
Meh, wasn't bad when I was living there, but then again I was "military" so I didn't have to really follow by the rules. :biggrin:
oh great....1 less if we can just get another couple hundred thousand to leave.........
Agreed. I hope the gas prices keep going up. There's nothing I hate more than traffic and I want driving to become hopelessly expensive so that most people stop doing it :biggrin:
Agreed. I hope the gas prices keep going up. There's nothing I hate more than traffic and I want driving to become hopelessly expensive so that most people stop doing it :biggrin:

Good luck, cheapest I've paid in Europe was 1.43/ltr and the roads are still jammed here. That's $7.40 a gallon. In other places it was 1.70/ltr or ~$9 a gallon (USD). They'll just drive more efficient/smaller vehicles. The initial shock will clear the roads for a while though.
oh great....1 less if we can just get another couple hundred thousand to leave.........

+ 200K on that:biggrin:

Make that 200K non NSX owners
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Yeah, this place sucks!




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I do not understand why 93 octane is not available in Cali. Every other state I've lived in has it.
I love California.... And I can live without eating liver fat off a diseased duck.
A state that doesn't allow/trust it's law abiding citizens to protect themselves....

I don't know how any one lives there.
Patty!!! What are you doing girl??? Now the secret is out............ :)

It's okay, she's only showing how much fun it is to own an NSX in Cali.
A few hundred thousand people LESS paying taxes and just as many people sucking off the system? That's your dream for California?
Good luck with the new 13% state tax.

Florida. Great fishing. Hot babes. Good gun laws. ZERO STATE INCOME TAX and we're sucking up all the good wealthy retirees from NY, NJ, MI, CT, MA.
It's like this. Teacher works in NJ all her life. Retires at 55 with 100k salary.
NJ pays her 70% of that for the rest of her life NO MATTER WHERE SHE LIVES.
Easy choice to buy a condo in FL, live here from Oct to April, establish FL residency. Florida is a good place to live and a better place to DIE.

Downside, Florida has no mountains. :(

I got the F out of NJ 14 years ago and never looked back. If I want snow, I'll go visit it. If I want mountains I'll hop a plane. (going to Aspen next week :smile::smile:)

oh great....1 less if we can just get another couple hundred thousand to leave.........
Oh what a suprise, another thread knocking California.
Bottom line, if you dont like our state then stay away.
Oh what a suprise, another thread knocking California.
Bottom line, if you dont like our state then stay away.

If only it was that easy. Unfortunatly Cali is full of liberals. Liberals believe that everyone should believe the same things they do so they pass a bunch of draconian laws and then expect the rest of the country through our current administration should follow them whether we want to or not. Conservatives eat there veggies and will leave you alone, liberals will eat there veggies and then scream at you for not eating yours. That's why Cali is hated so much, that won't keep there own screwed up social and financial issues to themselves.
If only it was that easy. Unfortunatly Cali is full of liberals. Liberals believe that everyone should believe the same things they do so they pass a bunch of draconian laws and then expect the rest of the country through our current administration should follow them whether we want to or not. Conservatives eat there veggies and will leave you alone, liberals will eat there veggies and then scream at you for not eating yours. That's why Cali is hated so much, that won't keep there own screwed up social and financial issues to themselves.

Great, someone trying to turn this into another political debate.:rolleyes:
I do not understand why 93 octane is not available in Cali. Every other state I've lived in has it.

Whose fault is it this time, CARB? The EPA? The CHP? None of the above. This time we're being victimized partly by the oil companies, and partly--this is the one that hurts--by ourselves.

You see, when crude oil is refined into gasoline, the refinery doesn't have all that much control over what comes out. Crude oil is full of all kinds of stuff, and a refinery simply separates it, sorting all the iso-this and hepta-that in order of density. The really heavy stuff, like tar, is near the bottom, while the really light stuff, like butane, is near the top.

Somewhere in the upper ranges of the stack are the components of gasoline. There are between 10 and 15 different blend stocks, each with a different octane rating, which are mixed together to make gasoline.

The crude oil being used and little else determine the amount of each blend stock available for mixing. Generally, if you just dump all the blend stocks into a bucket, you end up with something around 88 or 89 octane. If you're selective and only mix the good stuff, you can make 92, 93 or even 95 octane. But once you take out the good stuff, you're left with crap--something like 85 octane. Then you have to leave enough good stuff in the bucket to bring this pee-water up to at least 87 octane. This limits the amount of 95-octane gas you can make. If you make 93-octane premium instead, you use up less of the high-octane stocks, allowing you to make a higher proportion of premium fuel.

