Craig's list has a nice 5000 mi. 91 red for sale

13 April 2009
Atlanta, GA

Hey Guys,

the above link is for a Craig's list add. Anyone looking for a pristine 91 with only 5000 miles on it may find this interesting. Worth a call especially if you like red, which is what the color of this one is. Says it was serviced 7/09, don't know anything more than what the ad says.

Check it out!
Thats crazy low miles. I'd be worried about problems due to lack of use.
I like it. Going to need to put some money in it:

Coolant Hoses
All fluids
Some engine seals (no doubt dried up)

Whats that, $5-6k?

Still its almost a new car!
You never know... he may have done all of that over the years... If the guy could produce records showing that it was done, could be no big issue.
You never know... he may have done all of that over the years... If the guy could produce records showing that it was done, could be no big issue.

Ad says it has been in storage since 96 so I doubt it. But that would be nice! But it does say "serviced 7/09".
If someone likes red and wants a low miler it's less than the other 2 out there they want crazy money for (40k+) and haven't had any damn service. If I liked red and was looking for one I'd have to call him. If it's for real - it won't last long guys.

Batman- you wouldn't offer him anything cause your gonna sell your NSX cause it's "old and tired" and not a "performer". First of all you gotta like these cars to want to own one; if you don't like em then no need talking about it. Someone else will buy it.

You know guys these cars are coming out of the woodwork for one reason - bad times - otherwise you'd never even get a look at em. Offer him 10k less - why - without even knowing what service was done - do you just like gettting the phone slammed down in your ear? Don't be rediculous. Now if the service is limited then you gotta deduct - but it's not gonna be 10k.

Remember guys, a car with 17k miles on it - a 93 white - by a Primer - that had TB/WP/Hoses and Radio done, in perfect exterior condition and interior - sold in 12 hours - so let's get a grip here - if this is a documented low miler - it may be a really nice car to get. No matter how you look at it!

These low milers - no matter what anyone says and I understand Big D's comment but - they will and always have demanded a premium - cause like they say - you can do mechanical service but you can't roll back that odometer on the paint condition nor on the interior. That in itself makes them worth more - that's just it and if they've been maintained then they are worth that. He's a little high I believe but then how many 5k milers are there in the country?????

My 2 cents,

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I contacted the guy about this car. He said it was in "tip top condition" and well cared for. Replying back I inquired about all the service items including hoses, TB, etc., telling him it would cost about $5K to make all the service current. Only oil changes were done since it has low miles. I told him it's time OR mileage, whichever comes first. He never replied. If the car was in tip top condition than these service items wouldn't be overlooked. Looks like he dropped the price and now states it had service. What service, who knows. I told him that any new knowledgeable prospective buyer looking at his car will grill him on the service. He's looking for someone clueless about the NSX to buy it.
Checked the license out on State of California BAR Test Results and ...........

No tests were found for this vehicle!

Doesn't mean anything if it truly has been stored since 1996. The BAR test results that you can look up online only go back to late 1996, and if a car is stored and registered as non-op, no smogs are needed.
I didn't click the link ... it's exactly what I want ... couldn't stand to look at it ... hurts to look ... other bills at the moment .... :redface:
Vytas mentioned that the guy lowered his price - but the ad on Craig's hasn't changed. If someone were to call and give him the scoop on necessary maintenance - he might work with you and if he did and you could walk away with say 36 or 37k in a car with the TB/WP/Hoses/Fluids - it would be a great deal most likely.

I know there is a lot of talk about whether the low milers are worth the premium - or whether one with higher mileage and more service history would be better, right! Well here's my take and this is based on real world activity right now - remember I've been looking for a good while and found one recently.

First thing you need to know is that there are no xxx milers for sale that don't need something - and it's a variable - but good advice would tell anyone unless they got lucky and I mean real lucky - that folks don't sell cars that are completely up to snuff on all necessary service - PERIOD! I mean let's get real here - in today's time who do you think is gonna sell a car they "need" to sell and bring it totally up to snuff - there was only one and it sold in 12 hours with 17k miles - OK, and that was so rare as to not even be counted. Folks unless you want to look for an indefinite period of time - these completely totally serviced cars - for sale - don't exist. You need to get that - so we are talking real apples to apples here - they all will need some kind of service - that's the bottom line - how much is the variable.

