Can This Car Be Rebuilt? Any Experts Let Me Know!

I"m In Chicago

He;s In Miami

The car doesn't run becaus ehe sold the transmission

How can i get a professional to inspect the car?

Can i order an expection?

also i just found out the frame is bent

Shit i really want to fix this but it needs alot of work

I guess whats keeping me from wanting this is that targa and the low miles
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Superus said:
I"m In Chicago

He;s In Miami

How can i get a professional to inspect the car?

Can i order an expection?
If you insist on proceeding with what is obviously a terrible deal all around, here is what you can do:

a) Post to the Southeast Forum here to ask for a recommendation of a body shop restoration expert in the Miami area.

b) Contact that shop and arrange for their expert to go to where the car is located and inspect it (at YOUR expense, figure a couple hundred bucks). Find out first if there is a lift at the car's present location; if not, consult with your body shop expert and ask him to arrange to have the car transported to and from his facility (again, all at YOUR expense - figure maybe another few hundred bucks).

Make sure you do all of this BEFORE committing to buy the car. I'm taking odds at 50-1 that if you waste a few hundred bucks to have a qualified body expert look at it, he's going to tell you it's not worth rebuilding.

Superus said:
The car doesn't run becaus ehe sold the transmission
Do you really think he would have done that if the car were worth rebuilding? Hello? :rolleyes:

Superus said:
also i just found out the frame is bent
What a surprise.

Just to sum up everything we know right now:

1. The current owner knew how much it would cost to rebuild this car, and decided not to do so.

2. He sold the transmission, probably because he realized that this car would never be worth rebuilding, and he could get more for the individual parts than selling the car as is.

3. He was apparently not totally honest in describing the damage to you, since you JUST found out the frame is bent.

Based on everything you have stated, it is my opinion that you have been given excellent advice here, to stay away from this car. Remind me again why you are doing this... because it sounds like you don't want to spend $25-30K on a halfway decent NSX, and you would prefer to get a poorly repaired, structurally deficient NSX by spending a lot more money than that for a car that turns out to be worth a lot less money than that.

If you want a low mileage NSX-T, then buy one for what they go for (low forties for a '95-96). If you can't afford it, get a higher-mileage one (upper thirties) or an early NSX Coupe (mid twenties to low thirties). And make sure you can also afford a few thousand dollars for any unexpected repairs. If you still can't afford that, then you shouldn't be getting an NSX.

Frankly, I think you are wasting everyone's time by continuing to post here after getting good advice and continuing to ignore it. I am done posting to this topic. I hope you buy it and let us know afterwards how it turns out, and what you learned from the entire experience. Because I'm sure you will learn a lot - including lessons like (a) you got great advice here; (b) you never should have proceeded; and (c) you were foolish to expect to get a nice car for a lot less money than it would be worth.
Ahh i took all the opinions expressed in this forums and i'm still iffy but i'm more eaning towards not buying the car.

I'm just in a hurry to get one before the summer.

And i really wanted the TArga model

Also if i some how decide to buy it should i lower the price on this one?

he want $8200
Superus said:
...I'm just in a hurry to get one before the summer...

What makes you think that even if you do buy this car that it will be ready for the summer to begin with? :eek:

From what it seems, you still convey that you are going to buy that car, so why does it matter how much we think it is worth. How much do you think a wrecked, salvaged NSX that is not drivable at the present time is worth? I'd say $5,000, but that's just my opinion.

One more thing. If that car isn't drivable how do you know if the suspension is not tweaked? I ran over a chunk of rock that fell off a truck and it bent a wheel and tie rod. I didn't know the tie rod was bent until I took my NSX in for an alignment. Luckily the dealership had one in stock for $175 installed. Just a little food for thought!

Good luck.
Superus said:

I'm just in a hurry to get one before the summer.

Also if i some how decide to buy it should i lower the price on this one?

he want $8200

******Post the Vin# so the car can be added to the crash and burn section of Prime.************

If you wanted to have this car for the summer then you should have bought the car at the beginning of last summer. If you buy this car now it should be ready by the summer :rolleyes: the summer of 05.

