The difference is when the violent person kills with a can lid, he kills one person. If the same person had a semi-automatic assault rifle with a 100 round drum he could kill 2 dozen+ people. Violent people will always kill. The difference is how many people he can kill is controlled by what kind of weapon he can get his hands on.
The truth is only law abiding people will follow the rules. People who has evil intentions will choose "gun free establishments". It's a no brainer - anyone heard of mass shooting in a gun range?

The belief of gun kills people is flawed. Remember 9/11? The so called terrorist didn't have guns. They use bread knifes to take over the plane - why? they were smart to figure out that loaded guns can not be carried inside the planes. How many people have they killed? We should blame the knives and the planes????
To keep you and your family safe - they now allow marshalls to carry loaded guns in the plane - go figure. My point is people kills people not the knives, not the planes...not guns. The reason I train hard on how to use my guns... that one day I maybe able to defend my family, friends and neighbors from such people.