Now - here's the other side of that - let's for the sake of the argument say they all NSXs a person would look at would need service ok (obviously we're not talking about a late model NSX)- so where does that leave a prospective buyer - he's basically got a choice of mileage - that's it really. Try and stay focused on that segment of cars that most would be considering 2001 and earlier unless they have plenty of cash.

Mileage being the issue and obviously the more mileage for the most part would bring into the picture the possibility of even more deffered maintenance. I will tell you after looking at mine for several days with close scrutiny - the body and engine compartment and seats/interior are all in very good condition but it's only got 42k miles - well imagine if you will what a 5k mile car would look like in that department - pretty damn close to new. How many of you could say that about your cars with 70k miles on em. Even if the service is close to up to snuff - all the cosmetics are going to be a huge variable due to mileage in most cases. Cosmetics to most folks is a big factor - I mean who wants to spend a lot of money on a car that is rough unless they're getting a big discount due to that condition.

My point in all this is that first of all to anyone - determine your budget - but the early gen cars offer almost as much, and I'm talking small amounts here, performance as the later 3.2s with the 6 speed trannies. So if you want a car below 40k and you are looking at pre 3.2 - then a car like this 5000 miler offers a great opportunity to get an almost new car with some cash input for maintenance at a good price at 36k in my opinion. Cause you surely can't get a 99 for example with 5k miles for that price and I'm sure we all know that - the more the miles the more the maintenance needed like clutch replacement.

I think the case for this red one if it could be had for around say 33 or 34 and you put say 2000 in it - you'd have yourself one cherry ride. Clutch for sure should not be a needed item. So really guys what could a 5000 mile car need that would cost you much more than 2000 bucks.

I'd be damned interested to deal on this one cause it's an individual and you can bet it won't be long before a dealer is knocking on that door.

Happy hunting,
So really guys what could a 5000 mile car need that would cost you much more than 2000 bucks.

I would start with this list ...

  • replace TB/WP and accessory belts
  • verify that A/C system is fully functional
  • verify that ABS system is fully functional
  • cooling hoses would need to be replaced
  • install Window fix-it thingies and lube the tracks
  • check engine for possible fluid leaks
  • cam plugs
  • Vtec spools
  • fuel tank drain - due to old fuel
  • throttle Body clean
  • tires could be past their intended life - check dot number

A car that sits around for 12 or 13 years could need some serious maintenence to get up to date

I myself would rather find a car that was well cared for and driven regularly
Bid D, that's a great list and of course you are right about what you mention. I would doubt that cam plugs would be needed but you never know.

Larger issues like AC and ABS are not small items and you can almost bet the AC is not functioning properly if at all. But the hoses in NSXs are not like the ones in older Porsches which are porous as crazy as that sounds.

Anyway you make very good points and usually the prices that folks are trying to get for cars with this kind of mileage is crazy. Every once in a while you find one owned by an individual that you can talk too. Lets say it needs 5k worth of service - like I just plunked down on mine - and you got this red one for 32k - that would be a great deal in my opinion. However if you had to pay 35 for it - well you'd really have to want it badly. I would say if a person intended to drive the car - he'd begin loosing that value but with 5k miles you could still put 20k miles on it and it would be worth 36k min. in my opinion in perfect shape that is. So it's a guessing game that a PPI would surely satisfy. Then you could use the PPI as ammo for a reduction in price despite the mileage - individuals might listen to that - dealers won't!
If anyone has an early model with the same cooling hoses that came from the factory then in my opinion they are asking for trouble. They will eventually fail and usually its when you least expect it and the results can be very costly. Something to think about.
I find it kind of amusing whenever one of these cars comes out of the woodwork, and everyone starts talking about the maintenance that it needs. Am I the only one that thinks the reason you buy a car like this is not because of the maintenance, but it's because of the overall condition of things like the interior, original paint, etc? Not to mention that it is likely all original, and no one has screwed with it since it was laid in Tochigi? Maintenance issues can always be fixed much more cheaply than a worn interior, especially since many of the interior parts are probably not even available anymore. Even if you replace the entire engine, it's still cheaper then replacing an interior. And, you'll be able to get those engine parts for years to come.

