Chicago Exotic Shoot II- 147 HIGH RES PICS (open at own risk)!


i love this 328gts
I know I'm super late on this thread- I was just scrolling through the pics and I noticed that 23rd pic down from the beginning of the thread -- Looks suspiciously like a Fiero engine w/ a Ferrari plate on the intake.

Was one of these cars an imposter?

Pure EYE CANDY ..... thanks sooo much!!!

Pantera + Vette = BAD ASS

NSX's = Exotics!!!!!!

I know I'm super late on this thread- I was just scrolling through the pics and I noticed that 23rd pic down from the beginning of the thread -- Looks suspiciously like a Fiero engine w/ a Ferrari plate on the intake.

Was one of these cars an imposter?

Most certainly... but the sad thing is that fiero engine looks better than the real one would've.
I'm not a huge fan of Vettes, but that Batman one is rather nice. In a sea of Vettes out there, that one is still unique.

Looks like the event was a lot of fun!