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I'm surprised at how many chose the optional headliner. I wasn't planning on getting it myself, since I can't even recall what the headliner looked like in my previous cars. For those who got a chance to look inside the new NSX, is the alcantara headliner that much nicer than the standard?

Also, it doesn't surprise me that Nord Gray has such a low uptake. It is a "neither-nor" colour: It is too gray and bland for those who want colour in their lives (and cars), and too green for those who want a monochrome car. Plus, it doesn't really photograph well, so those who might actually like it in real life are probably going to shy away from it based solely on the (mostly crappy) photos and videos that are available.
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The tricot headliners generally look passable but feel cheap to the touch

I am a big Alcantara fan for both the look and feel so it was worth the $1300 to me
Certain cars pop in certain colors. If I was ordering NSX 2.0, I would get black (generally not my favorite color for sports cars) -- it looks badass and just really fits that car. Personally, I don't think silver looks good at all -- it hides the lines and looks non-exotic. Whereas gray and to a lesser extent, silver (probably 2 of my least favorite colors) look amazing on the latest generation R8.

I am a fan of black interiors -- aesthetically appealing and non-distracting. Colored interiors could get old quickly. Just my take of course. Colors are all about personal taste after all.
My Choice would be the source silver/ saddle or the red interior. I'm on the fence. I hope to be called to make that choice the end of the year best guess