Cyclists harassed by abusive driver

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I think that you may forget that we piece together routes and not every road is as optimal as the next but nobody goes out of their way to be a nuisance. I personally avoid roads like this at all costs, not out of respect for motorists but out of fear of motorists like you with an inner hatred for cyclists and teenagers. I'm just one guy and don't represent all.

Elitist buddies in yoga shorts, hahaha. Have a good night Archie Bunker.
Let's first ask who is driving a vehicle in excess of 3000lbs and who is operating one that is 17lbs. If I have to further drive into this rebuttal I can; however, it doesn't seem absolutely necessary.

When it's a absolutely clear view that there is no danger I make the conscious decision to press forward at my current momentum. Would you prefer that I unnecessarily jammed up the lane at a stop and then built my speed back up screwing up the light cycle for all motorists or would you catch the light on time and then drive around me a few hundred yards up the road?

You want the privileges of a moving vehicle, but you don't want to obey the rules. Got it.
You just don't get it.....I don't hate cyclists at all until I come around a bend doing the speed limit and have to slam on my brakes to stop from hitting you because there is oncoming traffic and cant go around. And when those riders refuse to get into a single file like they are supposed to be riding in the first place, then yes, everyone driving down the road in that situation hates you. And can you tell me how many of the vendors named on your spandex gear actually paid to be there? Or are you just a wanna be racer posing like the rest of cyclist hypocrites out here on our roads.

And just because I don't share your views on this....I'm Archie Bunker?.... I guess you voted for Obama.
Let's first ask who is driving a vehicle in excess of 3000lbs and who is operating one that is 17lbs. If I have to further drive into this rebuttal I can; however, it doesn't seem absolutely necessary.

When it's a absolutely clear view that there is no danger I make the conscious decision to press forward at my current momentum. Would you prefer that I unnecessarily jammed up the lane at a stop and then built my speed back up screwing up the light cycle for all motorists or would you catch the light on time and then drive around me a few hundred yards up the road?

Yes. You obey the traffic lights, stop signs and other traffic rules like anyone else on the road. That's how it is supposed to work so that everyone adheres to a single set of rules and so that everyone is safe.

The problem is that you think you can account for all the other cars on the road, and while that may be true much of the time, there are always going to be times when you cannot and you are going to run into someone's right of way.

By your reasoning, even people in cars should be able to ignore traffic lights and stops. There is absolutely no difference. And if you are going to rely on the logic that you should be able to get away with not following traffic laws because you only operate a 17lb bike, let me remind you that it is not just the danger of you crashing into someone (a danger which should not be underestimated) but also the danger of causing another vehicle to swerve or hit someone else on account of your getting in their way.

If I really have to spell it out for you: Ex1: you blow a stop sign because you think the intersection is clear, but you run into a car's right of way. You're reasoning is that since you are only on a bike, no one will get hurt. WRONG. The car swerves to avoid you, and runs over a little girl on the sidewalk. Ex2: same scenario except that the car slams on the brakes and the car behind him rear-ends him, injuring him and damaging the vehicle. EX3: He hits you, and you are dead. Ex4: He hits you, and you sue him (probably the more likely scenario given your mentality).

And this is precisely why a lot of drivers hate bicyclists. They think they can do what they want. You hate re-building momentum? WTF. Part of the game of cycling.

I have absolutely no problem with law-abiding cyclists. And I think it's great when cyclists are aware of their surroundings and let you pass them. That's how we can all share the road peacefully.
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You want the privileges of a moving vehicle, but you don't want to obey the rules. Got it.

You missed everything I said about the stoplight issue clearly. All I said was if we're going to sit idle and wait for the green then why not get a quick head start to not hold everybody up? This harms absolutely nobody and I only do it not to create a train of motorists from missing that light cycle waiting for me to get up to speed. If I painted a picture of a NYC bike messenger then that wasn't the case.

You just don't get it.....I don't hate cyclists at all until I come around a bend doing the speed limit and have to slam on my brakes to stop from hitting you because there is oncoming traffic and cant go around. And when those riders refuse to get into a single file like they are supposed to be riding in the first place, then yes, everyone driving down the road in that situation hates you. And can you tell me how many of the vendors named on your spandex gear actually paid to be there? Or are you just a wanna be racer posing like the rest of cyclist hypocrites out here on our roads.

