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Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

Re: Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

Do these work well for OBDII cars?
Re: Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

Just got back from a test ride after the install of my Cantrell intake and Uni filter. Above and beyond any HP increases, I finally got to hear the car crossover into VTEC! If you were ever skeptical of the crossover point, you won't be with this setup. It's VERY noticeable.

I went from a stock intake/K&N, and I believe that the Cantrell AIS definitely made the car more responsive.
Chris@SoS said:
hi guys -- We've been running group buys when Cantrell Concepts produces a batch of units. This happens about 3 times a year. We just had a group buy recently. We will look into running another group buy when a new batch is produced towards the end of the summer. The group buys run around $30.00 off.

-- Chris

How about one before the Summer?
Re: Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

Yes, I am in on a group buy, this thread has me sold... :biggrin:
Re: Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

allready bought mine this weekend...Count me out because of no response..
Re: Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

hi guys -- When a new production run is completed, we will offer a group buy. Expect this to be toward the end of the summer. Please let us know if you have any questions.

-- Chris
Re: Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

Chris@SoS said:
hi guys -- When a new production run is completed, we will offer a group buy. Expect this to be toward the end of the summer. Please let us know if you have any questions.

-- Chris
sup Chris.

is it END of summer yet? R we almost ready for the AIS group Buy?
My NSX is having it's 1st yr b-day on 07-03-05/ kinda wanted to get a gift for it. he he he he..
(am i sick or what??? :rolleyes: :confused: :eek: )
Re: Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

Chris@SoS said:
hi guys -- When a new production run is completed, we will offer a group buy. Expect this to be toward the end of the summer. Please let us know if you have any questions.

-- Chris

Can we start the list for the group buy already :biggrin:
Re: Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

Shouldnt' we wait for Chris's pricing on the group buy first? Oh well, better get on the list first. :wink:. Everyone would want the foam filter combo?

Re: Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

I don't mean to pee on anyone's cornflakes, and I have purchased from SOS before. But... downforce has what looks to be the same intake as the Cantrell, except there's is $100.

It is supposed to be ready for shipping by July 20th. I don't mean to wreck the group buy, but I would rather pay $100 to try this thing out vs. whatever the group buy price is from SOS. Unless that price is...say... $100 :biggrin:
Re: Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

who is downforce....any links?
Re: Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

Brocz said:
I don't mean to pee on anyone's cornflakes, and I have purchased from SOS before. But... downforce has what looks to be the same intake as the Cantrell, except there's is $100.

It is supposed to be ready for shipping by July 20th. I don't mean to wreck the group buy, but I would rather pay $100 to try this thing out vs. whatever the group buy price is from SOS. Unless that price is...say... $100 :biggrin:
good luck. you get what you pay for. :rolleyes:
Re: Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

Hiroshima said:
Looks good to me. Not to knock Will's design, but he puts the rough side on the inside which facilitates an easier 2 piece mold. I went the rout of a destructive mold so the smooth side is inside. A rough intake tract is not optimal IMHO, but to be honest it probably makes next to zero difference in terms of airflow. On the AIS, the pretty side is hidden and the raw side is what you see when you look inside the side intake.

This should probably be a new topic so we don't crap on SOS's thread.... :redface:

Their website looks fine to me: Here is the blurb from their site:
60% savings. whoa!! :biggrin:

I like made up numbers. :tongue:

Actually competition is a good thing, if downforce is a reputable vendor. I just wonder at that price what are they going to sacrifice?

It feels like finding an NSX on eBay for $8000.
Re: Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

Hiroshima said:
Good question. I used twill weave fiberglass and black resin to give it a carbon fiber *look*. The only carbon fiber fabric my TAPS plastic had was straight weave. I am guessing it is an intro price? Because even at half price for materials, $100 would still not cover the amount of labor it shoud take. :confused:
exactly my point.

If it is not feasible to make this at $100, you really have to wonder what their angle is. :confused:
Re: Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

I do not see why it is not possible to offer one at $100. I am sure it is an legitimate offer. Give Downforce a try.

Cantrell AIS is not original anyway. Even at $300 I am surprised not everyone have one in their nsx yet. The thing is simply amazing even if you are paying full price. I feel sorry for the people who have not try it yet. I paid $300 and I felt I got way more than what I paid.
Re: Cantrell Air Induction System/Uni Dual Stage Foam Filter = 6.9 hp / 4.1 tq peak gain

Brocz said:
I don't mean to pee on anyone's cornflakes, and I have purchased from SOS before. But... downforce has what looks to be the same intake as the Cantrell, except there's is $100.

It is supposed to be ready for shipping by July 20th. I don't mean to wreck the group buy, but I would rather pay $100 to try this thing out vs. whatever the group buy price is from SOS. Unless that price is...say... $100 :biggrin:

No disrespect intended to anyone but I think that putting this kind of post into another vendor's for sale thread is in incredibly poor taste. I'm sure this person was only trying to "help out" the rest of us but you might as well slap the original poster in the face. Maybe I'm a little defensive because I know what a good supporter of this community SOS has been but I think there's a much better way to go about offering alternatives (read: create a new post) than hijack an existing post and intentionally or unintentionally call into question the pricing policies and work quality of another person's products.