Considering Porsche 996 or NSX. Anyone familiar with both?

My GF, being part German had a 996 C4 Cab. Nice car, but we both decided 2 sports cars was too much. Guess which is still in the garage. :wink::biggrin: The 996 was nice but she bought into my logic of they are a dime a dozen in Orange County. Down the road....maybe we'll get her back behind the wheel of a German car again, we are thinking maybe a Cayman.
FWIW: There is a fellow nsxprimer that goes by latzke (IIRC) who also lives in Fort Collins, CO. IIRC he has a SCed NA1, so that might be an option to consider. Love the NA engine on the NSX, but for higher elevation FI is probably the way to go. BTW: Doubt that the shorter gears or the lighter flywheel will help for CO.

I wasn't attacking you in anyways so please don't misunderstand me. I just wanted people to know that you are splitting hairs when you are talking about the differences between the 3.0 and 3.2. I personally wanted a coupe also so it made my choice easier on getting my 91-94 and the fact that the glove box is the biggest on my 91 without the passenger airbag ;). Different strokes for different folks.....I was all about the must have at least 97 and up because of the 3.2 and 6 speed.

Glad I met Jon Martin to give me a thorough education about the car. Most track guys like the 5 speed as well. If you are going to stay N/A and don't plan to mod it ever then I would say get a newer 3.2L model. That would make sense if you want the most out of the car and plan on leaving it alone.

When I was looking at this car the Porsche never even came up in the group of cars I was considering....

Here was the group I was evaluating when buying my car

Ferrari 355 F-1, Skyline R33, Toyota 94-98 TT, 94 Rx7 TT, and NSX

NSX won out of all th group based on looks, maintenance, quality and other things. F355 was my 2nd choice but with the maintenance on those things and issues stated here made me say no thank you.

Taken from here

355: New Worlds of Technical Woe

The new, five–valve 355 series was offered from 1995 to 1999. It was a vast improvement, though teething troubles were extensive. In mid–1998, the 355 became the first road car to feature an F1 shifter, but early models suffer high–pressure pump and selector problems. If the parts can be found, expect to spend about $11,000 if you need to repair yours.

The 355 Spyder power top can be a problem, since the windows must automatically drop, the seats must move forward, the car must be in neutral, the doors must be closed and the emergency brake must be on for it to work. If you’re over 6′2″ you may find yourself impaled on the steering wheel as the seat goes forward. Top problems can easily run up a long–out–of–warranty $5,000 repair bill.

355s often have faulty exhaust manifolds and valve guides that wear rapidly. An exhaust manifold replacement costs $3,000, plus $1,000 labor. But drive your 355 with a lean cylinder and you can face a $25,000 engine meltdown. Major engine work requires an engine–out service, which starts at $5,000.

The last year of the 355 in 1999 they solved the valve guide issues, but still you have to keep an eye on the relay that controls the F-1 pump. If that pump goes out then you will be crying.

355 is a beautiful car though and sounds sexy. Now that I know a 99 is the year to get in that car....I was looking at a 97 or 98 model for sale....thank goodness I didn't jump on it.
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Personally I don't think it's splitting hairs between the 3.0L 5 speed and the 3.2L 6 speed. I really notice the difference in acceleration between them. May be the gearing more than the power, but I feel the difference is there. Of course YMMV.

Lots of this is subjective. I had a 1999 Aero Kit 996 with a zillion dollars in options and 40k+ miles. It was a great car and had no issues. I think the RMS issue gets dramatically blown out of proportion on forums. It's a seal. It can easily be checked to see if it needs to be replaced and Porsche is maintaining a database of RMS status last I checked. As with any car, if some hump who really shouldn't have owned such a car to begin with owned it, they may have never brought the car in for service leading to a failure because the leak went on too long. This can happen with any car though. A huge number of people save every penny until they can buy cars like this, then think that means they can "afford" one. The car is then driven until it needs its first service and is unloaded. I see a *lot* of NSX's like this for sale as well and while the NSX is pretty bullet proof, it isn't immune to neglect.

The issue with RMS is that it could be that the place where the seal attaches is warped enough that the updated seal still doesn't fit correctly. In this case, you have a car where you always have to watch/replace it because the car will steadily leak oil. THAT sucks, but a *good* pre purchase inspection (again... a MANDATORY thing that a lot of people are just too cheap to do) will reveal this.