Even at his asking price, it's a relatively small price to pay for a pristine example (as opposed to restoring one yourself to comparable condition), even if you have to get the maintenance up to date.
I find it kind of amusing whenever one of these cars comes out of the woodwork, and everyone starts talking about the maintenance that it needs. Am I the only one that thinks the reason you buy a car like this is not because of the maintenance, but it's because of the overall condition of things like the interior, original paint, etc? Not to mention that it is likely all original, and no one has screwed with it since it was laid in Tochigi? Maintenance issues can always be fixed much more cheaply than a worn interior, especially since many of the interior parts are probably not even available anymore. Even if you replace the entire engine, it's still cheaper then replacing an interior. And, you'll be able to get those engine parts for years to come.

Even at his asking price, it's a relatively small price to pay for a pristine example (as opposed to restoring one yourself to comparable condition), even if you have to get the maintenance up to date.

I am glad you find the discussion of lack of maintenence amusing. At least we can provide some entertainment value. :smile:

I agree that having a pristine car is nice. The trouble is, its always going to be downhill from there. The car is never going to look better than it does now. You drive it and you get rock chips. You sit in it and your going to get worn bolsters and dirty floormats.

Being an engineer, I am more concerned with the health of all the mechanical systems. If I wanted a museum piece then I would just buy a poster. :wink:
I am glad you find the discussion of lack of maintenence amusing. At least we can provide some entertainment value. :smile:

I agree that having a pristine car is nice. The trouble is, its always going to be downhill from there. The car is never going to look better than it does now. You drive it and you get rock chips. You sit in it and your going to get worn bolsters and dirty floormats.

Being an engineer, I am more concerned with the health of all the mechanical systems. If I wanted a museum piece then I would just buy a poster. :wink:

Thus, with your needs in mind, this isn't the car that most people should be interested in and looking at. :wink: Most people would be better served by just buying one with average miles, rather than trying to nitpick the maintenance on low mileage examples to grind the seller down on price. It would be a shame for someone to buy this particular car and turn it into a daily commuter.

As a fellow engineer, on the flip side, I like it when a car hasn't been screwed with too much. A car that has been through too many mechanics and too many shops will always have something that wasn't put back together quite right, something that needs to be restored, clips that need to be replaced, etc. :tongue:
Thus, with your needs in mind, this isn't the car that most people should be interested in and looking at. :wink: Most people would be better served by just buying one with average miles, rather than trying to nitpick the maintenance on low mileage examples to grind the seller down on price. It would be a shame for someone to buy this particular car and turn it into a daily commuter.

As a fellow engineer, on the flip side, I like it when a car hasn't been screwed with too much. A car that has been through too many mechanics and too many shops will always have something that wasn't put back together quite right, something that needs to be restored, clips that need to be replaced, etc. :tongue:

Unfortunately cars need to be worked on and yes, sometimes they don't get put together properly. That is where taking your NSX to a reputable tech comes into play.

I still don't understand why someone would pay a premium for a car that sat for umpteen years. If you have money to burn and are looking for a NSX to put into a collection then fine. Don't maintain it and roll it in and out of the garage now and then. Perhaps in another 20 years it might actually appreciate.
I still don't understand why someone would pay a premium for a car that sat for umpteen years. If you have money to burn and are looking for a NSX to put into a collection then fine. Don't maintain it and roll it in and out of the garage now and then. Perhaps in another 20 years it might actually appreciate.

Hence, you are not the right buyer for this car. :wink:
Hence, you are not the right buyer for this car. :wink:

Nope. I am perfectly happy with my "Average" mileage 91.
I have to agree with Big D. But this car and you can expect to do service. Unless the car has been stored and maintained ie. oil changed engine turned over on a regular basis, car put up on blocks, etc. you cannot pay any premium what so ever. The only thing you can expect are surprises and service work.
I think what Ben is saying is that if you absolutely adore the NSX and you have the money, then buying an ultra low miler makes sense so it will be in pristine condition. I suspect that if someone has that kind of money then owning a NSX will not satisfy them and a F-Car or Lambo would be more appropriate.
In all my time on Prime I haven't seen any posts by someone who bought an old low-miler and then drove it. There has to be someone out there who can say what it's like.
Alls I know is ... I bought a regular used NSX and I still put 5k into it. Gimme a low-miler next time and I'll put 5k into that instead.