Del-Taco VS. Taco Bell

which is best

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I have never been to a Del-Taco but Taco bell on a Friday and I am sick all weekend. Taco Bell uses grade D beef (AKA Dog food).

A dog would never eat Taco Bell. How dare you insult dogs like that, they have much better taste. :tongue:

Well, except this one....


Cats on the other hand.... they are Taco Bell.

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I have never been to a Del-Taco but Taco bell on a Friday and I am sick all weekend. Taco Bell uses grade D beef (AKA Dog food).

grade D beef sure does taste good, specially at 2 AM. :eek:
yea, especially after consuming fermented bug shit water. aka alcohol. we eat some nasty crap. if you never want to eat again, i wouldnt blame you.

Haha, am I the only one that isn't bothered by knowing this stuff? IMO, Americans have an overly sensitive reaction to what they consider to be "gross". I think that if we completely removed all contaminants and germs from everything we touched and ate, it would actually be bad for our bodies. Our immune systems would get all bored and restless and start little microscopic riots... smashing windows and setting shit on fire. No thanks.

When I'm out and about in LA, I often enjoy eating at places that have a "less than perfect" health department grade hanging in the window... those places seem to be more legit for some reason, lol :tongue:

Haha, am I the only one that isn't bothered by knowing this stuff? IMO, Americans have an overly sensitive reaction to what they consider to be "gross". I think that if we completely removed all contaminants and germs from everything we touched and ate, it would actually be bad for our bodies. Our immune systems would get all bored and restless and start little microscopic riots... smashing windows and setting shit on fire. No thanks.

When I'm out and about in LA, I often enjoy eating at places that have a "less than perfect" health department grade hanging in the window... those places seem to be more legit for some reason, lol :tongue:


lol, sneaky restaurant. back home there's a small chain of taco restaurants. I prefer going to their original hole in the wall place that looks all run down and "dirty" instead of their newer places.
Another favorite are the hot dog stands outside LA clubs. Nothing like a bacon wrapped hot dog after drinking and dancing all night long.
lol, sneaky restaurant. back home there's a small chain of taco restaurants. I prefer going to their original hole in the wall place that looks all run down and "dirty" instead of their newer places.

Sounds like a mexican version of Tommy's Original Burger on Beverly/Rampart! (LA) ...looks like crap and but the BEST! All those mcdonalds style Tommy's restaurants done have nothing on the original place that doesn't even have chairs!
well, yea a few fly eggs/maggots in my pizza sauce doesnt bother me much. but do you remember when that lady found a human finger in her chili at wendys? that freaked me out so badly that i literally didnt eat for a week! it was all a big hoax but still, the food and drug administration came out with a statement saying that wendys couldnt be charged with anything because the finger in the chili had been heated to a temperature that killed all bacteria WTF ITS A GOD DAMN HUMAN FINGER IN THE CHILI!!! and they say its okay to eat it? i dont know about you guys but i am not okay with cannibalism unless im in a life or death situation. i really think the FDA should focus more on what is in the foods rather than the suitable amount of bacteria allowed in it.
well, yea a few fly eggs/maggots in my pizza sauce doesnt bother me much. but do you remember when that lady found a human finger in her chili at wendys? that freaked me out so badly that i literally didnt eat for a week! it was all a big hoax but still, the food and drug administration came out with a statement saying that wendys couldnt be charged with anything because the finger in the chili had been heated to a temperature that killed all bacteria WTF ITS A GOD DAMN HUMAN FINGER IN THE CHILI!!! and they say its okay to eat it? i dont know about you guys but i am not okay with cannibalism unless im in a life or death situation. i really think the FDA should focus more on what is in the foods rather than the suitable amount of bacteria allowed in it.

Cannibalism, that's where mad cow disease came from. :eek:
Do you guys not have Chipotle out there?

Haven't eaten at Del or Bell since discovering Chipotle.

yes we do. i believe socal is among the top if not the #1 place to be at if you want authentic or all kinds of mexican food. there are mom and pop stores around that offer tacos and carne asada burritos and by far they are better than anything even del taco or taco bell. i stay away from both.
If you're in San Diego then neither...Carne Asada Fries ftw!!!

I've only been to Del Taco once or twice and the portions was alittle small but after this thread I might just have to give it another try =p
Do you guys not have Chipotle out there?

Haven't eaten at Del or Bell since discovering Chipotle.

Chipotle isn't bad, but kinda pricey. I don't count them in the same lower priced league as Del Taco and Taco Bell.

2 cents.
If you're in San Diego then neither...Carne Asada Fries ftw!!!

I've only been to Del Taco once or twice and the portions was alittle small but after this thread I might just have to give it another try =p

Mmmm.. Asada Fries, I remember those! I used to go to one of those 'Berto places right outside of MCAS Miramar in San Diego all the time. Everybody in my shop loved them, and somebody would always make a food run.
I voted Taco Bell, though lately Del has been sending me coupons, so I've been having more Del. They have the worst fries, and the tortillas are too rubbery, but Del Scorcho is MUCH better than Fire.

Albertos (and all its name variants; Alertos, Albertas, Albertacos, Albatros, etc.) has the best carne asada, and Jalapenos has one of the best chili verde. My fave of the 'Baja-influenced' place (Wahoo's, Baja Fresh, etc.) is Rubio's.
Though my best friends dad owns 65 taco bells (and dont get me wrong i love free taco bell)...I still voted Del Taco. All around, Del is probably the only place that is good to eat no matter how your feeling. It cures hunger and hangovers. Its like comfort food:biggrin:
I refuse to eat at Del-Taco, Taco Bell or King Taco. All NASTY! You can't get any better then homemade and if that isn't possible then a lot of small spots in Boyle Heights, East L.A., Huntington Park or any other with a hight Latino concentration.
I refuse to eat at Del-Taco, Taco Bell or King Taco. All NASTY! You can't get any better then homemade and if that isn't possible then a lot of small spots in Boyle Heights, East L.A., Huntington Park or any other with a hight Latino concentration.

Well, duh... nobody's saying Taco Bell is a substitute for authentic Mexican food :tongue: I also don't go to Olive Garden when I have a craving for Italian :rolleyes:

But speaking of taco places on the eastside, one of my favorites is Los Apache's on first and Boyle. Really good carnes al carbon. Then you can walk a couple doors down and catch a band at the Eastside Luv bar... good times.
Going to have to go with Del Taco. Two reasons:

1. I miss the "Combo Cup". Nobody will remember this. It's an old-school item.

2. I had a freind who bit into a Taco Bell burrito and had a BAND-AID chillin out of his mouth and down his chin. Note: it wasn't his.