Clutch vs Auto

Scot said:
Mine was a jab at him for fun. I have his old NSX. :) (it is a manual transmission :biggrin: )
Aha! Thanks for the clarification!

NSX-GUY said:
if I have to replace a clutch at $3500 every couple of years or so, THAT is unacceptable.
Highly unlikely. I've had my NSX for almost sixteen years, and have paid $2000 for one OEM clutch replacement. (Clutch replacements are less expensive on the '91-96 than the '97-05.) This is with over 64K total miles of which 11K+ are actual track miles, so I'm not exactly the most gentle example when it comes to usage. No "reasonable driving habits" here! :D
nsxtasy said:
Why all the narrow-minded intolerance towards those with automatics? Sure, a lot more people like manuals (including myself). But there are plenty of reasons why some people prefer automatics - everything from their relative ease in stop-and-go traffic, to people who have physical limitations that make a manual difficult to use, to people who have to share a car with another family member who doesn't know how to use a stick and doesn't want to learn, just to name three. And some people just plain like it better, just like some people like red cars and others prefer black or white or blue. Surely we can have a little more empathy around here than has been shown in some of these disrespectful posts...

agreed! i'm 26 (not that old) and i love my 92 auto so much! i feel very comfortable with auto cars.:rolleyes:
Scot said:
automatics are for OLD people aren't they.

ahahhaha. I think a bottle of Geritol comes with each Auto NSX. :)

Some of us resemble that remark even if we own a 6 speed :biggrin:
Real sports cars dident have autos or cup holders untill recently. It should have stayed that way. If you dont think an manual feels better than in reality the whole sports car thing just doesent make sence for what you need (medical reasons excluded) I mean I drive my DD Auto X5 and my last DD an Auto Audi A4 sport Quattro. But every Sports car I have tried with an auto vs a stick is a whole nother experience. I used to sell cars 5-6 yrs back Subarus/VWs/Porsche/Audi to be exact and from WRXs to 996s to S4s, Ive tried every car day after day and an Automatic feeling compared to the manual is two entirely diffrent cars. You lose so much of the feeling and exitement of going through country roads, even when your not pushing it, it is still a huge diffrence. For medical reasons I understand but If the city driving bothers you as it does me Since I drive 20k per year IN the city. Yes 20k 80% in city miles. when I have a busy day I wouldent take the M3 I just sold or the turbo Prelude I had 2ys ago. Its that simple the NSX does not have any place in long rush hour comutes Its takes a while to master the whole drink/eat/shift/while on the phone but it can be done and is worth every agrivation. I have been frustrated so many times in traffic, I wanted to just rip the clutch out with my bear hands but when you love motorsports you forgive the car like an dumb chick in an abusive relationship. It takes 2miles open curvy roads to make up for hours of bieng stuck in traffic.:biggrin: In all honestly I would absolutly rather keep my manual M3 or turbo prelude than drive automatic sports like a auto NSX, or 996 turbo. automatics are for other types of cars.

If you absolutly need only one car and its going to be a DD involved in a 1hr CITY commute the NSX might be kinda tough to bear day in day out IF its going to be in really slow traffic for over 45min a day. in that case I would go for a SMG M3. The newer automatics are much more fun to drive than an old auto transmission especially the most recent Auto-sticks like the ones in the newest M5s and M3s and 996s and so on. The old NSX auto just isent responsive enough. NO offence to those of you that have the auto but facts are facts when it comes to performance and road feel there are better options if you NEED an auto. Then again anyone who needs an auto, probably also needs other comforts such as door storage, center consoles, cup holders, I mean seriously the NSX doesent even have a place to put your phone! I love it! Its meant for 2 asses, a radar detector, and open road. What else does a sports car need?

I know Im stting myself up on this one but this one argument that I will never change my mind on. Even professional drivers that drive Amazing Paddle shift transmission on the track still agree that whether or not the Auto-stick is faster on the track or not they still rather have a traditional Stick in their personal cars. A clutch just gives you diffrent feeling the entire car feels and responds diffrentley downshifting, heel and toe, rev matching, with out these I would stick to my X5.
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My back injury forces me to look for an automatic, but it's the reason i can afford to buy an NSX. I can and enjoy driving a stick but not for long and i pay for it the rest of the day.
NSX-GUY said:
With the talk about clutch wear and expense of replacing etc, for someone that doesn't track their car and simply enjoys riding around in it, I wonder if it would make more sense to have an automatic ???

Clutches can go at pretty much anytime. What would be the difference in the automatic ?

If you MASH the gas pedal in the automatic does it cause any more wear on the tranny than it would on the manual ?
o prefer manual i like the time i drive and i am close to red line and every time try to get closer to the limit but that was my s2000 my nsx is auto but that will change soon i love u honda!!!!!!
Scot said:
automatics are for OLD people aren't they.

ahahhaha. I think a bottle of Geritol comes with each Auto NSX. :)
well my friend thats not always the point i am 25 and i like both i wish mu nsx was manual but again i got an 97 rentech sl600(500+++hp) and it is auto but i get it out and i have all the fan i need for the day so both r HONDA i love it