debating on buying a fairly new NSX or aused c6 z06. help me decide.

Back to the OP, I guess if you have to ask the question, you know the answer. No way the NSX will ever make more sense than a used C6 'vette. You either get it or you dont.
My personal experience: Corvette, not enough soul; Elise, too much soul;
NSX, just right.

Brilliant... Thats really well said and is spot on! It also is a bit ridiculous to compare *anything* to a mini-van :D
Guess most of us are 30-40s who grew up seeing too many "Thunder Chickens" and Coke bottle vettes with mud flaps being driven by mullets in wife beaters to ever really wish we had one of those cars, no matter how modern they've become. Most of the guys my age started with a "jap-trap" of some kind and evolved from there. Good luck on the search/decision...the new vettes look really nice though.:biggrin:
I never liked Vettes in the past until the new C6 Z06. I don't even care for the standard C6. But the Z06 is pure evil IMO. I may choose an 05 low mileage NSX over a newer Z06 but that would be the only way.
The NSX is plenty fast for me. Hell, I can't even do 75 on the highway without getting tickets.:frown: I really have no need for 500+hp.
I considered a vette a few weeks ago. I couldn't do it though. The interior is such crap in those cars. I just couldn't dig the feel of it. Now a 2006 Cayman S on the other hand....
I think if performance is your NUMBER ONE criteria, then the NSX isnt for you. If driving experience, exclusivity, build quality, mid-engine balance, etc are your criteria, then the NSX is for you.

I agree.

I choose driving experience, exclusitivity, build quality, and mid-engine balance, but think about more power everytime I drive my 91 NSX.

I like both cars. Good luck!

same situation for me, when I was looking for an NSX it came down to 3 different cars, an NSX, an E46 M3, or a C5 Z06

needless to say I'm glad with the choice I made :)
This thread has received quite a bit of response.

If you are looking for head snapping torque, then the NSX isn't what you want.

I've driven and ridden in some of the older muscle cars and snap, throw you back in the seat... fun :biggrin:

I haven't been in the Z06 yet, but was told it popped right up to 180mph. The NSX can reach those speeds, but from what I understand after 150 mph or so it takes longer.

BUT the NSX in VTECH sounds awesome. It is fast, well balanced and fun. It is like a formula one racer... which it was developed to be like.

If my pockets were deep enough, I would own both, maybe a few other performance cars too, but I would need more $$$$ and more space.

I haven't been in a Viper. A few people I know who have owned them have either sold them or weren't very impressed with the build quality.

I'm sure they would have loads of torque too.

I haven't regretted choosing the NSX.
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Z06 is faster than NSX, no doubt. People are saying CTSC helps bridge that gap--but how fast is a CTSC NSX? What is it comparable to on the road?

For the OP--get the NSX. It's a must have experience. You can always go back to the Vette.
I have a CTSC nsx and it is VERY FAST. The question I would ask myself is:

There are about 5K vettes produced every year and there were about 5K NSX's produced during the entire production run for the NSX. Do you want to be one of few or one of many.

In addition, the reliability of the NSX puts all other cars in this genre to shame. I have owned my NSX for over 2 years and it has cost me ZERO dollars to maintain.
I have a '93 NSX and my brother has an '06 Z06. The Z is insanely fast, and it is obviously newer and has better electronics and more exotic construction (carbon fiber, balsa wood..), but I have to say I strongly prefer the NSX to the Z, both in appearance and in drivability. Being familiar with both cars, I've listed my thoughts on their best features below for comparison:

Much more exotic
Larger aftermarket for customization/personalization
Lower taxes and insurance (due to age and HP)
Probably cheaper
Should maintain it's value better

Waaaay Faster
Better electonics
Probably have warranty left
Been to AZ lately??? You can't go over 60 with out getting your picture taken by the ticket camera:eek: I'd go nuts living in that state!!!< Z06

My brother was in AZ last month, driving at night, flash, ah a KODAK moment :smile: ... received a $210 ticket for going 45 in a 35.... He was glad to get back to ID.

I fly to AZ to visit my dad in Aug. I will have to be very careful. It almost doesn't seem fair. :frown:
Finally found my password; I'm on vacation and haven't posted much lately. This one caught my eye and as was said to me resoundingly by so many when I was on my search which has just recently ended - HAVE YOU DRIVEN ONE???

If not have you sat in one??? If not then no one can convince you either way unless you have a predisposition to owning an NSX. Otherwise there are no descriptions that will adequately convince you. I have a good friend that I met thru this site - John, and he's had many vettes and once he got an NSX he's just been eaten up with them and has subsequently owned 4 of them with the most recent being an 05 Silver that is beautiful and pristinely maintained I might add. He has no intention of ever going back to a vette.

Maybe that will help your decision - but if you like raw power and can't live without it then maybe the NSX isn't for you. But if you like the idea of having a real tossable sports car then maybe you're ready. Only you can decide.

Questions like this from newbies are a bit perplexing in that why on earth would you want someone to talk you out of a vette? Of course on this site you will find all kinds of reasons, subjective, to buy an NSX, but it still begs the question are you a true sports car enthusiast? If you are then experiencing many of the worlds great cars is part of the enjoyment.

I'm not even going to waste time in trying to talk you into one - go drive one if you can find one to drive - look at it, sit in it, and then you tell us what you find out. That's the best advice I can give - they aren't easy to find to test drive - but you need to do this unless like i said you have already determined that the NSX is a great car and one you'd like to own.

