Can I get an NSX?

It depends on what you want to spend. YOU NEED TO READ THE FAQ. Some people get pissy when new guys are to lazy to do a search or look in the FAQ. But anyway you can get a very nice 91 92 for around 33k and a super low mile under 20k for around 37k and one that needs 90k mile tune ups due to age not miles for around 27k. Good luck in your search and welcome to nsxprime.
Originally posted by jasonh1234:
I haven't started looking yet but am wondering if someone could tell me what kind of price I'd be looking at for say a '91 NSX?

Is there anything about the older older NSX's that I'd want to avoid and get a newer one instead?

That is kinda a loaded question. Do lots of me.

Good luck and welcome aboard.