As a rebuildable this car is worth ~5K. Problem is the parts are worth more than ~5K if the car is parted out. The guy who now owns the car is in the business and I bet he knows this. I doubt you can buy this car for what it is worth as a builder.

This will be my last post. However, I reserve the right to one more post of "I told you so" just in case you do buy the car and start to whine about all the pitfalls you were warned about.
I think i'm going to go for the early model without targa

But i really love the targa

So i think a better idea is to chainsaw the roof and make it a targa.

I bet that was never done before
Now you are sounding rediculous and quite young,fyi there is a well discused thread about making coupes targas(not a good idea) and there are some convertable conversions running arround.This is my last post as well.

I know it sound bad i myself started laughing do you have a link in making a coupe targa any pics on how its done?
Ugh.... I hope you're not serious about cutting the roof out of a coupe. Do a search on here and you'll find all kinds of reasons why it's a bad idea to do that.

Look, I know how it feels to want an NSX. I've been there. For the last two years I've been reading this site like a fiend, dreaming about owning an NSX. But trust me, you won't get any lasting satisfaction out of doing what you're trying to do, it's just going to cause you problems.

In moments of weakness I had considered a few NSXs with salvage titles, thinking I'd get them fixed up. But work on an NSX is EXPENSIVE, and it's just not worth it to put that kind of money into a salvaged car. Chances are you're going to have problems, and if you ever decide to give up on the project you'll NEVER be able to get your money back.

If you're really dead-set about getting an open air car for the summer and you don't have the money for a '95-96 NSX, pick up an S2K. They're great cars, and you should be able to pick up a nice example for mid-low 20's.

Or you could save your money, do your research, and buy an NSX once you can actually afford what you want. That's what I did, and now I'm the owner of a '92 in great condition with NO issues (thanks Steveny :D) and I'm TOTALLY satisfied. It wasn't easy waiting, but it was worth it.

I'm not trying to put a damper on your enthusiasm, and if you really want an NSX that's what you should get. But if you put all your money into rebuilding a salvaged car, or if you take a high-mileage coupe and chop the roof off, you're not getting an NSX, you're getting a PROBLEM.

Don't do it!

Superus said:
I think i'm going to go for the early model without targa

But i really love the targa

So i think a better idea is to chainsaw the roof and make it a targa.

I bet that was never done before
:D :D :D ;)
Hi Superus,

Please take no offense, but you appear to be young and inexperienced. For those of us who have worked on cars and/or rebuilt them, we know that the stuff that you KNOW about is just the tip of the iceburg. Repairing a car is not easy, and it is not cheap. An NSX is not a "beginner's car" to work on, and before you even tackle such a task, make sure you have enough reserves of cash to really handle it, and I mean really handle it. While you can afford the $8200 cost, umm what happens when you run out of money before the car is fixed? If it's some of us here, we have other cars, and financial resources to fund on our 'projects'. Even with that, we still no better than to jump in a project like this. What I've learned from my various car fixing projects, is that it will cost 3 times what you initially expected...and that's a conservative estimate. Really, there's alot of experience on this board, from people who have seen this and done that. That's why the board is useful. However, to be useful, you have to listen to the advice. Believe me, the last thing I want to do is destroy your dreams of buying an NSX. What we all want to is to help you avoid a fiasco.
Man.. I Can wait to start chainsawing my coupe to make it a targa.

Im going to do the work myself ill show before after pics soon.
Look at your initial post:

Can This Car Be Rebuilt? Any Experts Let Me Know

Well, you have had answers to your questions in this thread by many NSX experts here and no one recommends you buy this car. You want an expert opinions? You got many of them right here yet the frenzy of you getting the NSX-T overshadows all the problems this car will have. Then you talk about about buying a coupe and chopping the top off. That is just as bad as buying this wreck.

