Bush: You've got 48 hours...

11 July 2002
Orange County, CA
I heard the speech yesterday...well actually highlights of it.

I have to say that I've got mixed emotions on this.

Deep down, I really think that the President is rushing things a little. It's as if he really WANTS a war to happen. Forty-eight hours is a pretty tall order. And you know, Saddam is not going to budge to an ultimatum. He was moving his Republican Guards and tanks into position last night. The U.N. people are exiting the country--fast!

Then on the other hand, you've got to respect a man of his word. He's making good on his promises and I just can't put him down for that. He set a goal and the UN is not moving fast enough to help meet it. So, he's going on his own timetable (gotta tell you one thing though. I'm glad Bush is at the helm and not Gore).

Then, on top of that, you have to wonder what N. Korea is doing at the backdoor.

Terror alert has been raised to ORANGE. Start preparing for the worst--starting TOMORROW!

Man your battle stations....
Rushing Things? More than 10 years trying diplomatically to disarm that country. Time to pay the piper.


[This message has been edited by MiamieNeSeX (edited 18 March 2003).]
(gotta tell you one thing though. I'm glad Bush is at the helm and not Gore).

me too Joel. scary to think some bleeding heart liberal wimp could be in office right now NOT taking appropriate measures to avoid... Oh maybe Anthrax, possible SARS epidemic...who knows. Im no big fan of war, but Saddams fully exhausted all reasonable options.
I've got mixed feelings about this too.

While I wholeheartedly agree that Saddam's removal is necessary and support the means required to get him out, I gotta say the administration I voted for certainly FUBAR'd the diplomatic process.

I hope the rebuilding of Iraq goes better than my fears suggest.
(gotta tell you one thing though. I'm glad Bush is at the helm and not Gore).

I couldn't agree more. In fact, thats what I preach to everyone. September 11th would have been hella different if Gore were in office. Thank God for Bush. And Thank God that 65% of the public is FINALLY supporting him in this war effort.

I just hope its quick so we can bring our boys home. Most of them seem glad that they're about to do something about this as well, so lets just pray for them.

And yes, Saddam has worn out his diplomatic allowance and it is time to take military action.

"BoMbs oVeR BaGHdAd" -outkast (right?) lol
Just let me make a few points for anyone that does'nt know why were going to remove this gutless turd.

2004 rolls around and Saddam still doing his thing after the UN has passed several more resolutions, none of which have been enforced. Now lets say its later this year or 04, pic any place in the US, any event where thousands gather... Indy 500, World Series, Huntington Beach over Memorial Day, DC on July 4, Chicago on St. Patricks Day, your favorite shopping center or any other place/thing/event you or your family care to do or visit. Do you understand what VX, anthrax or any other chemical agents do to humans if released. Care to estimate what a death toll would be at the above mentioned events if that happened. Do you trust Saddam that much or the killers he supports. When you have a rotten tooth, you don't leave it to infect the rest of your teeth, you extract it!!!
History repeating itself. Disarming Germany after the 1st World War and had to do it all over again for 2nd World War.
1st Gulf War scenario and now back in to finish him off.

Two pounds of Anthrax dribbled over a major US city by a plane or one of those Iraqi drones could easily kill 100,000 plus people.

Report Sees U.S. Anthrax Disaster, Urges Readiness

Mon Mar 17, 7:52 PM ET

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - An anthrax attack on a city the size of New York could leave more than 100,000 dead within days, experts said on Monday in a report calling for stronger government preparations against the threat.

A team headed by Lawrence Wein of Stanford University's Graduate School of Business said current plans rely too much on sensors to detect an anthrax attack and not enough on getting drugs and medical workers to an affected area fast.

The study projected what would happen if two pounds of anthrax were dropped on a city the size of New York and affected 1.5 million people. The authors said by the time the public lined up for and received medication, 123,000 would have died over a four-day period.
Originally posted by Tom Larkins:
...When you have a rotten tooth, you don't leave it to infect the rest of your teeth, you extract it!!!

Of course you leave it! That means more implants and a bigger reconstructive treatment plan. This in turn means I can get that Comptech SC that I've been wanting for the past few years.
All kidding aside, we are going to war and it is the correct thing to do.

The last time a dictator was allowed to continue on with his agressive behavior we ended up with WWII. Although Saddam is not targeting one etiological group of people, what he is doing is encouraging and helping terrorists to threaten our freedom. We here in the USofA don't know what it's like to think that when we go out for coffee, that it may be the last cup of java for us. This has been the fear of many people in the Middle East and Europe for the past few decades. Although there is nothing that we can do to prevent a suicide bomber from carrying out his act, if we remove a major source of support for this network, hopefully we won't have any here.

I don't know what the actual answer is, but what I do know is that the world cannot sit back and let one or two dictators threaten our livelihood.

That is all.
I too have mixed feelings but for different reasons than those outlined above.

I think our President is doing the right thing. Saddam Hussein signed a truce agreement some 12 years ago. Since that time he has thumbed his nose at that agreement and most of the allies who got together to throw that a-hole out of Kuwait. We've tried political pandering. We've tried upteen UN resolutions. We've even tried selective strikes within the Northern and Southern "no fly zone". None of these items work.

I don't think anyone actually believes that Saddam isn't a dangerous man. I don't think anyone believes that Saddam wouldn't (given the opportunity and the tools) invade his neighbors, gas hiw own people, or inflict terror on us. I don't think anyone thinks that Saddam doesn't have weapons of mass destruction.

