Cincinnati Drive 12/16

Hey Jim,

Sorry but it doesn't look like the drive is going to happen today. My girlfriends fathers birthday is today and it looks like we'll be celebrating today. Sorry about that. We'll get things together sooner or later. :frown:
I drove the NSX down to Huntington, WV on Friday. What a day. Saturday was even better. Had the Targa out. :biggrin: I need to book down to Cincy to see you guys, I have pals from the S2KI group down there as well.
PhiAlpha44 said:
Yeah come on down. I'm just worried about the weather turning south in a hurry. It's been so nice, this can't keep up much longer. :frown:

Ah, yeah it can... ok who took their cats off and caused this 60 degree winters?