compression test on a nsx

17 May 2002
Brooklyn, NYC
I am going to pick up my nsx this saturday from OH and was thinking of doing a compression test on all 6 cylinders. can anybody provide me with the range of psi I should expect from a healthy engine? the car has 42k miles. thanks in advance.
Good Advise Lud,

Looks like about 200psi new if I read it correctly. The key is that you may see a difference in that either way, but the 28psi variance spec between cylinders in more indicative of a problem. They should be as even as possible.

I recall doing a test on my car and getting over 200. No biggy, since they were all the same (after I got the timing belt on right

The other thing to consider is there are alot of variables when doing this, like engine cranking speed. Make sure you have a good battery. Remove ALL the plugs then test each one. Fighting the compression in five other cylinders when testing one, will kill the battery sooner.


[This message has been edited by Larry Bastanza (edited 10 October 2002).]
There are no "Exact Numbers". EAch engine potentially is a little different. USe the range in the service manual.

Not only are all car's gonna be slightly different, so are your gauges. To do it properly you are supposed to pull your FI fuse for obvious reasons. Pull all your plugs out like Larry said and while cranking hold the throotle wide open. Some people say crank it 5 or 6 times over. Doesn't make that big deal, but you don't want to infinetly crank it over. Your readings should stop around that many cranks. If you crank it 30 times and it is slightly still going up - not good. I would say it should max out around 6 cranks.

jack of all trades, master of some.
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
I guess you didn't try following Lud's advice above and looking in the service manual, huh?

I did not mention this, but Ken my computer cannot read .pdf file. I do not have the program but thanks for bringing it to my attention
. Larry, true thanks for the sincere reply. I will look into it
If you're going to be working on your own car - and I assume that you are, since you're doing a compression test - it's worth paying the money to have a hard copy of the service manual at your fingertips in your garage. You can buy one here.
Originally posted by Smoothaccel:
Has anyone done a compression test on their/an NSX yet and have the exact numbers?
I know over 200 psi is good but what is the range? I am curious

I was curious what other NSX's got. The Dealer did mine already and I got the following psi: 208, 211, 209, 210, 208 and 211
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
it's worth paying the money to have a hard copy of the service manual at your fingertips in your garage. You can buy one here.

(Apologies for straying off the primary topic)

What's the difference between the Shop Manual (Part #: 61SL002)@ $75.00 & the Service Manual Set (Part #: 61SL003C) @$99.00? The description appears to be the same for each.

[This message has been edited by D'Ecosse (edited 17 November 2002).]

VERY good point about the throttle position, I forgot to mention it. If you cannot get enough air into the engine, the readings will be off.

WOW, that was my 100th post. I made it thus far in 8 months. Eat your heart out NSXtasy!
If NSXTASY does not make another post as of now, I will catch him in...: My rate at 12.5 per month; he is at *6902... I will catch him in about 46 YEARS

By then I will have a V8 in my NSX. lol