Yet we have thousands (if not millions) of people who think its fine to let him continue to give the rest of the world the finger and make half assed attempts at meeting the agreements he signe up for. All the while, its at least reasonable to assume he's building up his arsenals again.

My mixed feelings are from this. I'm proud that my country and my leaders have enough balls to do the right thing no matter the potential cost. I'm proud of our airmen, sailors, soldiers and Marines. I'm proud of our true allies (the Brit's, the Spanish, the Aussies, etc.).

But I'm more than that.

I'm furious that our so called allies of France, Russia, and Germany would put oil and arms contracts before their relationship with us. I'm furious that their leaders put a premium on saving face vs. doing the right thing. I'm furious that we continue to support a toothless dog that is the UN. I'm worried for our troops and their families. I'm worried for the political vacuum that will be left when we finally do remove Saddam. I'm worried that the protestors on the news are sending the wrong message to our men and women in uniform and to their families here at home.

I am resolute and certain that history will judge this moment as one of my nations finest and one of the "New Europe"'s worst. I just hope it doesn't cost too many American lives to fix the world's responsibility.

I will continue to fly the flag at home and on my cars. I will continue to pray for our troops and their families. I will continue to spread the word that there are many of us who abhor the idea of war but support our troops in this just action. I will continue to pray for our leaders. I will continue to take the time to make posts like this in hopes that it reaches just one person that needs to be reached.

God Bless the USA and all those brave souls who are about to take on this difficult but just task.
REMEMBER the little old lady wo did the Wendy's commercial---"WHERES THE BEEF"---I would like to bring her back and ask "WHERES THE PROOF"! Saddam deserves to Die but IMO
there has been no proof that he has this or that== there has been a lot of "begging the question". Again,not one scintila of proof
that Iraq had anything to do with 9-11.

We only know what they "FEED US".

As a veteran-I will now support our troops 100 per cent. We are-AFTER ALL---Family!
The Proof?

Well, that's what Saddam was supposed to provide wasn't it?

We've amassed more than enough proof to be sure that Saddam possesses bio and chemical weapons. He hasn't accounted for many tons of these weapons.

I'm certainly not willing to wait any longer and run even a small risk for these weapons to make their way to the surface. By then, it would be too late.

This doesn't have to be directly connected to 9/11. We're trying to prevent another much worse 9/11 from happening.

There's certainly no reason whatsoever to give Saddam the benefit of the doubt. None.

Just read my prior message about what a measly 2 pounds of anthrax can do.


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
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1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
1976 Honda Accord 5 spd, 3 door Blue/Blue
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1986 Chevy Suburban

[This message has been edited by Jimbo (edited 18 March 2003).]
Originally posted by PFORPAUL:
Again,not one scintila of proof
that Iraq had anything to do with 9-11.

The biggest mistake in this whole issue is the lack of the adminstration to separate the war on Iraq with the war on terrorism. We aren't fighting the "War on Terror" per se in Iraq, instead we are doing the job that the rest of the world refuses to do. Also, more importantly to us veterans, we are finally going to put an end to the festering wound that has sapped 1/3 of our defense budget for the last 11 years and has our pilots and aircrew getting shot at every day. "Containment," which is the current status quo and is what the peaceniks preach should continue, would see our troops continuing to spend up to 1/2 their careers playing in a sandbox owned by sheikhs who don't want us there in the first place.

Like I've mentioned before here, we need to go to war to bring our troops home once and for all from that hellhole. We need to go to war with Iraq because we have been at war with Iraq for the last 11 years.......just ask our pilots who are shot at by Saddam's forces every day.

We blew it in 91/92 when we didn't finish the
job even though we fullfilled the UN goal of
getting them out of Kuwait. We were afraid of the losses to our side.Body bags are not a pretty sight.Let's pray that we will not need any great amount--ONE IS TOO MANY--

Will the election cry in 04 be "IT'S THE ECONOMY--STUPID!

Thank GOD C---- belly Gore is not leading us
or his draft dodging buddy-clinton.
Do you understand what VX, anthrax or any other chemical agents do to humans if released. Care to estimate what a death toll would be at the above mentioned events if that happened.

With all do respect, I too fear chemical warfare, but I feel better knowing that it hasn't happened yet. Why? Because its not as easy as one thinks it is. Yes, we've had a few small outbreaks, but it was always contained immediately with a small loss of life. Any loss is unfortunate however.

If only the liberal democratic actors in Cali would give up and go back to their cameras and bitch to their make-up artists, Bush would have been able to act a long time ago. Our own country not standing behind our leader is a horrible thing. What do you think Gore would have done in this situation? Probably hid behind Lieberman or asked Hussein to just smoke a bowl and talk things out.

I cannot stand this war. It scares me because not only do I have very close personal high school buddies that will be required to risk their lives, if this war does escalate, I may too be one of them. I will go though and I will do my best to kick some ass, but I pray there is no need to.

The scariest thing is what does Saddam have that makes him think he can actually defeat one of the largest militaries with the most extensive training, best technology and more allies than he? <shivers>
Da Hapa,

I wouldn't count Spain as one of our allies. Yesterday, the president spoke about refusing to send spanish troops to help us.

BTW: WTF is up with Canada and Mexico? Our two neighboring countries not supporting us? FINE!
Originally posted by Joel:
BTW: WTF is up with Canada and Mexico? Our two neighboring countries not supporting us? FINE!

Not sure what's up with Canada. But Mexico's motives are pretty transparent. Fox is still in a huff over immigration issues. 9/11 torpedoed his hopes of amnesties and other border issues.