motorbike accident!!

2 October 2001
Dippy has had a serious bike accident - and face it, the majority of motorbike accidents are serious. It's chilling this has happened so soon after the death of Len3.8. :( Accident details are a bit sketchy as he doesn't remember a lot (blacked out) but apparently he was airborne for 10 meters, and his bike is now stuffed. :( He's in bad shape but fortunately he's out of hospital now...

If you wish to pass on any well wishes (or if he owes you money) post them here and i'll pass them on when i go visit him.
Since most of us associate usernames with rides, here's a pix of his bike (before he modified it even more hardcore) and his <A HREF="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53639">NSX featured here</A> (left, again pix taken before heavy modifications)


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I'm very sad to hear this.
I really hope he will get well soon and without any leftovers. Am sorry for the bike but in the end a bike is just a bike. It's something that can be replaced. Your life and your health can't.
My best wishes for him and I hope for a speedy recovery.
I wish him a speedy recovery.



"Damn it not again" was my first thought. Glad that he is okey.

I sold my Kawasaki ZX9-R 1998 in march and bought a GSX-R1000 K2/K4 racebike.

I think that was the smartest thing I have ever done. I have gone down on the track 3 times this year. Smashed 3 helmets, 3 fairings and the only injury I have was a small scratch on my left buttock and a concusion. :redface:

(About 1000 laps done..4 races. Got 7'enth in my first season in my class in Norway)

I do not think that I will buy a sportbike for the road ever again. It is just too dangerous out there.

Please guys ride safe. If you are pushing the limits take it to the track. I know I did. But if you ride safe you can end up in an accident because of roadconditions or some other guy just hitting you.

I do not know what happend with Dippy. Just glad that he is alive and kicking.

Thanks for telling us about Dippy's accident! Please keep us up on his progress when you can.

Glad to hear your getting better everyday, and out of the hospital! I hope to get to meet you at an NSX aussie event very soon, so dont go bustin yourself up too much!!
I dont like to hear about this but at least he is fine and out of the hospital now, i hope dippy you can get better very soon so you can enjoy your NSX again . . .
Spoke to the Dipster again today; he's very stiff and sore. Turns out it was a close call - after going airborne he landed on a footpath between a concrete wall and a light post. If he had hit either he would have been killed. :frown:

Anyone who wants to truly speed up his recovery just send a twin turbo kit to... :biggrin:

Dippy's not one for attention, so thanx on his behalf to everyone who's posted here.
Please send Dippy my wishes for him to have a speedy recovery. It was six years ago last month when I was involved in a terrible motorcycle crash where a car hit me on the highway. I'm lucky to be alive today.
Thanks so much for the kind words everyone. Gee what a great community we have here.

Thanks for the thread NEO, and yes i cant believe i got away from that one as well. Quick story is that tried to take avoiding action from a car that cut me off, claiming he didnt see me and clipped a gutter doing about 60kph and went flying. Suppose i have to get a really BRIGHT coloured bike. The bike as it turns out is alright, alot of cosmetic damage but everything looks OK.

Getting better but my right leg is black and blue and my shoulders are sore. Other than that i'm OK. Went back to the scene of the accident and dont know how i managed to escape furthe injuries as Neo stated there was a light pole on one side about 20 cms from the footpath and a concrete wall on the otherside.

As I'm expecting my first child, my wife has given me the ultimatum the baby or the bike. But maybe i just give her a few days:biggrin:

ONCE AGAIN THANKS EVERYONE, and yes NEO was right A TWIN TURBO KIT will go a long way to correct things.

Happy driving everyone and for those on a bike take cars as all non NSX drivers are d*&kheads.
Glad that your ok. I remember when I skidded on my motorbike in Phuket, Thailand..lost a lot of skin as I wasn't wearing any leather as I normally would while I'm in the states (holiday). A car stopped on the freeway and this action made me hit the brakes and skid along the pavement. Ouch...
Wow, another motorcycle accident of a Prime member:frown:
Glad to hear he lived thru it though. Just one more reason as confirmation that I don't need to get one....
Use to ride , tempted(nearly put a deposit down) by the CBRs, but wife never agrees to it. Turned out to be a good call especially with some car drivers in our country and road conditions. Couple motorbike friends involved in accident 95% I know of is because cars cutting them off ... couple casualties:frown:
Pete! My best wishes for a speedy recovery mate! I'm really glad you are going to be okay! I've lost too many of my friends in motorbike accidents! It's accidents like yours and a couple of close calls myself which led me to give up riding motorbikes 11 years ago... That's when I became responsible for another life when my wife was pregnant with our son... So get well soon mate and congratulations on the impending family addition!!!