And just because I don't share your views on this....I'm Archie Bunker?.... I guess you voted for Obama.

Lol on the sponsors on the Lycra. I think it's stupid too and only wear blank gear. I can't vouch for the others that go double file on a road without a shoulder. I stay away from situations like that and only ride on a congested road to get to another point not to make a complete route out of it. But that's only out of regard for my own safety and not respect out of who thinks they own the road.

I believe we may be closer to being on the same page from the "dropping pussies" stage.
....not worth
I got a ticket for going through a red light on my bike. Within 2 weeks, I also got one for riding on the wrong side of the street.

Know what I did after I got the second one? I sat down on the curb and cried like a little girl. The cop told me it wasn't that big a deal but I thought it was. But then, I was about 17 years-old and I am a girl. :biggrin: I had to go to court with my mom and have the judge lecture me. If I had had my driver's license, it would have gone on my record. I was a late bloomer and didn't get a car or driver's license, in that order, until I was 19.

I grew up, and just get speeding tickets in my cars now. I stop for red lights on my bike or ElliptiGO, even though I hate to when there's no traffic around. Lesson learned.

...My point is, cyclists do get tickets for going through red lights and stop signs. I've seen it happen in Irvine, CA.
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Wow, thanks everyone. :rolleyes: I've never had a thread locked or go so far off track. No, I'm not talking about the open discussion. I'm fine with that. It's the name calling that does it for me.
You missed everything I said about the stoplight issue clearly. All I said was if we're going to sit idle and wait for the green then why not get a quick head start to not hold everybody up? This harms absolutely nobody and I only do it not to create a train of motorists from missing that light cycle waiting for me to get up to speed.
Okay, fine, I want the same privilege in my car. If I'm first at the light and there's no one coming, I should just go so I'm not holding up the cars behind me, right? No harm, no foul, right?

Sorry, no. If bikes want the same rights of the road, then they should obey the same rules of the road.
Sorry about bumping such an old thread, but...

Ever since I've started cycling, I've noticed the #1 topic that motorists whine about is that cyclists blow stop signs. Everything ITRSteve said is right on. You want me (the cyclist) to come to a stop, unclip, foot down, look both ways (I've been able to see for quite some time as I approached the intersection that it was clear), and then set off again, slowly building up to speed again. You say you want this, but were I to do this it would only serve to anger the drivers stuck behind as I did so. Careful what you wish for. Motorists, generally speaking, lack the necessary perspective to comment cogently on this topic. Cyclists also have and drive cars, usually, and the vast majority of motorists do not bike all that much if at all. They get it in Idaho, where cyclists are legally allowed to treat stop signs as yield signs if it's clear. Here in CA (don't judge me based on my location, either) I've had cops directing traffic instruct me to proceed through the sign without stopping - they "get it".

Get on a bike. Get some perspective. Otherwise, kindly talk about what you know.

To the MTB guy, road rims do not do off-road. Not an option. My road bike is to a sportscar as my MTB is to a Jeep.

If you honk at me with your horn designed to be heard inside a sealed car with the stereo cranked, you'd better be sure I won't catch back up to you, because your car is going to be damaged. Don't honk at cyclists.
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Yes you should stop, unclip so you can put your foot down. Then when the light turns green or the coast is clear after coming to a stop sign you can then proceed like everyone else. You won't be in anyone's way if you are off to the side like you are supposed to be. As far as damaging someone's car.....that's a good way to turn yourself into a speed bump.
A good way to turn a cyclist into a speed bump is to honk at them as you go past (by scaring the everliving daylights out of them). Don't do it if you value your paintwork.

Listen, we're just going to keep talking in circles if you willfully ignore large chunks of what the cyclists who commented here have written. As for off to the side - yes, of course I am (unless I am about to have to turn left). You know how overly cautious people behind you are though, when you're on a bike? I have to wave many of them around.

Just to be clear on the stop sign thing - I am talking about a sign where there is no cross traffic, not darting in front of cars who have the right-of-way. I do not advocate running red lights, that's just asking for it.
want respect on the road stop like everyone else. get treated like another car if you act like another car.
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