Cyclists harassed by abusive driver

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This cyclists versus drivers thing go both ways. There are azzhole cyclists out there who would blow by stop signs/red lights without even stopping.

Is azzhole warranted? As long as you're aware of your surroundings there's nothing wrong with blowing a stop sign or red light in my book and the drivers in my lane should appreciate that as it takes a while to build that momentum up to 20mph again so it works in their advantage too.

I will never understand aggression towards cyclists, purely ignorant.
This cyclists versus drivers thing go both ways. There are azzhole cyclists out there who would blow by stop signs/red lights without even stopping.
That may be so but it does not warrant retaliation with your 4000lb SUV. Glad I don't ride thru your hood.

Most cyclists rely on keeping as large a space between themselves and other cars. Regardless of the color of the signal light, intersections are where most cyclists get hit by cars. The less time spent as a stationary target the longer a cyclist will survive. It's easier to hit a stationary target than a moving one.
Around here they all ride on 50mph roads and refuse to move over to the right side of the white line cause they might damage their it's not uncommon to see them holding up a line of traffic....there should be laws against this kind of reckless riding. I would have to say that 7 out of 10 of them are inconsiderate and a danger to themselves.
Is azzhole warranted? As long as you're aware of your surroundings there's nothing wrong with blowing a stop sign or red light in my book and the drivers in my lane should appreciate that as it takes a while to build that momentum up to 20mph again so it works in their advantage too.

I will never understand aggression towards cyclists, purely ignorant.

If I'm in my vehicle, but perfectly aware of my surroundings, can I blow stop signs and red lights too?

Acting out the way the driver in this video did is ignorant yes, but being irritated/frustrated/pissed off by some cyclists = perfectly reasonable. Being irritated/frustrated/pissed off off at the way a lot of people drive is also perfectly reasonable. Rules are there because a lot people are idiots and oblivious to whats happening around them; drivers and cyclists included.

We are all restricted because of the lowest common denominators...
Cyclists have no business being on single lane roadways with posted 40mph or greater speed limits. There is not much chance of survival in the event of an accident and they are the ones that impede the flow since they clearly can't ride at the speed limit.
They should only ride 35mph roads or less that have an adequate size shoulder(at least 3ft) or designated cyclist lane.
Cyclists have no business being on single lane roadways with posted 40mph or greater speed limits. There is not much chance of survival in the event of an accident and they are the ones that impede the flow since they clearly can't ride at the speed limit.

BS. Cars can go under the speed limit. At least cyclists are normally on the side of the road and are easy to go around.

I drive cars, ride a bike and an ElliptiGO. I stay as far right as I safely can. I don't want to be roadkill.

I don't mind the multitudes of cyclists I see on a daily basis here in So Cal. The only time I really got angry was when I was driving down Mt Palomar, after an NSX drive up there, and three cyclists rode right down the middle of the lane, all the way down the curvy mountain road. I couldn't pass them because of the curves and they wouldn't move to the right at all. In that case, I wish now that I had laid on the horn like the jerk in the video. Maybe I would have annoyed them enough that they'd have moved over far enough for me to pass.
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You folks that think cyclists don't have an equal right to the road need to get off your fat asses and ride a bike sometime. Bicycles were here long before cars and they will be here long after cars have gone the way of the dodo bird. Get used to it or pick a different route to soccer practice.
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You all need to get off your fat asses and ride a bike. Bicycles were here long before cars and they will be here long after cars have gone the way of the dodo bird. Get used to it or pick a different route to soccer practice.

^Kindly refrain from putting us all in one group, please.
You all need to get off your fat asses and ride a bike. Bicycles were here long before cars and they will be here long after cars have gone the way of the dodo bird. Get used to it or pick a different route to soccer practice.

^Kindly refrain from putting us all in one group, please.

I think I found the problem here: (check his location). lol.

For those that don't know, the Bay Area has one of the most elitist cycling cultures I have seen anywhere. If you are driving there, you should prepare yourself for attitudes that bikers own the road (as evidenced by the above comment).
I think I found the problem here: (check his location). lol.

For those that don't know, the Bay Area has one of the most elitist cycling cultures I have seen anywhere. If you are driving there, you should prepare yourself for attitudes that bikers own the road (as evidenced by the above comment).
All true and just one of the many reasons we are proud to call it home. Do us a huge favor and spread the word to your friends and family to vacation some place else. Problem solved.
I think I found the problem here: (check his location). lol.

