Concerned about bullying...

29 May 2012
There are certain members (member, really) on this forum that habitually throw their weight around and like to make people look like they're information is not sound. I'll leave them un-named, although they'll most certainly know who they are since they seemingly prowl every corner of this board and I'm sure they'll find this anyhow.

My problem is this...I run an automotive forum myself, and I understand what it is to try to keep the riff-raff out, but this person seems to find ways to bully other members, and, just as predicted, when I said something about it, my post gets deleted.

I'm also an automotive professional and do this every single when I chime in on a discussion to which I happen to be extremely well educated and I'm met with being told how wrong I am, and basically that if I am going to spread such misinformation that I'm not welcome here. Problem is, I have forgotten more about cars than most people know, so it's pretty insulting to be met with such sarcasm when I'm just trying to add some good information. I'm not trying to have a pitty party, but I recognize a problem when I see it, and to have a member insulting people in the manner than they do with no recourse makes others not want to interact for fear of being attacked.

Now, I'm not saying they aren't a good resource to have here, quite the contrary, in fact. However, just becuase someone is a good source of information doesn't mean that they should take it upon themselves to treat others like they are beneth them.

There are ex-Primers that I've talked to that left this site never to return because there are other members that pushed them away. It's activity like this that will make Prime a pretty dull place to be.

Just thought something should be said. I don't expect that the problem will get resolved, but at least now it's been documented.:rolleyes:
I like to think most of us are grownups who are able to recognize different types of behavior, see it for what it is, and not let it bother them. Personally I am more concerned with certain members who commit repeated acts of fraud and theft in their business practices than those who are merely blowhards,
Russ I think he's talking about YOU. LOL...

OP, it's the Internet... A 13 year-old with a keyboard has the same power as the president. Why are you worried about it? If this person is right then he's right and if he's wrong he'll be called out. If its an opinion thing then everyone here has one so who cares.

Is it Hugh? He's kind of an ass. :D is it me? LOL...

I don't know I kind of know everyone around here and can't think of anyone that bad. If someone gets way outta line Lud runs pretty tight control. This is one of the better forums around. So I'm not sure what you're "documenting", no one even knows what or who you are talking about.
Russ I think he's talking about YOU. LOL...

OP, it's the Internet... A 13 year-old with a keyboard has the same power as the president. Why are you worried about it? If this person is right then he's right and if he's wrong he'll be called out. If its an opinion thing then everyone here has one so who cares.

Is it Hugh? He's kind of an ass. :D is it me? LOL...

I don't know I kind of know everyone around here and can't think of anyone that bad. If someone gets way outta line Lud runs pretty tight control. This is one of the better forums around. So I'm not sure what you're "documenting", no one even knows what or who you are talking about.

Dave, no one asked your opinion. Sit down, shut up and give me your lunch money. :biggrin:
Dave, no one asked your opinion. Sit down, shut up and give me your lunch money. :biggrin:

LOL... I think it's Hugh... He's very opinionated and often doesn't like things. I swear if it wasn't for the fact that he's so sexy in a pink dress we'd have gotten rid of him by now.
losers ....................:tongue:
Oh this thread is going to get out of hand. And I'll get blamed for it.
Oh this thread is going to get out of hand. And I'll get blamed for it.

you should organize another group buy.......................for an ass kicking......
Unfortunately a lot of the guys that actually knew something left the nsxprime scene many years ago. This shows up often when I do a search.

There's just a niche user base that continue to post (wrong or right information) because they don't know any better, because they're actually right, because they care, because no one smarter is around to provide a proper rebuttal. It's when these group of a few litter the threads that other owners who really don't know anything at all take their word for gospel.

Hopefully, the new generation of owners includes some smarties who aren't just knucklehead hellaflush owners who will claim their +10 offset is track worthy.
honestly I don't claim to know alot..........but the answer to every question may end up being..................................................plasti-dip.
honestly I don't claim to know alot..........but the answer to every question may end up being..................................................plasti-dip.
but you do know a lot!

i thought the answer was.................................................. KW V3s!

on that note............ i'll shut up now because I certainly know close to nothing!
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but you do know a lot!

i thought the answer was.................................................. KW V3s!

on that note............ i'll shut up now because I certainly know close to nothing!

...well i marvel at the guys who just dig in and diy.I marvel at the guys who help out perfect strangers.I hope that some of the newer members understand that we old timers sometimes go OT and do minor thread jacks(like this) to add some levity, humor, which adds some interrest,esp when no one answer is the correct one.Yes over the years some very talented bright folks have moved on:frown: but new ones replace them and over time as more people meet each other at meets,esp xpo and gain familiarity with each others style,prime benefits.:smile:
Really? You started a thread about internet bullying? I dont know what to tell you man. I just dont take these "bullies" to seriously. I just let the verbal abuse roll of my shoulder and go about my day just like in real life. The funny thing about this internet bullying is I bet 99% of the time this person would never have the courage to say something to your face lol.
There are ex-Primers that I've talked to that left this site never to return because there are other members that pushed them away. It's activity like this that will make Prime a pretty dull place to be.
Do a search :smile: and you'll see that people have been making such predictions at least since I've been posting here, if not longer. Of course, despite such dire predictions, the forums are still as active and enjoyable as ever. Like most recipes, they are whatever you make of it.

In the meantime, if there's one person whose posts you don't like, I would like to serve you a link which can be consumed with or without soup.
I think this forum is as fantastic as ever, despite the turnover in membership. Yes, I miss a lot of the old/inactive members, but the new blood is great too, and new members are just as enthusiastic/passionate about the NSX, which is awesome!

Change is the only constant in this world, you can gripe about it or adapt and try to enjoy things. I choose the latter. Cheers. :)
^ do you want us to get all emotional ?? :biggrin:

About the bullying... everyone can be worse than Chuck Norris behind a keyboard....opps...wait.... no one can be worst than Norris (ahd to correct before he reads it) :frown::frown:

we have to lighten up...we are all behind computers here...if someone starts to bully...just ignore and scroll down...he will eventually stop :tongue:

I hope it not me :rolleyes:,

if I dont know something I am the first to say.

there are people that dont even comment after i post they ignore me like I was a bad date.

its ok though cuz I ignore them right back LOL
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I hope it not me :rolleyes:,

if I dont know something I am the first to say.

there are people that dont even comment after i post they ignore me like I was a bad date.

its ok though cuz I ignore them right back LOL

Shawn I love you man I would never ignore you.
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If you want to be taken seriously, then name the person. Besides, it's not like you're getting in a physical confrontation. Just push the ignore button like we all do with Shawn, LOL, or grow some ballz and forgettaboutit. :)