In the Midwest, where an extensive customer base of good old boys in pickup trucks consume vast quantities of 87 octane, demand for premium fuel is low enough to make genuine high-octane premium.

In California, however, Lexus-driving executives suck down premium fuel like it's Evian, so 92 was the rule.

CARB isn't entirely innocent. Many of its standards for evaporative emissions and misdirected attempts at oxygenation have raised the manufacturing cost of high-octane gas, but it doesn't seem to be behind the sudden change to 91. Instead, according my super-secret oil industry mole, it all comes back to money. Unocal, you see, has a patent on the 173 easiest ways to make California-friendly 92-octane gas. As a result, every other oil company has to pay Unocal 5.75 cents for every gallon they make using one of these techniques. They haven't actually been paying it, but that's an issue for the lawyers to sort out.

Suddenly it's pretty obvious why our gas sucks, but why doesn't Unocal still sell us 92? Because it can't. In 1997, Unocal sold off all its 76 gas stations, and with them, its ability to decide what kind of gas to make. All Unocal can do now islook for oil, suck it out of the ground, and wish it had some way to make everybody else keep using its patents. You see, not only did Unocal screw us, they screwed themselves.

Ironically, the only gas stations in California with anything better than 91 octane are the ones Unocal used to own--the few 76 stations offering 100-octane race fuel. You can locate these elusive stations at, but bring your wallet.
If only it was that easy. Unfortunatly Cali is full of liberals. Liberals believe that everyone should believe the same things they do so they pass a bunch of draconian laws and then expect the rest of the country through our current administration should follow them whether we want to or not. Conservatives eat there veggies and will leave you alone, liberals will eat there veggies and then scream at you for not eating yours. That's why Cali is hated so much, that won't keep there own screwed up social and financial issues to themselves.

That's a bit of a blanket statement. Of course here in CAli I hear about the red states "keeping the race alive and pure" by mating with siblings and 1st cousins. The results are a staggering amount of homo sapiens brought to this country with tails and odd-number of eye balls.


Not all of the folks in CAli are liberals. By population yes, but by square miles, nope.

It's all about what people value most and they rank them from important to not-so important.

There was a map years ago that I can't find, but there was even a political break down shown in red/blue of the various Bay Area Cities and the rich areas for the most part are Red. I live in one of them (look under my avatar).

So, everyone (including CA haters) can agree that the CA weather (on average) is the best in the USA. CA is such a large state that those that favor heat or cold do have the option to travel or live there.

That's the bottomline of what attracts people to this Golden state.

If the rest of the USA had this sorta weather then real estate prices would be flatter across the board and evenly distributed across the USA. Certainly along the coasts.
That's a bit of a blanket statement. Of course here in CAli I hear about the red states "keeping the race alive and pure" by mating with siblings and 1st cousins. The results are a staggering amount of homo sapiens brought to this country with tails and odd-number of eye balls.

.'s hilarious how people go out of their way to put down California. The jealousy is just so dam obvious.
That's a bit of a blanket statement. Of course here in CAli I hear about the red states "keeping the race alive and pure" by mating with siblings and 1st cousins. The results are a staggering amount of homo sapiens brought to this country with tails and odd-number of eye balls.


Not all of the folks in CAli are liberals. By population yes, but by square miles, nope.

It's all about what people value most and they rank them from important to not-so important.

There was a map years ago that I can't find, but there was even a political break down shown in red/blue of the various Bay Area Cities and the rich areas for the most part are Red. I live in one of them (look under my avatar).

So, everyone (including CA haters) can agree that the CA weather (on average) is the best in the USA. CA is such a large state that those that favor heat or cold do have the option to travel or live there.

That's the bottomline of what attracts people to this Golden state.

If the rest of the USA had this sorta weather then real estate prices would be flatter across the board and evenly distributed across the USA. Certainly along the coasts.
You're right it was a broad generalization but it does have a decent amount of truth to it. Just like your generalizations of the south it does hold some truth as well. We've got backwards hillbillies here but it's not anything like its perceived to be. I can't speak for alabama. When it comes down to it there strong conservative values in this area and most of the country. Inherently we keep to ourselves with a live and let live attitude. That value does not seem to be shared with people on the coasts.'s hilarious how people go out of their way to put down California. The jealousy is just so dam obvious.

You can find everything in Calif.(good:smile: & bad:mad:), if you can not find it, it can not be found. ____ Surfing Mag '90:biggrin:

Not an easy place to live cuz COL and competitiveness but by the same token, it draws the best people and the worst people.
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