I've owned a 1998 NSX, a 2003 NSX, a 2000 Corvette, the 1999 911, and now I have a 1999 NSX. You can see a pattern there. The 911 is a great car and I really loved it, but in the end, the overall experience of the NSX just always pulls me back. The day I can afford a Ferrari I would move on, but otherwise I may be stuck

You really need to look at your budget short and long term, figure out how patient you are, and drive both cars with an open mind and preferrably multiple times. Performance wise, the 1999 996 will be very similar to the 3.0L NSX. I personally dont feel that the 996 "gets away from you" more than the mid-engine NSX *at all*. Matter of fact, mid-engine can take some getting used to if you have never driven one and I've had the ass come around on me. The 996 was the beginning of tons of electronic nannies on Porsche and they do a lot of bizarre balancing to offset the rear bias. I never had the ass on the 911 come around. The driving position and cockpit view in the NSX is really unmatched as is the feel of the steering and shifter, IMO, and is best of breed. The 911 is good though. You sit taller and its comfy, but is way less visceral. The steering feedback is good and the shifter and clutch are good as well. Very different beast from the older 911s (even the 993), which is why a lot of Porschephiles hated them (that and b/c the early 996 had the Boxster nose). The NSX sounds a ton better between the high reving engine and the fact that the engine is right behind you inside the cockpit. The cars are similar in that they are both very much "drivers cars", but very different in character.

As for the "image" issues, these are even more subjective things, and *only* you know if they matter. Search your soul! LOL... But, Ill help you out and talk a bit about the subjective stuff just to try to give you an objective view of it (hahaha) Yes 911's are "everywhere", but the whole world knows its a Porsche (if that matters to you). I understand the comment about "Porsche attracts women". My wife always thought it was funny how frequently I'd have women stop to talk in the 911.

The NSX is exotic looking, sure, but no one knows what the hell it is. Everyone assumes its something else and wants to talk about it. Then you have to explain its a Honda. Then they want to know how much it was, etc.

So again, there are two sides to this. Some people don't care about cachet, or how much attention they get, etc. Only you know where you fit. With the Porsche, people look at them, they all know what they are, and chicks on the prowl will chat you up assuming you arent horrific.

With the NSX you get stopped *a lot* and you get little kids taking pictures and 19-24 year old import fan guys following you home in their Civics, but you also spend a ton of time explaining "no its not a Ferrari, no... not a Vette... yeah! it really is an Acura (or Honda, if you rebadge... LOL)

If you are neutral on the issue of "image", go with whatever speaks to you when you drive them. If you want to have people think "oh! wow! look! that guy has money!"... Have valets say "Why hello sir!" and expect a good tip, etc. then get the 911. If you want to have people think that maybe you have a LOT of money, but be not really sure and want to discuss it with you so they can confirm it, or if you LOVE getting attention and feeling like a celebrity, dont mind having people gawk, and are ok talking to strangers frequently, then get the NSX.

If either of those scenarios make you CRINGE (although I cant imagine anyone "cringing" at the Porsche experience... LOL), then you will know what to do.
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Most of what youre going to find in NSXes under 25k is high miles, deferred maintenance, or salvage title. Not saying there arent any out there, but you might be looking for a loooooooooong time.

Not in all cases. I have a 91 with 150k miles on it. I'm asking $23k. See my post. I just installed a new clutch (going in today). I replaced all hoses, cv boot, timing belt, water pump and did a valve adjustment at 120k miles. I change the oil every 3 months. The reason it's 23k is comsetc issues that can easily be corrected. Over the past 5-6 years my unscheduled maintanence has been nil until the clutch replacement. As far as the 996 - I test drove used ones recently ($40k regime) and I'd rather keep the 91 NSX @150k miles than buy an 02-04 Porsche with 50k miles. Probably end up with a newer NSX when I pull the trigger.
Drove two NSX's today. Really nice.

Not as "Honda smooth" as I anticipated, which is actually nice. They had some sports car roughness to them. I liked it alot.

Now doing the homework....and trying not to get too anxious.

One I found is local, Black/Ivory....51K miles. Clutch, tBelts and water pump at 39K in 2005. So I think I am good, there. Snap ring shows done when clutch was hope that solves it.

Just a few cosmetics on that car, and asking $29K.

