Concerned about bullying...


You guys turned this into something funny for me.

Thanks for that.

I posted this mainly because I had a post get deleted after calling a member out on their attempt at turning an opinion into a hardcore fact and then jumping someone else over it the same way this member jumped on me...which I very much did not appreciate.

I don't know you guys by name yet, but either way, I'm glad you all turned this into a bit of a laughing matter for me. It makes me realize that, 1.) I over reacted, and I'm sorry for that, and 2.) This is the only forum I've been on in quite some time where everyone can laugh a joke around like you all have done in this thread. That makes me glad that I'm here.

Thanks again!
If you want to be taken seriously, then name the person. Besides, it's not like you're getting in a physical confrontation. Just push the ignore button like we all do with Shawn, LOL, or grow some ballz and forgettaboutit. :)

I did name the biggest asshole on the forum - a moderator deleted my reply. :mad:
If he tried that, just as it was about to close SOS would open their own ass kicking group buy:biggrin:

............good one......I think SOS is an "official" manufacturers approved ass kicker:wink:
If he tried that, just as it was about to close SOS would open their own ass kicking group buy:biggrin:

I don't think I'm allowed to laugh on this one. But that was good Dave...
I can haz a hug?




I have been in the same situation, when it happens, I do not argue and I drop, I erase my photos and my thread, I try to make myself useful and provide my assistance to members in difficulty, but when I am attacked, I erase, I'm not here to receive sarcasm and ridicule others, I have something else to do ...: Cool:
have you guys seen the thousands of Videos of russian drivers?

they pull over in the middle of a busy freeway to duke it out if you cut them off. LOL granted some videos the russians have a hand axe or a Baseball bat they dont end well :eek:

if we were allowed to do this in america the joy you would get...
you got a problem pull over and duke it out.
have you guys seen the thousands of Videos of russian drivers?

they pull over in the middle of a busy freeway to duke it out if you cut them off. LOL granted some videos the russians have a hand axe or a Baseball bat they dont end well :eek:

if we were allowed to do this in america the joy you would get...
you got a problem pull over and duke it out.

Yeah I have seen this in person. It's nuts... everyone stands around and watches... sometimes it 2 against one. They just beat each other, blood everywhere...
have you guys seen the thousands of Videos of russian drivers?

they pull over in the middle of a busy freeway to duke it out if you cut them off. LOL granted some videos the russians have a hand axe or a Baseball bat they dont end well :eek:

if we were allowed to do this in america the joy you would get...
you got a problem pull over and duke it out.

Haven't seen the vids but if someone were coming toward me with a axe or bat, i would drop em.

back ot

You will have people like that in every group but you have to also think they may know more on a subject then you. I try to correct if i see mis-information that could actually cause someone major issues but if it's something minor and nobody is listening i move on.

Hope it's not me :)
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