DC/Balt Area Open House Aug 8th

13 April 2009
Laytonsville MD
I was reading all the posts about Steve Gooding's Open House and was thinking how cool it would be to have something like that in the DC/Balt area. I am a newbie, having owned my NSX for only 3 mos, and do not want to overstep, but I had been hoping to see a local get together, and have not. Maybe it's the economy or whatever, so I am thinking why don't I do it? I have 10 acres of level, mostly grass in Laytonsville MD (Upper Montgomery County), and can provide a tent, sound system & music, tables, chairs, friendly dog (chocolate lab), grill, hotdogs, hamburgers, chips. I was thinking BYOB. There are a lot of back roads for driving near by. I would appreciate some help and/or advice from anyone who has done one of these before. Please chime in so I can gauge interest in this sort of thing, or with any sugestions. 11 AM untill 4 PM Aug 8th, but you can come early and stay late.:smile:
I was reading all the posts about Steve Gooding's Open House and was thinking how cool it would be to have something like that in the DC/Balt area.:

I was thinking the same thing. I attended Steve's open house and it was a great time. John, who coordinated the event, is my brother. Will contact you off-line.

I am getting a pretty good response. This is the main post on the DC board, I have also posted on the Northeast and Southeast boards but if you could reply here that would be helpful. I hope to see a bunch of you on the 8th. Friends and family are welcome, play set in the back, lots of room for frisbee and bikes.:smile:
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I am working on getting my friends to reschedule my B'day party so I can attend. Might have to attend the early part of the day.
Will keep in touch via PM but wanted to add my name to the hope to attend list.
It's looking like a party, thanks for the posts, I hope there are still a bunch of you out there that haven't chimed in yet. I'm hoping for 30 NSX's.:smile:
Please do not take offense in any way, I too am a long time dog lover!

There may be some NSX owners planning to attend your event, as well as potential attendees that may have concerns about your pooch and any possibility that he may greet them upon arrival by placing his front paws on their driver's door.

I know if I were close enough to attend that I would have some concerns about this possibilty. I'm sure that as an enthusiast and NSX owner that you may have already thought about this, but a little assurance that you have this covered will probably ease some concerned owners.

Hope you have a great turn-out, terrific weather and a grand time. Wish I were closer.

Regards, John
Good point, but I have never, ever seen her jump on a car. She is also getting older, so just jumping in my truck takes some doing anymore. I promise no jumping. Are we going to get you up here from NC John? Your brother went down there, seems only fair. One more thing, I have a competition Monster Truck that lives in my back yard. It is called the "Screamin Demon" and belongs to a good friend of mine Jay. You may have seen her at the Verizon Center or other Monster Jam venues. Jay will be bringing her back from Buffalo NY on the 8th and hopes to be back mid afternoon. If all goes well he will be happy to pull her out for us if he gets back in time, and he promises never to crush an NSX. :smile:


It's looking like a party, thanks for the posts, I hope there are still a bunch of you out there that haven't chimed in yet. I'm hoping for 30 NSX's.:smile:

The list so far:

1. Richallstage91
2. Nick675
3. kennyc
4. V-Tech
5. Combatdad
6. M-P
7. grybrd
9. 400whpintegrajoe
10. maxxdr11
11. Chris NSX
12. I1O101I
13. ?
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hehe.. hopefully I will get my car back from Ben @ Daisy by then. :P

Talking about going through a withdraw... I believe Ben will have my car longer than I have by the time he is done. Definitely not complaining as I am looking for someone as anal about cars as I am. :biggrin:

I also ordered a set of F1spec's carbon fiber type 2's to give me some more headroom. I hope to show up with those as well. :cool:
Sounds like a great party! sorry, I have friends in from out of town to entertain, otherwise, would definitely come. have a great time and hope to make the next one!
It looks like I am suppose to be out of town next weekend, so I won't be able to make it. I removed my name from the list. Hopefully it goes well enough to do it again sometime and I can actually make it.

1. Richallstage91
2. Nick675
3. kennyc
4. V-Tech
5. Combatdad
6. grybrd
8. 400whpintegrajoe
9. maxxdr11
10. Chris NSX
11. I1O101I
I am sorry to miss this; I am a new owner who wants to meet other owners. As luck would have it, I will be in Louisiana with my wife's family next week end. But thanks for taking the initiative to organize a get together.