Can someone do me a quick A/C favor please (R134a systems)

As a follow up, I replaced the outside (ambient) temperature sensor. It isn't perfect, but is significantly improved (over both disconnected and the old sensor). Its just a thermocouple, so its pretty cheap (~$40).

I hope this helps someone some day
I'm curious about when your refridgerant was topped up. High School science taught me that the only way to measure gas is to weigh it. Therefore the only way to know how much refridgerant is in a system is to empty it and weigh what came out, then it can be refilled to the correct level i.e. simply topping a system up is a very un-scientific approach.

Maybe a complete empty and refill, with associated checks for leaks might be the solution?

ianbrash said:
I'm curious about when your refridgerant was topped up. High School science taught me that the only way to measure gas is to weigh it. Therefore the only way to know how much refridgerant is in a system is to empty it and weigh what came out, then it can be refilled to the correct level i.e. simply topping a system up is a very un-scientific approach.

Maybe a complete empty and refill, with associated checks for leaks might be the solution?


You are correct that removing the gas and putting in a preset amount ( whatever the manual calls for ) is the only way to be absolutely certain that the system has the exact specified amount, and on cars without a sight glass it is the only way. However many cars, including my 94, do have a sight glass, and if bubbles are seen in the glass after the system has been running 15 minutes or so, it is safe to refill just until the bubbles disappear. The danger in this is that many people continue to put in gas until the can is empty. The problem with this is that 134a systems are VERY intolerant to overfilling compared to R12 systems ( overfilling on an R12 system is also bad, just not as much so ). The drop off in performance is dramatic and possible system damage is a very real possibility.

Checking the fill amount didn't really fit the symptoms of White94's problem, but making sure that the gas fill is correct is one of those baseline checks you do before anything else - kind of like making sure the car has gas before troublshooting a no start problem.
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Hi All,

The floormats are OEM. Order them from Dali, your dealer, Goodson Acura, or whoever your preferred OEM parts guy is.

Here is a summary of my A/C troubleshooting process:

Symptom: fan only on high works on high
Fix: Replace the climate control board / rebuild it with new caps
Result: CCU works perfectly in manual mode

Symptom: 'Full Auto' does not keep the correct internal temp
Attempt #1: bubbles in sight glass = had the refrigerant emptied and refilled
Result: No improvement on 'Full Auto', manual mode is still perfect
(tucsonsx's comments above were my exact thought process here)

Attempt #2: clean & test the internal temp sensor
Result: On spec, no improvement

Attempt #3: remove, test & replaced the ambient temp sensor
Result: Fixed, everything works perfectly.