Cracked Windshield

Update - The second windshield arrived, intact, from California. I postponed the installation of the second windshield, since the windshield that is installed now is safe to drive with, unlike the previously replaced one. Safelite now has the second windshield stored on the top shelf, for safekeeping, at their shop.

I hope to get the hood replaced and the paint work done prior to installation of the second windshield. I ended up purchasing that hood from a 'prime member out of BC, Canada. (Thanks to others who responded.) The hood is located in Seattle; he assures me that they will be diligent in shipping it ASAP. I had a look at the existing hood and it looks simple enough to replace. In the meantime, I am also looking for a body shop to do the paint work.

It is an exercise in patience but everything seems to be coming together, slowly. On a side note, the HID kit I ordered from WhiteNSXs showed up via FedEx today - I hope to install it this afternoon. That will give me something to do...
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Update - Safelite came out today and installed a new Acura/Asahi brand windshield, and didn't crack it in the process! (Two installers this time; a technician plus the shop foreman). The bonus was that they also installed the hood for me, since they didn't want the second windshield to get cracked while installing the hood. I tried six different places locally to get six of the clips that hold the windshield washer hose to the hood but had no success finding a suitable substitute for the oem clips. I ended up ordering some from

Now that the hood and windshield are installed, I have to find a body shop to do some light paintwork. Progressing slowly, but getting there. My other project is to install the second HID kit from WhiteNSXs.
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How did the result turn out on your new windshield?
I've had bad experiences in the past with my cheap cars where the caulking is not nice and neat.
I haven't given it a real close-up inspection, but I would say it is about 97%. The new rubber molding across the top looks very nice but there is at least one flaw in the rubber molding on the driver's side pillar where the rubber molding didn't reinsert perfectly. Still, they did a pretty nice job with two people installing instead of one, and one of them was the shop foreman overseeing an employee, so I think it is as good of a job as reasonably could be done. The installation isn't perfect but the car is a 1994 with 137,000 plus miles so the car itself is far from perfect. Overall, I am completely satisified with the windshield installation.