May be the one.


Manual says to replace the timing belt every 60k miles or every 6 years; while it's only been 12k miles, it's already been 5 years since the timing belt service, so you're looking at a t-belt replacement in the near future.

Snap ring issues are only present on certain transmission case assemblies used in 1991 and 1992, in 1993+ Acura fixed the manufacturing defect, so a case used in 2005 should easily be a good one. Snap ring replacement requires the complete transfer of the gearbox internals from the original transmission case into a new one, so mechanically you should be OK.
What does the "d" mean?
Rediculous - wish I knew how to do this picture stuff - but deleted isn't near as much fun.

Yeah, I noticed all the deleted posts - he was treated a bit shabby by some primers and got his feelings hurt a bit. He's a good guy and serious. I've talked with him several times thru PMs -he'll be joining our ranks soon - my memory is so bad I didn't connect his "handle" to the guys posts in 3 different posts. I'm pretty bad about that I guess - most likely because I post so much it's hard to keep track. But he's serious, I even talked with him by phone - sometimes the guys on here jump to conclusions and accuse wrongly - I make the mistake myself - so I understand. So there you have it.

Over and out....

exactly Tim.You need a thick skin on the internet,or a good sense of humor,and self confidence.When I first posted pics of the "bee" livery I was asailed with posts like"he has no taste" money can't buy common sense" ect.... Although it took many years of intense therapy I am able to now join in on prime with only minimal medication.
exactly Tim.You need a thick skin on the internet,or a good sense of humor,and self confidence.When I first posted pics of the "bee" livery I was asailed with posts like"he has no taste" money can't buy common sense" ect.... Although it took many years of intense therapy I am able to now join in on prime with only minimal medication.

Intense therapy - you are too funny - that must be that good sense of humor you mention. Yep we've all had our butts blistered here a time or two - I know I have - but like you also said - I have a thick skin (read - hide like rhino). Developed over many years of internet car list posting. But this is the best one I've ever had the pleasure to be a part of. I really appreciate Prime and all it's members - everyone of em!

Goin "all Bromley on ya" - sorry can't help it.:biggrin:
Well Tim if that is the case with him, I will be looking out for his "I'm finally a owner" thread in this forum and congratulate him.
Well Tim if that is the case with him, I will be looking out for his "I'm finally a owner" thread in this forum and congratulate him.

I believe he'll be looking at some black early model this weekend. Anyway we are always glad to welcome new owners and members.
Intense therapy - you are too funny - that must be that good sense of humor you mention. Yep we've all had our butts blistered here a time or two - I know I have - but like you also said - I have a thick skin (read - hide like rhino). Developed over many years of internet car list posting. But this is the best one I've ever had the pleasure to be a part of. I really appreciate Prime and all it's members - everyone of em!

Goin "all Bromley on ya" - sorry can't help it.:biggrin:

Stuff it.
I believe he'll be looking at some black early model this weekend. Anyway we are always glad to welcome new owners and members.
Apology to jf308 for mixing him up with Jinos who was the troll.
Jinos used such cheap shot as "my girlfriend thinks it is a suped up Accord" to describe the NSX. Either that girl has to be completely blind, psychotic, or terminally stupid to even have made such absurd statement. Porsche 964 is simply the most undesirable air-cooled 911 with the problem prone 3.6l engine so he made some utterly untrue statements about its reliability. If he was sincere, he would not have come on here and made a total prick of himself. Tell Jinos to f&*k off already if he thinks the "suped up Accord" is not good enough for him or his friend.
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I've owned 8 Porsches, everything from a 911S to a 935 Turbo.
I've owned 3 NSX's.

I drive a NSX. 914 or NSX? :D

That's funny...
One of the first Posches I had was a 914 that we swapped a V-8 into and then put a wide body kit on it...
True Porsche owners never thought of the 914 as a Porsche.
They called it an Audivox if I remember correctly. 914 or NSX? :D
That's funny...
One of the first Posches I had was a 914 that we swapped a V-8 into and then put a wide body kit on it...
True Porsche owners never thought of the 914 as a Porsche.
They called it an Audivox if I remember correctly. 914 or NSX? :D

Only stupid and snobbish Porsche owners think the 914 was not a Porsche. The 914 was EVERY bit of a Porsche. If Ferry thought the car was good enough to bear his name, case closed.