check engine and TCS light...engine won't rev past 4000

18 September 2002
My check engine light comes on along with the TCS light and then the car won't rev past 4000 RPMs (the rev limiter kicks in at that point). If I shut the ignition completely off and restart it, it clears the problem. It was only happening once a month or so but is getting more and more frequent...almost daily now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Does the TCS light come on first or do they come on together? Does the problem go away if you disable TCS? Have you downloaded the trouble codes from the EM computer?

Happy Motoring At all Costs!
The 4000 RPM limit is indicative of the "limp home mode" that the ECU reverts to if it senses a problem with the engine, sensors, or the ECU itself.

I had the same symptom when my NSX engine would not fire within 5 seconds or so of cranking.

Is your engine modified in any way?

Bryan Zublin

[This message has been edited by BryanZublin (edited 18 September 2002).]
Only mods on my car are RM headers, exhaust, and intake. Both lights come on together and the last time it seemed like the car stumbled a little around 2500 RPM's right before the lights came on. Have not tried disabling the TCS and I have not gotten the codes yet (trying to save a little money if I can figure this out myself without taking it to the dealer). I disconnected the battery today to clear the ECU to see if that helps any.

[This message has been edited by tjack (edited 19 September 2002).]
Hey after doing a little more research I just found out I can check the ECU codes if only I didn't disconnect that battery I'd be able to check it. LOL. I'm sure it won't be long before it happens again.
Tjack-- i had the same problem not too long ago with mine not rev. over 4k rpm.. Took it in and they saw and repaired a wire that was loose on the engine if I am not mistaken on the top and then some others there. He fixed them and it is fine now. No problem since.

But I have seen my TCS light stay on, the one on the top as there was a problem from going though some water when it was raining and it stayed on from there. Let me know if you know what is wrong with my car. Thanks.

8k RPM in a recliner!
I finally just got the error codes. 16 for the check engine (fuel injection) and 3-1 for the TCS. I can't seem to find any info on error codes for the TCS. Anybody know what that error code means? Hey Urban Pilot I'm gonna go check for loose wires around the fuel injection system. Thanks for the tip.
I believe John (Anytime) had the same problem and it was an easy fix. I think the guys over at Factor X were able to give him a solution. It had something to do with a connector that was loose. You may want to contact John or Factor X to see what it was. Sorry I didn't take notes. =P