For those that don't know, the Bay Area has one of the most elitist cycling cultures I have seen anywhere. If you are driving there, you should prepare yourself for attitudes that bikers own the road (as evidenced by the above comment).

I wasn't aware of the Bay Area's cycling reputation. Where are you located KSXNSX?
I was an avid mountain biker for years and used to drop you roadies as soon as you had to jump over a stick in your way(pussies). Off road when you are in the way you move over and let others by. There was always an alternate little trail around any obstacles cause they couldn't man up and jump over....all the while yelling to each other bunch of sissies. We couldn't ride over you in the trails and we can't ride over you on the road, so just get the hell out of the way and let the faster people by.
If I'm in my vehicle, but perfectly aware of my surroundings, can I blow stop signs and red lights too?

Let's first ask who is driving a vehicle in excess of 3000lbs and who is operating one that is 17lbs. If I have to further drive into this rebuttal I can; however, it doesn't seem absolutely necessary.

When it's a absolutely clear view that there is no danger I make the conscious decision to press forward at my current momentum. Would you prefer that I unnecessarily jammed up the lane at a stop and then built my speed back up screwing up the light cycle for all motorists or would you catch the light on time and then drive around me a few hundred yards up the road?
I was an avid mountain biker for years and used to drop you roadies as soon as you had to jump over a stick in your way(pussies). Off road when you are in the way you move over and let others by. There was always an alternate little trail around any obstacles cause they couldn't man up and jump over....all the while yelling to each other bunch of sissies. We couldn't ride over you in the trails and we can't ride over you on the road, so just get the hell out of the way and let the faster people by.

Really, that's like a monster truck smashing into your NSX because you slowed down for a speed bump and then calling you a pussy. Really? you are saying that because your bike weighs 17lbs that it is ok for you to have a blatant disregard for traffic laws that are in place for you? That is exactly why I will stand on my horn when you are in my way. Would you also have a notarized legal note in your pocket that states you agree to hold harmless any poor soul that turns you into road pizza because you felt you were above the law and could see just fine when you blew through the stop sign?
They will never get it... :rolleyes:

The part that worries me is this should be one of the more intelligent communities on the Internet... If this is the consensus of this subset then I worry about the rest of motorists.

With that being said, my personal outlook is assuming every motorist is an idiot until they show me otherwise (this applies when I'm driving a motor vehicle too). I limit the amount of cycling I do in high traffic areas for this reason and mainly stick to paved trails and rural roads. God forbid I anger somebody driving on "their road".
And I wouldn't be so inclined to drive my NSX on the track meant for a monster truck:rolleyes: you are saying that because your bike weighs 17lbs that it is ok for you to have a blatant disregard for traffic laws that are in place for you? That is exactly why I will stand on my horn when you are in my way. Would you also have a notarized legal note in your pocket that states you agree to hold harmless any poor soul that turns you into road pizza because you felt you were above the law and could see just fine when you blew through the stop sign?

When will you understand that I do it out of courtesy of motorists? Like I said, I can sit at the front of the line at a red light, wait for the green and then hold up the light cycle for superior kings of the road. And I never dive out in front of traffic, but if it's a dead intersection waiting for the light then who cares if I get a 10 second head start?

Stand on your horn all you want, whatever makes you feel better about your life. then you are saying that you will refuse to obey the traffic laws and that you won't carry that note? Let's think for a second with the part of our brain that controls common sense.....why would anyone care what your rate of speed was if you weren't hindering their progress on the same road? There would be no need to get on the horn at all if you just blended in with the rest of the traffic. But instead you believe that you should travel on the main roads with no shoulder and 50mph speed limits and think that because you are a cyclist, people should be inconvenienced by you and your elitist buddies in yoga shorts riding double file and creating traffic hazards? There are plenty of roads that can be considered cyclist friendly around here but yet they chose to be on the ones that create a dangerous situation for both themselves and the others in automobiles.....and then complain and whine when someone blows the horn at them to move over.......c'mon already.

And for the record, I did not watch the video here, just going on my own experiences here. I'm also not anti cyclist.....I just don't believe you guys should be traveling certain roads where you cause a hazard to everyone else as well as yourselves. If there is no shoulder and you can't ride the speed limit, you shouldn't be on it.
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