Well, I totally screwed up and just made a costly mistake...just wanted to make sure people were also aware so they don't make the same mistake.
I ordered a new knee bolster cover from thensxshop and didn't carefully read the item descriptions:
The title, image, description, and price are all the same -- the only difference is bolded part in the description and the last 2-3 digits in the part number.
Thensxshop is definitely the most affordable place to get this part. I just rushed through and ordered way too quickly, not thinking.
In true dumbass fashion, I didn't read the terms and conditions on the bottom of the page that state all sales are final.
SO all that to say:
READ CAREFULLY and...if anyone is looking for a RHD knee bolster cover, I have a brand new one for sale for $275, I'll pay for shipping.
That's not a blemish on the bottom left by the way -- my dog wanted to know what a $300 dollar mistake smelled like and gave it a sniff. Didn't notice until now, lol.