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Difflow NSX Diffusers... coming soon.

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I love your set up but I need to check one thing.

I have the LoveFab turbo system and my intercooler sits back there in front of the exhaust. I hope the intercooler is not lower than that cross bar so your diffuser has something to hook on to.

I will take photos and see if it will clear.
I love your set up but I need to check one thing.

I have the LoveFab turbo system and my intercooler sits back there in front of the exhaust. I hope the intercooler is not lower than that cross bar so your diffuser has something to hook on to.

I will take photos and see if it will clear.

Ok, or hold a yardstick up against the bottomof the crossbar and keep it parallel to the ground to the back of the car, then you'll know if your exhaust will touch.
Glenn, thanks again for a great product. Love the look it gives!!

As per audax in my thread...

Love the wheels! Love the car overall!

Your setup sold me on the Difflow diffuser. I just ordered one *and* had the center of my rear valence painted matte black. Had to do it... couldn't resist after seeing your setup.

....No wind tunnel testing as of yet, hope to do that in the summer. Diffuser will certainly help keep that airflow from front to back, channeled properly, instead of scattering.....

Is wind tunneling cheap in your area? I asked a friend that works at NASA - not far from my work how much it would be to wind tunnel and his reply was my NSX.

Once I get this on my NSX I really want to take it on a dry lake and have at it.....
Is wind tunneling cheap in your area? I asked a friend that works at NASA - not far from my work how much it would be to wind tunnel and his reply was my NSX.

Once I get this on my NSX I really want to take it on a dry lake and have at it.....

No wind tunnel testing in Montana, haha. Closest is Seattle I think, and it's a few thousand dollars. :(
An "undercar" perspective that hasn't been displayed yet... your 91-01 diffuser will be roughly 3 inches shorter in the rear, just about equal to the exhaust tip projection shown below... I am not sure how much this will affect the relative performance of the diffuser.


The feel at speed is noticeable. Car velocity will only change upon concerted driver input... the sensors in your body will detect considerably less unexpected behavior as the car translates. Chaotic air pressure gradients will be greatly diminished. You can almost envision riding on rails of air... if you want a boat to go straight in the water, add lots of long fins to the bottom... and then try to turn it! Thankfully, air viscosity reduces the required force to alter vector...

I have been strongly considering affixing some streamers and having another car(s) with a goPro/equivalent recording some runs "at speed" and stills as the car passes by... it may not be windtunnel testing, but like rain, it will give a visualization of the air stream / pressure gradient. With a little more involvement, I bet you could even start to estimate the additional downforce... anyone have a daq board and some accelerometers sitting around?

A good friend of mine ran sprint cars for hundreds of races as a teen... he created his own airfoil design without a wind tunnel, a design so effective that it was banned after 1 season. That is to say, high cost testing is efficient for improving the final bits of possible performance, but it is often possible to iterate and progress a design with simpler, focused testing and sound design principles.

One phenomenon that one might encounter upon detailed testing regimes is the relationships between the components of the car underbody airflow system. It is my understanding that improving other parts of the car's underbody aerodynamics will improve diffuser performance, and perhaps to a degree much greater than tweaking the diffuser itself. While Difflow will continue to improve their design, you may experience more in-car, seat-feel high speed stability as other aero is upgraded. The Difflow Diffuser represents the key final element in the airflow system... and the one the world sees as you shortly disappear before their eyes.
I really love this diffuser but I do not think it is going to clear the intercooler.

Even if it did clear, I obviously wouldn't block the intercooler from getting air.

Let me know what you think...



.....I have been strongly considering affixing some streamers and having another car(s) with a goPro/equivalent recording some runs "at speed" and stills as the car passes by... it may not be windtunnel testing, but like rain, it will give a visualization of the air stream / pressure gradient....


<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ni3gE0j29Zs?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ni3gE0j29Zs?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>

hint hint
I really love this diffuser but I do not think it is going to clear the intercooler.

Even if it did clear, I obviously wouldn't block the intercooler from getting air.

Let me know what you think...




On my past force induction cars I placed a SPAL fan to pull air or push through to provide air.
The Difflow Diffuser represents the key final element in the airflow system... and the one the world sees as you shortly disappear before their eyes.

Love it, haha! Thank you for all of your feedback, I'm glad the diffuser is treating you well and serving its purpose. :)
I really love this diffuser but I do not think it is going to clear the intercooler.

Even if it did clear, I obviously wouldn't block the intercooler from getting air.

Let me know what you think...




Looks IFFY... can you post a side angle shot with the yardstick under the frame bar and parallel to the ground, in the same position the diffuser would be in?
An "undercar" perspective that hasn't been displayed yet... your 91-01 diffuser will be roughly 3 inches shorter in the rear, just about equal to the exhaust tip projection shown below... I am not sure how much this will affect the relative performance of the diffuser.


Yes - you have the longest diffuser I will ever offer for the NA1 NSX. We've shortened them down 3 inches to where they will be closer to the length of the exhaust tips. This will dramatically increase clearance coming in and out of inclines.
I can't wait to get mine!!! (I got the long one!) ARRRRRGGGGHHH even if I get it this week I won't be home to put it on until the weekend!!!
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