Frankly, I don't believe your even looking to buy this or any NSX since the advice of experts isn't even considered and your remarks towards the end of this thread appear to be childish.
Superus said:
Man.. I Can wait to start chainsawing my coupe to make it a targa.

Im going to do the work myself ill show before after pics soon.

You sound like a Troll.

If you are, just go back to whatever forum you came from.

If you are not, try to act a little more mature.
Do the math.

Buying a used NSX-T:

1. Buy a used car that left the factory as a '95-96 NSX-T for $35-40K for one with somewhat high mileage.

Total expenditure: $35-40K.
Market value: $35-40K.

Converting a used NSX Coupe to an NSX-T:

1. Buy a used NSX Coupe for $25-30K.

2. Spend $7-10K to convert it to an NSX-T.

Total expenditure: $32-40K.
Market value: $23-28K.

If you don't believe me, I'd like to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn, and a certain Fly Yellow NSX...
OK back to this topic

The guy said this to me on email about this NSX

I checked this car from mechanic shop too . He estimate to rebuild it around 5000 - 6500 $ ,but not include transmission . OK , i have a good deal for you ' i give you a header and muffer ,but i need the price for 8300 $ because i bought them for highperformance shop that 's very expensive . You can check the brand name of them too , it's comtech for nsx . A lot of money . Thank you again
He gives you header+muff(l)er? Weren't those included on the car before? :p

I WOULD RUN AWAY FROM THAT "CAR". If the engine does not work expect to put addidtional 3-6k$ to get it right. Then trasmission. Then interior part$, then... then... then... I would estimate an average of 10'000$ of not planned expenses over what you "think" you wo ul pay for a working fixed car.

If you want to chop off the roof, please do it on a salvaged 17-8000$ 1991 NSX. That way you will remain in the ~20k$ price and you won't ruin a good car!
I wonder why everyone is wasting time replying to this complete jacka$$. It is obvious he is just jerking around, and he is being indulged by all of the earnest replies to his idiotic statements.

My guess - he's 15, repeating the 6th grade (again), and he is using his grandpa's computer to troll around the site.

Superus said:
Man.. I Can wait to start chainsawing my coupe to make it a targa.

Im going to do the work myself ill show before after pics soon.

This guy is not serious about buying a nsx, just read all of his other posts.
Sorry i know it sounds crazy about the roof.

Anyways i saw a car on ebay that is salvaged and he wants 23.5 K. i don't think that price is good i was thinking maybe 20K?

Anyways he said the muffler and headers are comtech parts expensive he said.
No way, $23.5k is a great price. You really should ignore all of our advice and buy this car. No one here knows what they're talking about anyway.

Superus said:
Sorry i know it sounds crazy about the roof.

Anyways i saw a car on ebay that is salvaged and he wants 23.5 K. i don't think that price is good i was thinking maybe 20K?

Anyways he said the muffler and headers are comtech parts expensive he said.
this is too funny...,

I think Superus should buy the car ASAP. Summer is almost here and you know this kind of super deal doesn't come along very often. Where else would you be able to find a 91' for less than ~10k, and it even includes comptech header and exhaust! I have the competch header myself, and it IS very expensive. Don't hesitate any longer, this is once in a life time NSX deal. Don't think you'll ever find another one like this.

Would love to see a special summer project coming out of it, please post your progress and photos when you're doing the conversion and repair.

satan_srv said:
Seriously stop wasting our time man. You have no job and live with your parents, and they won't even cosign a loan for you:

edit: oh and here's you on Supraforums asking to see pics of men flexing their muscles LOL
Yeah i live with my parents and i have no job.

Yup it's pretty cool that they are giving me the house :)
Living on my own with a house in a good azz area couldn't ask for no more. besides an nsx.

I'm 20 yrs old and i'm going to own an NSX whats so hard to understand?

The fact that not so many young people like me can own nsxs'

The reason why i wanted a loan was so i can buy the car myself because i was tired of asking my parents for money i feel guilty.

But got to take the sources

now back to my search.