So that's the only thing that makes sense for you. I was predisposed to buy one after I read up on them - they are the quentisential sports car and no talking about it will convince someone untill they experience it - I bought mine after test driving it. It's a great car - no it's just about the finest car ever produced in stock form I might add. The natural aspriration of the engine is one of it's greatest attributes - to think that you "must" super charge it is REDICULOUS!!!!!!! Honda had already predetermined that direction and it's a good one and a great car AS IS! I can't stress that enough, the guys here have their own reasons for SC or TC but I'll tell you for everyone of them there are twice as many that think the car is just fine like Honda designed it! The problem is that most of the natural guys don't chime in - they are older and don't need speed they can't use on the road, everyday, and don't need to boost the cars already wonderful characteristics.

Not trying to drive a wedge between those that need more and those that don't, it's just that you don't hear the opposite opinion here as much for the reasons I've given. So for all of you older guys - here's one for US!

Oh, by the way it seems that no one has really answered the bulk of your quesitons - the car is easy to maintain. You will love it I believe. You shouldn't ever have to worry about the engine - no one else does unless it's super charged and then there was one that has a string here - just bought one, supercharged, and it blew up. One more good reason to have a PPI done. That'll take care of those concerns. An early model is a great car - the later models are great cars - all gens of the NSx are great cars and easy to maintain - they do take maintenance - the older they are the more they are likely to need because of "deffered maintenance" and believe me that's the truth! People that drive them and say I don't do anything for the car cause "it doesn't need it, it's a Honda", are the ones deffering maintenance, unless it's a 2002 or newer. But they all need maintenance. You find one you like and we'll all tell you more about what to look for. But if you are contemplating a new vette, then buy the latest model you can find with low miles and it'll be the best car you've ever owned in a sports car unless you are super rich and have had Carrera Gts or Lambos or you get the drift.... Parts are readily accessible - don't worry.

new owner of a 91 sebring silver getting the super once over by the Barn Man! It'll be on more week before I get it home!!!! Can't wait for the adventure to truly begin!!!!!
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After 30k wonderful NA miles on my 05 NSX, I recently got my first ride in Allstar's CTSC 2000 NSX. It's badass. If they didn't cost $10k+ to buy/install, most people on Prime would have them already.
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Lol...get the NSX...its not even close! If you want a car that is as ordinary as the day is long...then get the Vette. The Vette is fast...but it is not made like the NSX. Hell...even the Lamborghini and Ferrari crowd will agree with me on that...and it is hard for some of them to pay homage to the

Dam :cool:
These two cars are so utterly different in the driving impressions they give. Having driven both I can't see them being cross shopped. You cross shop a Viper with a C6 Z06 not a NSX.

If you have been happy with your C5 hardtop, you will love a base Coupe C6. Performance wise it's just a tick off a C5 Z06.

A C6 Z06 however is a big jump up from the C5 hardtop in every category.

Drive a NSX and a C6 Z06 and decide which one does it for you. I think you'll see they are two totally different cars and after the test drives the decision for you will be obvious.
These two cars are so utterly different in the driving impressions they give. Having driven both I can't see them being cross shopped. You cross shop a Viper with a C6 Z06 not a NSX.

Not that I'm disagreeing with you, but what cars would you cross-shop with an NSX? It's pretty damn unique :smile:
1: will I have problems finding parts for this car? No, parts are easily accessible for the NSX but will become more difficult down the road.

2. Is it costly to maintain? No, if left stock. it’s a HONDA

3. If I need to replace motor and trans, are they easily assessable? You shouldn’t have to but like others have said it comes out the bottom.

4. performance wise, I believe the c6 z06 might be the better choice, but ill have you folks enlighten me on that subject. Absolutely the ZO6 is a better performance choice stock or modified you cant beat the performance for the money that is why they are a dime a dozen. The NSX would need to go Turbo or a modified SC setup to be in the Z06 realm of performance. Stock to Stock the Z06 is a better performer.

5. is the c6 z06 a better car? It all comes down to personal preference I feel that the NSX is a better built car then the Z06. I prefer the ride comfort of the NSX over the Z06. I feel the NSX looks allot better and I like the exclusiveness of the NSX. Like others have said the fit and finish is nicer in the NSX. The NSX is more fun to drive. The Z06 is a beast. If your all about big #s and quick quarter mile times go with the Z06. But before you do, try the NSX and See if its for you. I would take My NSX over my Dads Z06 any day, but that is me and my NSX is far from stock.
A supercharged NSX is pretty quick but still not Z06 fast by any means. That would be the way I would go if I got an NSX since the powerband is nicer on the supercharged engine. These are different cars the more I think about it. I would just go drive the Vette first. If you really like that style and speed than the NSX may not be your thing. The problem with getting a 91 or 97 NSX is there aren't many to test drive so you can't really go test one out that easily. It is an older car and the interior dates itself a little bit.

Here is the big one. The NSX will hold its value where the vette will not.
do you like a butcher's axe or a japanese sword? precision is the game. i've drivein the z06, the power is great for the first 5 min, after that it is a plastic car with cheap (i mean disqustingly cheap) interior and ok handling.
synergy is the term best associated with nsx and you can't explain it to layman who have not experienced it. to them it will always be a ricer with 'only' 300 hp.